The 'HK slap' reload animation of the G3-based sniper rifle in L4D2 is nice.
All of the reload animations in Red Orchestra: Ostfront.
All of the reload animations in Red Orchestra: Ostfront.
Wow I was about to post the same thing.ShockValue said:I've always liked this one >.> Don't know why.
Can't really thing of any others right now. Might add actual good ones once I get some sleep >.<
yeah, though one thing that bugs me, is that in most games even if you deplete the bullets, the belt is still full in the weapon (if that makes any sense)TheYellowCellPhone said:I love reloads in the following games:
-Any light machine gun, where you have to empty the belt and put a new ammo box in
I'm sort of with you here, not the reloading animations, but the shooting-Killing Floor, since all reloads are animated perfectly so they don't look sloppy during Zed-Time. Especially the Tactical 9mm.
I find the sound of older guns to be especially satisfying. I've got a Nagant and when you slide that bolt home, it's amazing.GunstarHero said:They're every bit as satisfying in real life. The little pop as the bolt goes back and the shell pops out, and the clack as you slide it back home for the next shot is pretty satisfying.wolas3214 said:The satisfying click of of bolt action rifles...mmm.. gives me shivers..
I'd go on this basis for the L96- it's a great piece of design, it's my default choice for snipers. PSG1 or SVD be blowed, give me a bit of Accuracy International!
EDIT: Forgive the repeat of 'satisfying', I didn't want to say 'cool', because, as we all know, guns aren't cool, they're deadly weapons, stay in school, winners don't use drugs and don't run with scissors.
NO WAY!!! Seriously? But but but... they were so flat chested...GunstarHero said:Dude.. That was a girl.Byere said:That one where the guy puts bullets in his gun!
That was just totally awesome!
Strangely enough, they actually used to have to do that... you know, before ammo clips were invented...ocelot0222222 said:The reload of the .357 magnum in Fallout NV. Something fun about having to load each individual bullet mid-battle.
Damn you! First someone says the Scout's pistol, then another person takes the P90 and I'm thinking "ok, there's no way that someone is even going to THINK of the Lee Enfield", and here you are. *sigh* I'm leaving.Daveeo said:Call of duty 2 Lee enfield.. nothing beats the bolt-action!
I see your Zombieland realod scene and raise you an Equilibrium scene.Cheesus333 said:From a game? Um, no.
Realistic? Well, again, no.
But good GOD, would you look at this? (about halfway through)
The man's a genius. A fictional, sociopathic genius.