'First 3 Twilight Films are Better than the original Star Wars Trilogy'


New member
Jun 30, 2009
You and he are both completely wrong.

I'm not going to be rude or anything about it.

Twilight will be forgotten within a decade when the next cheesy romance series comes out and Star Wars will endure another 4 decades.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
Yeah, the Mormon allegory romance trilogy that bastardised and (literally) de-fanged the entire Vampire mythos is better than the trilogy that set the precedent for science fiction movies, pioneered special effects in a way never done before or since, and re-introduced hope and heroism in an age of dark cinema anti-heroes.

The Night Shade

New member
Oct 15, 2009
Wait...What said:
NightShadeNes said:
No fucking way all twilight movies suck but Star wars 1 was good and bad at the same time,Star wars 2 sucked the only good parts are the action scenes and Star Wars 3 was awesome better than the other 2 prequels
The ORIGINAL trilogy IV, V & VI
....oops BIGGGGGG MISTAKE but anyway that guy is crazy
Aug 1, 2010
Vanguard_Ex said:
MrDeckard said:
Well, I respect your opinion, but it is MY "opinion" that you are probably a homeless person that snuck into someones house and is using their computer for you are clearly a raving lunatic..
He even explained in the opening post that this isn't his opinion. Read before you post, mkay?
Even though he says it isn't exactly his opinion that they are better, it IS his opinion that there is some sanity in the opinion. I can agree that the original Starwars may be a bit overrated, Twilight deserves every hint of hate that it gets. This guy is of the opinion that it should not get so much hate, which I disagree with.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
MrDeckard said:
Vanguard_Ex said:
MrDeckard said:
Well, I respect your opinion, but it is MY "opinion" that you are probably a homeless person that snuck into someones house and is using their computer for you are clearly a raving lunatic..
He even explained in the opening post that this isn't his opinion. Read before you post, mkay?
Even though he says it isn't exactly his opinion that they are better, it IS his opinion that there is some sanity in the opinion. I can agree that the original Starwars may be a bit overrated, Twilight deserves every hint of hate that it gets. This guy is of the opinion that it should not get so much hate, which I disagree with.
Hmmm...good point, he is perpetuating it as reasonable.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Slavik_91 said:
Obvious troll is obvious.

I can't think on anything else to say, I'm shocked that some1 that isn't a fat 14yr old girl thinks that Twilight is better than something.
Twilight is easily better than Breaking Dawn.