Final Fantasy XIII Could be Last of "This Type of Game" at Square


New member
Mar 10, 2009
buy teh haloz said:
Probably won't be. Then again, FFXIII took a shitload of time to create, so who knows?
XII took longer, 6 years to be exact it hold the record of longest production time of a released game.

OT: I wonder if this has anything to do with the open to western developers thing...


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I'm glad, in a way, that this statement has been made. Hopefully now they can move on to creating something that doesn't feature a moogle or chocobo or poor english voice-acting. I am saying this as a fan of the franchise, okay?!

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3. I keep trying to convince myself they'll start work any time soon now that all of the sub-titles have been produced.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
NeutralDrow said:

Does this mean we might get a present-day set Final Fantasy with real time combat?
12 had real-time combat...but, they might go to all out action combat.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
So what ever happened to versus XIII? Is that under the "last type of final fantasy game" cause honestly I'm more interested in that than FF XIII.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
I only wish Bioware would keep up making as much titles.

I don't like the whole spiky haired feminine boys thing. Stereotypical view, yes, only applying to the recent titles, yes, but I haven't seen any FF setting that would actually interest me.

Maybe if the series would seem a bit more coherent in the eyes of an independent viewer I'd give a damn.

Hurr Durr Derp

New member
Apr 8, 2009
It's too vague to really draw any conclusions, but any improvement on the boring old JRPG formula is good news to me.

And even though I haven't really played any FF games since 9, I want the Final Fantasy games to go on til at least #30, if only for all the " Final Fantasy XXX" jokes I could make. :p


New member
Mar 23, 2009
kronoset said:
NeutralDrow said:

Does this mean we might get a present-day set Final Fantasy with real time combat?
12 had real-time combat...but, they might go to all out action combat.
Yeah. I was thinking something less like Baldur's Gate and more like Tales of the Abyss.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
That's a horrendously vague comment from Wada. I'm not a particularly worried fangirl right now... Especially since the FF series has a high replay attraction (for me at least)


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
Well if it really is the last Final Fantasy, good for Square. Lets see what else they can come up with now.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I doubt it will change drastically - else it wouldn't really be Final Fantasy.

Unless they plan on just slapping the FF name onto entirely different games.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I'm a pretty big Final Fantasy fan, but the response from some doesn't surprise me. Final Fantasy has as many fans and haters as Halo. :)

My immediate thoughts are this:

#1: This is fallout from the whole "Modern Warfare" thing. Basically a company threw a ton of funding behind what turned out to be a fairly derivitive FPS game and busted all kinds of industry records.

Pretty much anyone with big investments in gaming is looking at this and saying "That could be me". Final Fantasy has been a chart topper for a while, but consider this game even broke it's records, and apparently the Japanese release of Final Fantasy XIII didn't scratch the MW2 release.

Big Budget RPGs used to be the kings of the charts, this has slowly been changing a bit at a time. Given a choice between a success, or a much larger success, you know which direction investors are going to want to go in. Where once you had producers saying "make me something like WoW" or "make me something like Final Fantasy" you have people right now looking at Modern Warfare and saying "make me something like that".

I think it's a huge mistake and Squeenix should stick with what it does well, but honestly you can see where this guy is coming from.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the pasture, and right now that MW2 crowd seems really green, and perhaps more lucrative than the dedicated, solid fanbase that can be catered to with Final Fantasy.

#2: For all comments on the subject over the years, the basic truth is that the generic "JRPG" set up is more or less perfect for what it's supposed to do. Sure it's been around for a while, but it's like Chess, as much as you might criticize it it works like it is and massive changes aren't going to improve it.

Not everyone likes this form of game, and it IS relatively stagnant despite getting prettier, but millions do.

I can see to some extent where Mr. Wada is coming from here as well given their attempts to change the format have mostly failed to expand the fan base. Despite critical praise, Final Fantasy XII's system didn't seem to go over well with a lot of fans, especially initially. A lot of people (including me) feel the series "peaked" with the system present in Final Fantasy X, both the "Garmet Grid" system for X-2 and the FF XII system having seemed unusually gimmicky and annoying.

I can see how developers might get bored, but heck, they're being paid to entertain "me" not themselves. I honestly think an increased infusion of "new" at least control wise is actually the LAST thing Final Fantasy needs as a series.

Feel free to hate it, there are generes I don't like either, but leave those of us who DO enjoy it to our game style.

#3: When I think of the "theory" of Japan going more in the direction of Western style RPG development, I get the willies. In general I *DO* prefer western "sandboxy" RPGs. BUT at the same time having JRPGs gives another flavor.

Plus to be honest I tend to be extremely wary of Japan trying to do anything "Western" at first. The term "they're really big in Japan" became negative and comical due to the horrible aping of things like punk rock music and the like. Eventually Japan always does "get it right" and has produced some decent rock musicians and such over the years, but the transition period id always very painful, and I'm not sure if Squeenix will survive.

I doubt they mean going more Western in style because the last attempt we saw to do that in a big way was "The Last Remnant" which was borderline insulting, and included perhaps the most annoying RPG protaganist I can remember. I don't mind a plucky, upbeat, hotheaded hero but the way it was done with Rush Sykes made me want to punt him for most of the game. A big part of it was him having the brains of a toothpick. On top of this the game just wasn't all that wonderful, and some aspects of it were pretty bad. I really, really wanted to like it too.

A few more attempts like that and people will probably be wondering why Squeenix went from powerhouse to filing for Bankrupcy.

Basically I think they should stick to what they do best. I'm sure even the greatest swordmakers have gotten bored just making swords, but if it's what they do better than anyone, it's what they should keep focusing on. In Squeenix's case it's JRPGs.

The fact that a crappy table is made by a master swordmaker, doesn't change the fact that it's crap.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Wonder exactly how they mean they are going to do that...

As long as they dont murder my beloved FF...


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Furburt said:
*removes sword*

The Beast is dead!

Sorry, I don't really like FF.

*sheds a manly tear*

though it's about time, i gave up on the seires after X2.*shudders*

Something new from squeenix though will be good, get them out of that rutt they are in.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
The final Final Fantasy.I never thought that i would see that day.

I got to go buy the entire collection now.