Finnish Hearthstone Tournament Changes Policy on Women - Update


New member
Feb 2, 2011
FYI guys, the only people who consider e-sports an actual sport are the people who play and stand to make a living off of e-sports. For the rest of us, it's called a video game.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
johnsarif said:
Ferisar said:
I didn't know that logic-processing was so bloody different that you have to consider the "different wirings within the male/female brain" to separate competition. God forbid the girl might use a card differently than a dude. Puh-fucking-lease. This isn't Starcraft (and then I'd have an actual pro-player example thanks to Scarlett), it's a turn-based card game.
I don't mean to burst your bubble but Scarlett is MtF transgender. Probably the best non-Korean Starcraft 2 player is a girl who was a guy. So she's not the best example because we need to take into account the effects of the hormone replacement theray. There are at least 2 other girls which play Starcraft 2 professionally which you can use as examples but I can't remember their names.
Point still stands, even if you exclude her based around the MtF part. Hearthstone is NOT a "high-APM" sport that requires some kind of "male-only" (what a stupid statement) processing power, if we're even gauging it by that (which I still don't buy, it's an awful argument). Hearthstone requires your brain to be functional and to know how to play probabilities, everything revolving around the meta-game can be examined by literally anyone and the play-by-play decisions give you upward of 3 minutes to make a play. There's as much reason to exclude girls from this as there is to exclude girls from taking mathematics in schools.
Houseman said:
Ferisar said:
I didn't know that logic-processing was so bloody different that you have to consider the "different wirings within the male/female brain" to separate competition.
That's his point. You don't know. You don't know how "bloody different" it is or isn't. Nobody but the experts know.
You know what I know? That I communicate with females on a daily basis who seem to function exactly the same as me outside of our reproductive desires. Please think of the SPIRIT OF COMPETITION in HEARTHSTONE AND SAVE US FROM THEIR LACK OF TESTOSTERONE.
I could not give two shits about what the minute differences in brain-chemistry there is; if a woman is good enough to compete, give her the benefit of inclusion to compete, not be a backwards piece of shit and say "nope, sorry, brain's too different #gamerscience". It's not like they're offering an all-girls league either, they're just telling them to fuck off, effectively. I'd have more support for that than for what they're doing right now.

We're not talking about some scientific debate about the differences between male and female cognitive ability. We're talking about a game. Specifically, we're talking about Hearthstone; Not starcraft, not some hand-to-eye reaction-tester, it's fucking HEARTHSTONE.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Wait, poker and chess are sports but they have mixed genders. Hell, tennis has mixed doubles and that is a physical sport.

Where does this idea of "... well the physical sports do it" come from? It is divided due to physical strength, unless a none athletic man is pitted against a very athletic woman, she has no chance but playing a card game on a computer?

The Material Sheep

New member
Nov 12, 2009
Seriously... what kind of idiot thinks that the sexual dimorphism that separates the various physical sports into male and female, would need to accounted for in competitive video game competitions. It's a fucking card game. What mental sexual dimorphism there is, I doubt is so pronounced as to make male and female competition in it, fundamentally on different levels. So... fucking... stupid...

It's like the person who designed how the leagues would be organized with no understanding of why sports are divided on sex a good chunk of the time, just copied it over without even thinking about what might be different about this kind of competition.

Macsen Wledig

New member
Oct 4, 2013
Ferisar said:
I didn't know that logic-processing was so bloody different that you have to consider the "different wirings within the male/female brain" to separate competition. God forbid the girl might use a card differently than a dude. Puh-fucking-lease. This isn't Starcraft (and then I'd have an actual pro-player example thanks to Scarlett), it's a turn-based card game.
As well as segregating males and females because they might think differently, I guess we'll have to segregate it further for those who are neurotypical and those that are not neurotypical. There's no real reason to, but segregation is good? Right guys?


New member
Jul 2, 2014
Ferisar said:
You know what I know? That I communicate with females on a daily basis who seem to function exactly the same as me outside of our reproductive desires.
The same? Really?
Based on the study I posted above:
The data, pulled from 10,000 American men and women who took a questionnaire that measured 15 variations of personality traits, records that men and women feel and behave in very specific (and gendered) ways.

Men are more:
- Dominant
- Reserved
- Utilitarian
- Vigilant
- Rule-conscious
- Emotionally stable

While women are more:
- Deferential
- Warm
- Trusting
- Sensitive
- Emotionally "reactive"
As a side note, I'm all for gender equality. I believe that it's OK to have mixed eSports competition but that's just that, a belief. I do not have any conclusive evidence to support it or to refute it.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
johnsarif said:
Ferisar said:
You know what I know? That I communicate with females on a daily basis who seem to function exactly the same as me outside of our reproductive desires.
The same? Really?
Based on the study I posted above:
As a side note, I'm all for gender equality. I believe that it's OK to have mixed eSports competition but that's just that, a belief. I do not have any conclusive evidence to support it or to refute it.
The same studies are often argued to entirely based on upbringing and "wiring" that we give children during their early years. We encourage those traits in men and encourage the other traits in women.
And yes, the same. You have to be conscious of the differences to realize they're trivial. It doesn't somehow cause me to be unable to communicate with a woman, on a physical or a psychological level; ergo, for my purposes, it's minute. I might have as much trouble communicating with a male with whom I hold less relation.

Look, I get what you (and the other guy) are saying: there are very likely to be differences in brain chemistry, but those differences don't merit the exclusion of women from fucking video game competitions.
Houseman said:
Ferisar said:
You know what I know? That I communicate with females on a daily basis who seem to function exactly the same as me outside of our reproductive desires.
Well, we don't come to medical conclusions about the intricacies of brain chemistry according to sex based on the anecdotal evidence of laypeople, and for good reason too.
Maybe we should separate the two sexes completely, right? Fuck men and women ever being in the same anything. Workplaces? Women are too different. Voting? They might make a different decision. Artistry? Why? Women might draw differently then men, same with writing. Let them read only female-written books, after all, men won't understand it anyway, it's just too different.
Class-rooms? Nope. Playground games for toddlers? Nope. Let's get even more trivial, please! Did I make an anecdotal layperson statement? Yeah. Guess what this competition did? Do you really think they went to some study(/ies) to make this decision? No, they just did the same sweeping statement based on nothing but "how sports do it" as if physical and cognitive competition is the same thing. To the layperson, this looks ludicrous, or at the very least it SHOULD look ludicrous.


New member
Jul 2, 2014
Macsen Wledig said:
Ferisar said:
I didn't know that logic-processing was so bloody different that you have to consider the "different wirings within the male/female brain" to separate competition. God forbid the girl might use a card differently than a dude. Puh-fucking-lease. This isn't Starcraft (and then I'd have an actual pro-player example thanks to Scarlett), it's a turn-based card game.
As well as segregating males and females because they might think differently, I guess we'll have to segregate it further for those who are neurotypical and those that are not neurotypical. There's no real reason to, but segregation is good? Right guys?
It's a hard question how and when to segregate and not. It depends where you draw the line. For me, it comes down to: "Does feature X of group Y offer them a huge advantage over other groups?". If yes, segregate based on feature X, else do not segregate.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Houseman said:
Ferisar said:
Look, I get what you (and the other guy) are saying: there are very likely to be differences in brain chemistry
I'm not saying that. I'm just objecting to the claim that there is absolutely no relevant difference. on the basis that the data doesn't exist to be able to make this claim.
Then it's irrelevant to the argument at hand. If no conclusion can be made to the differences, then until those CAN be made, there shouldn't be segregation. The fact that you're on the fence about this based on the lack of any actual evidence that would support the opposition in a substantial manner is what's weird here. Let them in, if their feeble female brains are too shit to compete, I think we'll notice it easily enough assuming there is an actual scene for women to even be in the game, (which, by the way, there isn't right now, because the competitive gaming community to this day is not only male-oriented but entirely male-minded when it comes to inclusion). We're talking about people who yell and snarl every time a girl appears on a stream, talk about her showing her tits and how good she would be to fuck. Do you really think we're actually even ready to bring SCIENCE into this? We have some social stigmas to break before we can even make the claim toward neurological differences. Until then, those are entirely trivial.


New member
Jul 2, 2014
Ferisar said:
Maybe we should separate the two sexes completely, right? Fuck men and women ever being in the same anything. Workplaces? Women are too different. Voting? They might make a different decision. Artistry? Why? Women might draw differently then men, same with writing. Let them read only female-written books, after all, men won't understand it anyway, it's just too different.
Class-rooms? Nope. Playground games for toddlers? Nope. Let's get even more trivial, please!
Isn't this a strawman or some kind of logical fallacy? Slippery slope?
I don't think anyone argued for segregation in the workplace, artistry or classrooms.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Dear Blizzard,

Please update your terms of use to prevent use of your IP in any tournament that segregates based on gender.


The 21st century


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Since when were people deluded enough to think video games were ever a sport?
Sports require physical competition.
And that physical competition is the reason for segregating men from women. While I think it should never be a rule, and there defiantly are sports where women could do just as good as men, men would dominate a violent sport like rugby or football.
That said, seeing how games tournaments are not sports and require no physical activity, this is just bigots being bigots.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Fappy said:
This is hilarious. Wow. People are fucking morons.

Did they ever bother figuring out why we have male and female leagues in sports? You know actual sports. That thing that requires physical activity, something in which males and females generally have very different capabilities.

What the fuck differentiates a pro male Starcraft player and a pro female Starcraft player? Women are better at multitasking? That's not even proven.
You'd think that men would allow them in, the better the opponent the greater the victory, COME AT ME SIS!


New member
Oct 2, 2010
johnsarif said:
Ferisar said:
Maybe we should separate the two sexes completely, right? Fuck men and women ever being in the same anything. Workplaces? Women are too different. Voting? They might make a different decision. Artistry? Why? Women might draw differently then men, same with writing. Let them read only female-written books, after all, men won't understand it anyway, it's just too different.
Class-rooms? Nope. Playground games for toddlers? Nope. Let's get even more trivial, please!
Isn't this a strawman or some kind of logical fallacy? Slippery slope?
I don't think anyone argued for segregation in the workplace, artistry or classrooms.
I don't see how going from "girls can't compete in games" to "girls can't play with boys at the playground" is a slippery slope. I'm using comparison to point out how ridiculous it is. If men and women ARE SO DIFFERENT that they can't compete together in a card game, than HOW ARE WE ALLOWING WOMEN to work together with MEN in the workplace? If one, the MORE IMPORTANT ONE, is currently fine, than how is the other NOT?


New member
Jul 2, 2014
Ferisar said:
johnsarif said:
Ferisar said:
Maybe we should separate the two sexes completely, right? Fuck men and women ever being in the same anything. Workplaces? Women are too different. Voting? They might make a different decision. Artistry? Why? Women might draw differently then men, same with writing. Let them read only female-written books, after all, men won't understand it anyway, it's just too different.
Class-rooms? Nope. Playground games for toddlers? Nope. Let's get even more trivial, please!
Isn't this a strawman or some kind of logical fallacy? Slippery slope?
I don't think anyone argued for segregation in the workplace, artistry or classrooms.
I don't see how going from "girls can't compete in games" to "girls can't play with boys at the playground" is a slippery slope. I'm using comparison to point out how ridiculous it is. If men and women ARE SO DIFFERENT that they can't compete together in a card game, than HOW ARE WE ALLOWING WOMEN to work together with MEN in the workplace? If one, the MORE IMPORTANT ONE, is currently fine, than how is the other NOT?
Then we can go the other way around. Let's have only mixed competitions in the sports events. No more sex-based segregation at the Olympics or any sports event.
See? I can be as extreme as you are!