Feast Your Eyes On The Latest Captain America Trailer


New member
Sep 21, 2009
This actually looks pretty great for a character created to promote American ideals to the youth.
So how come WB can't manage to get a good film producer team for anything except Batman? (except for animated ones which are all awesome)
antipunt said:
Can someone honestly explain to me how Thor (in the Avengers) won't simply overpower everyone/everything?....
Because apparently even gods have a hierarchy.
Thor is practically a human without his hammer. Then you've got omnipotent beings like the <url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_Tribunal>Living Tribunal and even more powerful beings like the Brothers from DC vs. Marvel.
Someone correct me if I'm getting something wrong, I'm not really much of a Marvel.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Hristo Tzonkov said:
TheIronRuler said:
It looks promising, they already have a history of successful comic book movies (Origins of the Avengers), but the damn character still annoys me.
I just don't like THAT kind of a superhero.
He isn't SUPER, he is MUTATED.
That isn't super.
It's what is on the inside that counts in this case.

Also putting Tool with a proper reference considering the song lyrics is win in my book.
Your post made absolutely no sense to me, dear sir.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
arc1991 said:
That is one awesome trailer! Red mask looks awesome!

So that's Iron Man, Thor, Captain America...now i wonder who the other Avengers will be. If they are going for the original ones, then fair enough, but i would LOVE to see Spidey and Wolverine. (although somehow i doubt it will happen =\ )I mean come on, that's comedy gold right there xD Spidey's sarcastic humour mixed with Wolverines xD hehe

Just for the record, who are the other original Avengers? I know Antman was and i'm pretty sure Hawk Eye was as well, but i aint sure on the others =\
I think the Avengers line-up for the movie will be Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow and maybe War Machine.

But yeah, we won't see Spider-man team up with Wolverine anytime soon.[sub]*quietly sobs*[/sub]


New member
Oct 26, 2009
TheIronRuler said:
It looks promising, they already have a history of successful comic book movies (Origins of the Avengers), but the damn character still annoys me.
I just don't like THAT kind of a superhero.
He isn't SUPER, he is MUTATED.
That isn't super.
By super do you mean chosen by genes? Eh, whats the difference? In both cases there is a lucky bastard.

Hristo Tzonkov

New member
Apr 5, 2010
TheIronRuler said:
Hristo Tzonkov said:
TheIronRuler said:
It looks promising, they already have a history of successful comic book movies (Origins of the Avengers), but the damn character still annoys me.
I just don't like THAT kind of a superhero.
He isn't SUPER, he is MUTATED.
That isn't super.
It's what is on the inside that counts in this case.

Also putting Tool with a proper reference considering the song lyrics is win in my book.
Your post made absolutely no sense to me, dear sir.
A superhero isn't just having super powers it's also in using them.Marvel really likes that idea.That guy was never a good soldier but he jumped on a grenade to save his squad.That makes him selfless who'd use what little power he had to save people so he's legit for more power.Iron Man isn't also technically a super hero since he gained his powers through science.

Tool is a band with really interesting songs and lyrics.Most of them can be interpreted in very different ways which is part of the awesome in the band.The song in the trailer is 46&2 which I suppose has a meaning behind the soul of a person shedding it's skin as a person becomes better much like a snake growing.It's related to the trailer in a way since Captain America sheds his own skin to become better.You should hear the song for yourself to be honest.

Hope I've made a bit more sense.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I would have watched this film regardless of quality just because it has Hugo Weaving playing a kick-ass villain. But... it just looks genuinely awesome and I can't fucking wait for it.

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
antipunt said:
Can someone honestly explain to me how Thor (in the Avengers) won't simply overpower everyone/everything?....
Actually I think Iron Man would be a match for him. I can imagine one of his punches matching a good swing of Thor's hammer in power. Indeed, I'd love to see those two go head-to-head.


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Feb 19, 2010
IndianaJonny said:
PunkRex said:
Its good to see Captain Britain and those other Howling Commando guys getting a cameo even if it is only as background characters.
Captain Britain gets a cameo? I must of missed that!
Yeah its one of those really subtle ones, which by subtle I mean they have to basically tell everyone because no one would EVER be able to tell otherwise. Hes the guy in the red berette, if you look at profile pics of him, hes got grenade strapes across his chest that make a sneaky Union flag.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
I do like superhero movies and all, and this trailer did look really awesome.
The only thing that slightly bothered me was "Heroes are made in America". Yes, yes yes i know he IS Captain America. And it's just a movie. Don't really know why it bothered me.
Silly old me. Anyways, I'll go watch the movie either way, looks cool.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
antipunt said:
Can someone honestly explain to me how Thor (in the Avengers) won't simply overpower everyone/everything?....
Hulk is stronger than Thor. Iron Man has better artillary and is faster. The only one who is way weaker is Captain America and the minor Avengers (Hawkeye, Wasp, Black Widow)

Also I'm pretty sure their going to facing God like threats so Thor will still be up against enemies that challenge him.


New member
May 28, 2009
I've lost faith in good trailers so I'm not impressed, yes I'm looking at you Green Lantern.

Faux Furry

New member
Apr 19, 2011
They picked the wrong wash-out soldier for the job. Gomer Pyle already had a super-hero phrase and everything.Shazam! Is he the Captain of all of America or only the USA? Is there a Captain South America or Captain Canada? Oh,that's right. There is a Captain Canada.

That major error in judgement aside, it looks to be the greatest live action adaptation of Captain America ever made...whatever that goes for.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
TheIronRuler said:
It looks promising, they already have a history of successful comic book movies (Origins of the Avengers), but the damn character still annoys me.
I just don't like THAT kind of a superhero.
He isn't SUPER, he is MUTATED.
That isn't super.
The super in superhero doesn't mean anything other then "like other heroes but better". It was only ever a marketing buzz word to sell comics. like A super size meal. It's just a normal meal but bigger. Is a marketing ploy.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Fuck yeah America!
...Fuck off.

The movie looks alright, nothing amazing. But I doubt I'm going to be able to concentrate with all the American propaganda.

The director hasn't done a good film since The Rocketeer in 1991, and that was good as a silly tongue in-cheek family adventure movie, not a serious film.

And it's from the screen-writers of the Chronicles of Narnia movies...this is going to suck so badly.