Feast Your Eyes On The Latest Captain America Trailer


New member
Sep 8, 2008
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Honestly, I'm really starting to get bored of superhero films. The only one I'm looking forward to in the future is The Dark Knight Rises, due to the fact that The Dark Knight was basically a crime film with a few costumed characters added to the mix, and I hope the new film continues that.

As for the rest... they're all starting to look the same. There's nothing in this trailer that couldn't have been in the trailer for a dozen other super-hero movies. Lots of CGI. Lots of choreographed fighting. Practically the whole origin story playing out at the start of the trailer. Lots of characters spouting stilted dialogue to each other.

I'm going to pass I think. Captain America has never done it for me. Ludicrously overpowered male-fantasy superheroes have never really appealed to me, but ones that are so patriotic it borders on propaganda turn me right off .

Loving the Tool though. Easily the best part of the trailer (though Tool make everything better, so that's hardly surprising).
eeh, Captain America isn't really that powerful, he's supposed to just be a human in peak physical condition like Batman is. I think Cap just get's written off as a vehicle for "Truth, Justice, and the American way" a lot of the time, but that's not the case, Cap just wants what's best for humanity at the end of the day, he's actually quite a dynamic character.

I can accept him being called Captain America, because of his origins and was supossed to be a super weapon to fight the Nazis, as comics went into the Modern age, his patriotism was rightfully stripped away in order to make a proper character. His patriotism still exists, but it's not the same as "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!!!" he just wants people to be safe and happy, it's patriotism in the same way as you want your country to be well off, if you know what I mean. Think Snake from Metal Gear Solid. Although the memory of the episode with Captain America in of the 90s Spiderman cartoon still makes me cringe: "C'mon team, let's make the world safe for democracy!" He is NOT that character ><

I don't read marvel really so I can't go into too much detail, I only say what I said because I'm going off what most people seem to think of Captain America, they dwell on the America part a bit too much.

Saying that though, if you're tired of super hero movies, then that's fair enough. Personally I would like to see it to see what they do with the character, and from what I've seen it looks pretty promising, like I say I don't read much Marvel, but I feel I know enough about the character to know what he's supposed to be like, but not enough about the mythos to have fanboi stuff play into my views on the movie when I see it.


New member
May 10, 2009
Aside from the whole America- FUCK YEAH vibe in the trailer, looks pretty kick ass. I shall definately be seeing this.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
We certainly HOPE it'll be a lot better than Green Lantern... if it's not, well, I think we'll all be pretty damn disappointed.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
So. Is the redskull in this movie a deformity not a costume? If not he is wearing a mask over a mask.
Edit: Am i the only one who finds it ironic that they are using a perfect human(wasnt that what he was described as in the comics) to fight people trying to make a master race?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
After Spidey, this was the film I wanted to see made the most, and the trailer looks very promising (although I hope they go easy on the one liners as I've never pictured Cap as that type of character).

Regarding the comments about the characters alleged propaganda agenda, my memory is a bit hazy on the details but I'm pretty sure that Captain America was created by a Jewish creative team that was unhappy with their countries impartiality towards the Nazi's brutality on European Jews and so created Cap to symbolise their desire for intervention, with Cap's first issue being a year before Pearl Harbour. So I suppose it was propaganda, just not in the way this film will portray it.
History aside, when Cap is written properly he is not a symbol of American power or politics, but rather an embodiment of the "American Dream" and has turned his back on his government a few times, but never on his country. This is the Cap I want in this film, and I'm a Brit.

Also, if their is a character sporting a British flag, he is more likely to be a character called Union Jack than Captain Britain.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
mexicola said:
I applaud their use of Tool musicsmithery (shut up it's a thing!) The movie looks silly enough to be interesting, can't wait for it to come out.
I noticed it too, it has certainly given them credit.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Alright, good. I am happy. Dumb fun is still fun. Can't wait. X-Men First Class was brilliant, hope this will be too.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
elvor0 said:
eeh, Captain America isn't really that powerful, he's supposed to just be a human in peak physical condition like Batman is. I think Cap just get's written off as a vehicle for "Truth, Justice, and the American way" a lot of the time, but that's not the case, Cap just wants what's best for humanity at the end of the day, he's actually quite a dynamic character.

I can accept him being called Captain America, because of his origins and was supossed to be a super weapon to fight the Nazis, as comics went into the Modern age, his patriotism was rightfully stripped away in order to make a proper character. His patriotism still exists, but it's not the same as "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!!!" he just wants people to be safe and happy, it's patriotism in the same way as you want your country to be well off, if you know what I mean. Think Snake from Metal Gear Solid. Although the memory of the episode with Captain America in of the 90s Spiderman cartoon still makes me cringe: "C'mon team, let's make the world safe for democracy!" He is NOT that character ><

I don't read marvel really so I can't go into too much detail, I only say what I said because I'm going off what most people seem to think of Captain America, they dwell on the America part a bit too much.

Saying that though, if you're tired of super hero movies, then that's fair enough. Personally I would like to see it to see what they do with the character, and from what I've seen it looks pretty promising, like I say I don't read much Marvel, but I feel I know enough about the character to know what he's supposed to be like, but not enough about the mythos to have fanboi stuff play into my views on the movie when I see it.
See, this is the thing. For me, the whole 'Superhero' thing still has room for interesting stories and films. You've got comics/film-adaptions/films like Watchmen, Kick-Ass, Super. Stories that do something interesting with the genre, whether it be playing things for comedy, or going on a massive, downbeat deconstruction of everything that makes up the medium. Captain America, however, looks exactly like another run-of-the-mill blockbuster: the bad guys will be cartoonishly evil, the main characters will go through all the same 'character arms' that every other main character in a hollywood blockbuster has gone through, there will be lots of emphasis on pretty effects and set-pieces, and the ending will be suitably uplifting and 'heroic'.

The trailer just makes the film look so... samey. If the film had an awesome director behind it (Nolan, Scorsese, etc) then I'd be more excited. Instead it's got Joe Johnston, the very definition of 'standard Hollywood director.' The last film he did, the Wolfman, was hardly anything to write home about, and Jurassic Park 3 was arguably even worse than the Lost World.

I don't mean to come off as overly negative. I just fail to see what makes this film so exciting and hype worthy.
No no you're quite right, I see your point, I'm not expecting it to push boundries beyond being (at least for me) enjoyable to watch. I agree that perhaps if it had a great director, it could push boundries like The Dark Knight did, but maybe it'll just be a case of the trailer not accurately portraying the content. I'd like to think that perhaps the script will be well written and explores what it means to be you, there's hints of it in the trailer at the very least. I'd love for it to be some lightning in a bottle, but I'm not expecting that, just something solid. I think the hype may extend from marvel fans, for me I'll just enjoy watching it, for Marvel Fans, it represents the possibility of another great super hero movie. If I was a huge marvel fan, I'd be hyped for it, the same as I WAS hyped for Green Lantern before they cast Ryan Reynolds for Hal Jordan, which completely put me off of it.

I've not seen any of Johnstons films aside from Jumangi, which I must say I fucking loved as a kid, but I don't think I'd risk watching it again, I don't want to ruin my childhood nostalgia ><. Saying that though, he worked on Return of the Jedi and The Empire Strikes back, not as a director, but it could mean he'll be more at home working on a super hero movie, as there's a few more parallels between a super hero movie and Star Wars than there is in his other recent works.

At the end of the day, I'm going to see it expecting it to be good to watch, if it's anything else it'll be a bonus. I can see it being okay at worst, I dunno, I just can't imagine it being BAD per say, it's got fucking Hugo Weaving in it (Who apparently is going to be Happy Feet 2...bizarre) and Tommy Lee Jones. Be interesting having Chris Evans as Cap though, given he was the Human Torch, I can't remember what he was like in it though.

The Bucket

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
hotsauceman said:
So. Is the redskull in this movie a deformity not a costume? If not he is wearing a mask over a mask.
Edit: Am i the only one who finds it ironic that they are using a perfect human(wasnt that what he was described as in the comics) to fight people trying to make a master race?
I think I heard that was intentional on the part of the original (and Jewish) writer, especially making him blonde haired and blue eyed, the Nazi ideal basically.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
The Bucket said:
hotsauceman said:
So. Is the redskull in this movie a deformity not a costume? If not he is wearing a mask over a mask.
Edit: Am i the only one who finds it ironic that they are using a perfect human(wasnt that what he was described as in the comics) to fight people trying to make a master race?
I think I heard that was intentional on the part of the original (and Jewish) writer, especially making him blonde haired and blue eyed, the Nazi ideal basically.
That would be pretty interesting then. But now i can see people who went to this movie who didnt know that get upset about it.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
The Thor Trailers were terrible, but the movie was "OK".

This trailer is badass...so the movie will be amazing or its gonna bomb hard.
Really hope its awesome as Cap needs some justice done.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Okay, now I can be excited for this movies. I was a little worried because the first two trailers were pretty mediocre, but this one is great.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
This movie has Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, and Hugo Weaving. Nothing will stop me from watching this fucker in theaters. Unless the theaters nearby are only showing it in 3D.


New member
Apr 9, 2011
But if Captain America takes place in the 1940s, how does he end up teaming up with Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor in The Avengers?

Oh and do you think this movie will released outside of America?


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Canid117 said:
pretty sure the first Avengers Roster is going to be Cap, Thor, Iron Man, the Hulk, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. The Spiderman and X-men franchises are both tangled up with Fox right now so they cant legally show up. The whole reason for the X-men and Spiderman reboots was because Fox doesn't want the rights to collapse back to Marvel and Marvel has been hungrily waiting for the contract with fox to collapse so that they can get the rights back and stick them in with the rest of the movie universe.
Sony actually has the IP rights to Spiderman, but unlike Fox, it does look like they might try to sell them off due to finiancial issues. Which might give Disney a chance to reacquire them, they'd love it.
draythefingerless said:
they all have impossible to achieve capabilities. Captain America is achievable. he is simply a human at the top physic. but instead of having to have trained since a baby in every way and aspect to become it, they just injected steroids in him.
It's not just "top physic", like say a special ops soldier is in, he's literally a perfect human, he could keep up with both olympic sprinters and weightlifters, something that's practically impossible from a physiological standpoint, he's body is perfectly optimized for all endeavours. His reflexely are perfectly honed. Certainly hypothetically someone could do that, but unless their last name is Wayne, first name Bruce, it's phenomenly unlikely.

It's also something that a sickly and malnourished boy growing up in the depression could never achieve. But he had the willpower to try to be a hero (shown by his throwing himself on the grenade). It's been implied in the comics that not just anyone can surivive the super-soldier serum, it takes a certain sort of willpower, personality and luck. That men like Steve Rogers and Isiah Bradley possessed.
antipunt said:
Can someone honestly explain to me how Thor (in the Avengers) won't simply overpower everyone/everything?....
Well they do routinely face numerous alien invasions, vast cosmic beings, time travelling warlords, death avatars possessing reality warping weapons and alliances of super-villians. So I figure they'll be able to find someone for them to fight.
IndianaJonny said:
Captain Britain gets a cameo? I must of missed that!
I think he meant Union Jack, who is a member of the howling commandos apparently in the movie.

Quaxar said:
Because apparently even gods have a hierarchy.
Thor is practically a human without his hammer. Then you've got omnipotent beings like the <url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_Tribunal>Living Tribunal and even more powerful beings like the Brothers from DC vs. Marvel.
Someone correct me if I'm getting something wrong, I'm not really much of a Marvel.
Pretty spot on, I'll let the Thor comment slide because you aren't a marvel. Thor's got super-strength, durability and weather control even without his hammer, he just uses it to fly at insane speeds, focus his weather attacks and hit dudes. He had no powers in the film because Odin had taken those as well as his hammer from him. He is a normal human when he transforms into Donald Blake but that you don't have to worry about with the films.

briunj04 said:
But if Captain America takes place in the 1940s, how does he end up teaming up with Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor in The Avengers?

Oh and do you think this movie will released outside of America?
In the comics he got frozen in artic ice unitl he was thawed out in the present
Yeah but in some countries like Russia, they're simply calling it "the First Avenger"

Cleo Cowdrey

New member
Apr 14, 2011
Can't wait for the NZ release.. I'm soooo going to see it, even if its only to see Chris Evans shirtless and glistening! On aside note it does look quite corny but it sill looks like a movie worth seeing.