Reading through the first few posts, then skipping the rest to get strait to MY opinion, I can mostly agree with the ones the ones that are crying BS, and also the ones who want them to make different games instead of continuing to wank off in the faces of all the CloudXSephiroth fangirls (because none can ever be even marginally be referred to as "boys again). First off, SE, you've got a story, concept art, mechanics, engine, even most of the voice actors if you just re-use whoever worked on Advent and Dirge and so on, so don't give us this crap about it taking 10 times as long as XIII if you only have to do about 1/4 of the work. Besides, even if it did take that long, most of the afformentioned fangirls would happily crawl out of their graves, fight through 50 guys with chainsaws stuck on their arms, climb Mount Everest, and suck off the descrated mummy of King Tut to even catch a glimpse of your remake, let alone buy the 18 copies the were planning on getting anyway. HOW DOES IT NOT SEEM LIKE THE IDEAL PRODUCT THEN? Don't try to make an excuses like "we'd need to add more content to keep people happy". People would buy it even if you added a periferal that kicks them in the crotch every time they press a button. Listen to me, I DIDN"T EVEN LIKE THE GAME THAT MUCH, yet I'm the first one to say that it makes sense from a pure financial standpoint. I would much rather like that they choose to invest in new titlee like Versus XII or Kingdom Hearts III, but when you could easily shatter sales records with an army of slobbering fan-zombies, why wouldn't you?
(ignore my spelling, I was rushed)