For those of you hyped for MW3, I ask... why?


New member
Dec 21, 2010
Korten12 said:
try out the new multiplayer changes

OT: the reason I'm looking forward to it is that all my other friends will be playing it. I'm not a big fan of the multilayer normally, but when i get a bunch of friends into a lobby it instantly becomes incredibly fun.

Why play this and not BLOPS you ask? Well, most of my friends get tired of their games after about 4-5 months and stop playing them. This gives me 5 more months of being able to get everyone on my friends list together for a match.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
This thread doesn't make sense to me. I loved Modern Warfare 2, both the campaign and the multiplayer, and I see no reason why I shouldn't get Modern Warfare 3. The MW3 singleplayer experience is probably even better than that of BF3.

If you like (sorta) realistic shooters and care a lot about the singleplayer campaign, you can probably do worse than MW3.

Duncan Trice

New member
Aug 30, 2010
For me it's to see if they have done a better job and to try out new guns and stuff. The story has gotten me more interested than the multiplayer since Black ops was terrible. Since they got rid of stopping power it does not seem balanced. I wonder if the next one will be better made. Also Ravensoft has done the multiplayer and not infinity ward, they were doing the story with sledgehammer as most of the staff left to join MoH.


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May 15, 2011
The only other gaming series that are run like CoD are the sports franchises. They both release yearly full-priced games that don't change anything in the big picture but make marginal balance changes and add a few superficial features. In the sports games you get updated rosters and seasons. In CoD you get a new single player campaign.

Comparing to Battlefield series, Batman, or Final Fantasy doesn't work for numerous reasons. The first being that there is long-term plan for any of those franchises. We all know that next year at this time there will be another CoD game about to release. Then the year after that... then the year after that, until there is a year that CoD doesn't sell as well as Activision wants it to. Other franchises develop one game at a time, mostly because their publishers aren't Activision (see Blizzard release schedules).

Also, the other games are usually dramatically different than their predecessor in some way. Battlefield 3 isn't from a gameplay perspective, but the technology underlying it is revolutionary compared to BF2 which came out over 6 years ago. Final Fantasy's have always been very unique from art style, to gameplay, to story-telling methods. I have not played Arkham City, but I understand they made the world more open, which could theoretically greatly alter the way the game plays. I'm assuming the combat is much improved from the simple one of Arkham Asylum as well but again, I don't know for sure.

At the very least CoD is on a yearly-release schedule which separates it from most other franchises, and I would argue that it's a completely different beast altogether.

BTW, I had a lot of fun with CoD4, but kit-based deathmatches aren't my thing, otherwise I would probably pick up the new one every other year maybe. It's really how much you can afford to play a game like this or how many other games you play a year, and I'm not trying to say people who buy every year are wrong.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Not excited, but I'm looking forward to the tightly directed action packed single player campaign. Not going to play multiplayer. For that I have BF3 :D

Vos 47

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Jan 7, 2009
I loved COD 4 (big surprise) and I loved the additions in MW2, which I played regularly for the past 2 years. People complain that it became a game of killstreaks but there was always a work-around available if you played smart (cold blooded, stingers, paying attention to your goddamn surroundings).

MW3 campaign looks a bit uninspired at the moment but they have now tackled the key flaw in the multiplayer in MW2-that people never played the objective-and spec ops survival is just the icing on the cake; even if it is a bit of a stock feature in FPS's these days I'm not gonna pretend that I didn't want a version by Infinity Ward!

I think the only reason we hear so much about COD game's bad rep is due to the sheer volume of players it has. Perhaps if BFBC2 had the same population of players, then we would hear a lot more about the flaws in THAT game; the clumsy movement, aiming, getting trapped in a corner by a cardboard box and having to hop out over it... Not that I didn't love that game too :p

At the end of the day, I am a sucker consumer who'll buy something that I think will entertain me for a while, and, at the moment, Modern Warfare 3 looks like it will do just that.

Dr Jones

Join the Bob Dylan Fangroup!
Jun 23, 2010
Iwata said:
Well, I'm not exactly "excited", but I will buy the game eventually. I like the campaigns, they're a dumb spectacle that I can use to clear my head in between more serious, heavier games.
This pretty much. I can't believe how much people b**** about CoD. CoD does what it wants to do, and it does it damn good. I'm no big fan of CoD. I might get MW3 eventually, but im holding off for now, but i can definitely see the appeal in it. It reminds me of Uncharted, it's not a complicated story, it doesen't have all the twist, but it's good at what it does. (Placing you in seemingly impossible and awesome situations).


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Oct 25, 2009
♪♫ It's OK to not like things. It's OK, but don't be a dick about it. It's OK to not like thiiiings...but don't be a dick about the things you don't like ♪♫


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Because I enjoy the COD multiplayer, I like the pacing more than Battlefield. And once it releases everyone else is going to be playing it so there will be even fewer people playing MW2 than now. Also explosions and guns are kind of cool.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
it's not as bad as madden or other sports franchises that put out the same game every year. at least call of duty puts in some effort to make a new story. sure, it's never a very well written story, but at least it's not the exact same every time.
and I had a bit of fun with Black ops when I showed a die-hard, "it's all about the graphics and multiplayer" COD fan the zork game they had hidden in the start. it was fun to watch him fail completely when he tried to play it.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Well I am excited for COD because it is fun, and really what other reason is there to be excited for any game. I dont care if it hasnt changed much since COD4, but really when you make an excellent game why risk ruining it with too much change, there is nothing wrong with making minor changes to improve a game, and if you dont like it then dont buy it.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Meh, Im more interested in decent single player that has less replay value rather than a Multiplayer game with THE WORST community EVER.

For example, I'd rather play Arkham city with its great combat and interesting storyline and actually having to plan out your method of dispatching the enemies in the area RATHER than getting shot at in yet another generic shooter game while Sighing because I have to open up the leaderboard for the Umpteenth time to mute the little shites screaming and cursing at me because I killed them several times.

The only thing that COD has got going for it is that you can stretch out the multiplayer gameplay for hours and hours with new unlockables, callsigns, emblems, killstreaks etc, Yet all that is still held back by its community which completely decimates any Faith I have in the majority of FPS gamers.

Other than that its got a campaign that I get bored of because its just more levels with the only differences being the time of day, landscape and what the enemies look/sound like, The only exceptions so far are the rare occurance of juggernauts,the dogs, oh and the occasional chopper or something.

So, to answer your question, I've no idea why there is a hype for this game.

Edit: It's not bad to like or dislike it, its just I prefer more story based games and prefer avoiding the hatred that alot of the gamers shout at me or other players.

Wow, that felt good.



New member
Jul 18, 2011
PessimistOwl said:
they seem to have lacked (both treyarch and infinity ward) in the "creativity department".
NONSENSE! I tell you how it works.

IW Guy 1: "We received complaints about killstreaks. People say they have no advantage in pursuing higher killstreaks because there is no reward."
IW Lead Designer: "Let's just give them the option to choose their 3 killstreaks. If they don't have the motivation for reaching higher killstreaks, it's their fault they chose that Predator."

*5 minutes later*

IW Guy 2: "So we get to the final killstreak reward. What can be more annoying than AC-130s and Chopper Gunners?"
IW Guy 1: "I got it! Nukes!"

Later that day they watched a whole season of Future Weapons.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Because I absolutly LOVE spending 60 bucks to play the same game thats been released for the past five consecutive years under a different title. Speaking of which, does anyone know when Madden 13 is being released?