For all intensive purposes


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
In many places I've heard that phrase. It gets me a bit grouchy. Do they really not know it's intents and purposes? Technically it should be intent because intent(s) is redundant but that's semantics. I heard people say or write affidavid. It also makes me rage inside. We drink espresso, not expresso. What phrases do you constantly see said or used wrong?


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Jiraiya72 said:
In many places I've heard that phrase. It gets me a bit grouchy. Do they really not know it's intents and purposes? Technically it should be intent because intent(s) is redundant but that's semantics. I heard people say or write affidavid. It also makes me rage inside. We drink espresso, not expresso. What phrases do you constantly see said or used wrong?
It's sad that I entered this topic intending to correct you on your mistake, only to find that you were complaining about that very same thing xD

And it annoys me when people say "I could care less" rather than "I couldn't care less".


New member
Jun 25, 2009
I think the phrase is actually "for all intents and purposes".

People just mishear it and it spreads.

Edit: But you already said that. My bad.


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
Oh thank God... I thought I was going to have to appease my inner grammar-Nazi and correct you. Thank you for not making me have to do that.

What kinda bugs me is when people don't capitalize their words properly. Especially their Is... Seriously, when referring to yourself, use the capital I not the lower-case i... When you use i it makes it look like you have an inferiority complex, and aren't worthy as a person to have the capitalized letter.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
DuplicateValue said:
I think the phrase is actually "for all intents and purposes".

People just mishear it and it spreads.
Mate that's the point of the OP.

And I just thought of another: When people type 'persay' instead of 'per se'. This is a pet peeve of mine since one ***** had the arrogance to argue with me about it.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Mookie_Magnus said:
Oh thank God... I thought I was going to have to appease my inner grammar-Nazi and correct you. Thank you for not making me have to do that.

What kinda bugs me is when people don't capitalize their words properly. Especially their Is... Seriously, when referring to yourself, use the capital I not the lower-case i... When you use i it makes it look like you have an inferiority complex, and aren't worthy as a person to have the capitalized letter.
Sigh, I must admit that despite my best efforts I do tend to forget to capitalise my 'I's every now and then. Please don't kill me :(

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
I hate it when people mispronounce "nuclear". So many people say "nucular" as if we are still in the Dubya Bush Administration.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
I don't like it when people make these mistakes, but I absolutely hate the people who smugly correct them and then add nothing useful to the thread. Also, in some cases people just need to learn to live with the fact that language evolves.

BTW: what is affidavid?


New member
Jan 1, 2010
Icecoldcynic said:
And I just thought of another: When people say persay instead of per se. This is a pet peeve of mine since one ***** had the arrogance to argue with me about it.
I have to clarify, do you mean you hate it when people type persay instead of per se? Or verbally say it? I'm just a little confused because they're pronounced the same, but I may have just misinterpreted what you meant.

This one has been bothering me since I learned it: Quote is a verb, not a noun. It isn't possible to have quotes, at least in the sense most students will use the word.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
People claiming that writers are "bias," rather than "biased." Drives me batty.
You're a bias writer against grammatically incorrect people, for all intensive purposes!


I hate double negatives. And they're everywhere!


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Jordi said:
I don't like it when people make these mistakes, but I absolutely hate the people who smugly correct them and then add nothing useful to the thread. Also, in some cases people just need to learn to live with the fact that language evolves.

BTW: what is affidavid?
While I admit that it's petty and often arrogant to correct someone's language, do we really want the English language to degenerate? You call it an evolution, I call it a devolution (and I don't give a damn if that's not a word). I already think the amount of dumbing down Americans have forced upon the language is silly, it doesn't need to go any further.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Necator15 said:
Icecoldcynic said:
And I just thought of another: When people say persay instead of per se. This is a pet peeve of mine since one ***** had the arrogance to argue with me about it.
I have to clarify, do you mean you hate it when people type persay instead of per se? Or verbally say it? I'm just a little confused because they're pronounced the same, but I may have just misinterpreted what you meant.

This one has been bothering me since I learned it: Quote is a verb, not a noun. It isn't possible to have quotes, at least in the sense most students will use the word.
Yeah sorry, that's my fault I suppose. I typed 'say' when I do in fact mean 'type'. Edit

EDIT: And also, I don't think the quote thing applies, because dictionaries have had the definition of quote being used as a noun for YEARS. It's not some new thing or anything. Literally, 'quote' when used as a noun is simply an abbreviation of 'quotation'.

Dark Sup3rn0va

New member
Jul 14, 2009
I hate it when people say secretary wrong, its sec-re-tary not sec-re-three, people always leave out the "a".


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
Icecoldcynic said:
Mookie_Magnus said:
Oh thank God... I thought I was going to have to appease my inner grammar-Nazi and correct you. Thank you for not making me have to do that.

What kinda bugs me is when people don't capitalize their words properly. Especially their Is... Seriously, when referring to yourself, use the capital I not the lower-case i... When you use i it makes it look like you have an inferiority complex, and aren't worthy as a person to have the capitalized letter.
Sigh, I must admit that despite my best efforts I do tend to forget to capitalise my 'I's every now and then. Please don't kill me :(
I'm not going to kill you. You're just a lower life-form than I am. [/sarcasm]

It's not a huge deal, really. I just get that impression.

Crunchy English

Victim of a Savage Neck-bearding
Aug 20, 2008
I used to complain constantly about my younger brother saying something was "jokes" instead of "funny". Then I found out that that particular crime against language is homegrown local BS. That just made it a whole lot worse.

Also, "I Resemble That Remark" was funny, probably, a million years ago. Now it's annoying, shut up.