RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
I find that example outdated. More like 'You can only taunt the big old dog so much before he tries to gum you to death and pulls hi ship out of place in the process" THAT is what taking on the USA is like.
This message brought to you from Texas so shut the fuck up you overly patriotic imbeciles & funded by the what are you proud of anyways foundation?
Awesome, friended.
Seriously I hope these kids (and they are kids) prove once and for all how utterly incompetent our government and corporate institutions are. Yet these same institutions claim the right to rule over and control us ordinary citizens "for our own good" and mercilessly punish anyone who doesn't toe the line.
As far as I'm concernt Lulzsec =
[image src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQsOuc00tBwKtM8SUR6f4uERCMECJDmLWmCiImlmneZ4VcYQAtnEA"]