'First 3 Twilight Films are Better than the original Star Wars Trilogy'


New member
May 17, 2010
The OP's username is actually quite appropriate. Yes, the Star Wars trilogy is massively overrated, but it's still decent at least. Twilight gets a lot of hatred, but all of it is deserved.

Toasted Nuts

New member
Feb 17, 2010
Perhaps this guy should go for a cat scan or something to see if hes taken a knock on the head...

I say this as clearly given the blow to the head he now believes he is a 14 year old girl...

This is the only Logical reason he would say this...


New member
Nov 16, 2009
And here to provide a balanced....Ah, who am I kidding, it'll just boil down to what everyone's been saying for the past 9 pages. While, in some weird way, you could consider Star Wars inferior to Twilight (such as the effects and what not, which is a tad unfair, considering the 30 year divide, and even that is debatable) there is a simple difference: Twilight is a cash cow franchise, and Star Wars....wasn't at the time. Cash cows are made to appease fans and generate revenue, and actual movies are made to entertain the masses. Thus, you see the conflicting interests: Revenue vs. Entertainment. With these two goals in mind, I have to say that the man must be off his rocker. Now, the prequels....That'd be cash cow vs. cash cow.....Interesting.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Regardless of the fact that I, like every sane person on the planet, love Star Wars and hate Twilight, the facts are that Star Wars was ahead of it's time. It had incredible special effects, a story spanning 3 films which covered politics, religion, faith, family, friendship, love, character development and growth and so on. Twilight has average acting by that girl and terrible acting by Robert Patinson. The effects are cool but so are all high-budget special effects these days. The characters hold no reason to bear my, or anybody elses, sympathy and the story is almost non-existent due to the fact that the characters never really develop, their emotions never shine and nothing is ever really 'learned' so to speak


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Seriously, I know that people say that opinions can't be wrong, but this one is.


New member
May 2, 2010
He's a great critic but I just can't see where he's coming from with the Twilight films. The first 2 Star Wars films are genius whereas all 3 Twilight films are boring tween girl fantasy.


New member
May 28, 2009
XinfiniteX said:
Wow, just wow! I'm not a massive Star Wars fan but this is a joke. I started watching the first Twilight film with my girlfriend (she wanted to watch them again before seeing the new one) and I could not believe how bad it was. The acting was okay I guess, but the story and dialogue was shocking to the point of some scenes being just down right creepy. Apparently it 'makes more sense' if you have read the book, but then that defeats the purpose of it being a movie. There is no possible way that this was better then the Star Wars trilogy.
the book is downright creepy as well.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Twilight's better then the original Star Wars, and Nintendo always comes out with new games with fresh concepts, and would never recycle their older franchises over and over.

Just like how Halo was a big flop and had the worst sales ever. ;)


New member
Jun 13, 2009
so yes he said something which is probably wrong i mean nostalgia covering up how mediocre star wars really is or somthing of the sorts...uhh no yes star wras is out there and has greate nostalgic value but...worse than twilite WTF i mean i have seen all the movies and thow the picture is great and the filming is B-E-A-utifulthis is still the most redundent thing since jar-jar-bink's...like i really am trying to be calm and realistick but WTH man this is not ganna be THE NEXT BIG THING starwars is for now time-less until proven otherwise... i mean like star trek the fandom and devotion this fil has made is F-ing CRAZY like really twilight is...Girls...uhhh ya and star wars is... well let me put it this way star wars still has conventions as big as Comic-con and Pax prime...twilight has didly...so suck on that

this is my opignion now he is intitled to his...the same way a crazy man may think he can fly..cuz for those few second's your in the air you are flying then you see the pavement eg. the fans.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Asuka Soryu said:
Twilight's better then the original Star Wars, and Nintendo always comes out with new games with fresh concepts, and would never recycle their older franchises over and over.

Just like how Halo was a big flop and had the worst sales ever. ;)

also...i love your sarcasm and if it's not then i dislike your sence of humor my fine fellow


Senior Member
Jun 7, 2010
He's wrong but entitled to his wrong opinion.

I've seen the movies and no way are they better then star wars.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
Just because one is hated and one is loved more than they may deserve - it does not mean that they are inversely bad or good.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
garuda166 said:
Asuka Soryu said:
Twilight's better then the original Star Wars, and Nintendo always comes out with new games with fresh concepts, and would never recycle their older franchises over and over.

Just like how Halo was a big flop and had the worst sales ever. ;)

also...i love your sarcasm and if it's not then i dislike your sence of humor my fine fellow
Why yes, it is sarcasm. I tryed to make it as obvious as I could, being limited from the sarcastic tone we lose in text. And thanks.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Wait...What said:
Okay first off, this isn't MY opinion. This is the opinion of Mark Kermode a BBC film critic who i greatly respect. I was just wondering your views on this.

Personally although i disagree, i can see where he's coming from. The original star wars trilogy is overrated and the twilight films do get some unfair hatred.
Really? Well does sound like him, at first I thought someone was just being a troll.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
MrDeckard said:
Well, I respect your opinion, but it is MY "opinion" that you are probably a homeless person that snuck into someones house and is using their computer for you are clearly a raving lunatic..
He even explained in the opening post that this isn't his opinion. Read before you post, mkay?


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Do we have any references here?
How do i know you're not making this up?
If you do speak the truth, though, then some one should tell this so called film critic to actually be conscious when he "reviews" these films.
Ahh, what the hell; I call troll!!