Former president trump indicted.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
There is the possibility that it will motivate trumps base. Like if the right can make the charges look like bunk or even just silly politically motivated. I can totally see his idiots loving a "tough" looking mug shot. And you know that republicans will be running on this being a witch hunt etc etc.
If every legal proceeding of Trump all failed it could help him by making it look like the establishment really is out to get him (nevermind the fact that if they were they would have won all those cases) which could revitalize his chance to win the GOP primary. That's not impossible since DA are... to put it nicely, not always very good at their job when it comes to political case, also Trump can always run crying to the supreme court which would probably exonerate him in some cases.

But I don't see this helping him in the general in anyway, so maybe if the democrat/Biden really mess up it could, in a very roundabout way and under specific scenario, be said that it helped him get elected. Biden/democrats aren't in a very strong position going into the election, strangely because people have the impression that Biden didn't do much when he actually did quite a lot. At the same time, inflation is going down and the economy is still doing well, which should be good for them. But its always hard to predict general election since it pretty much entirely depend on a few states and so local conditions can cause wide shift. And also because people have a shockingly low awarness of whats actually going on since most people either watch no news or get it from terrible source.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I'm not a great political mind but I'm not understanding all of the "THIS WILL GET TRUMP ELECTED NOW!" rhetoric.

Is there a single soul out there who was not on Team Trump but now this is what flipped them? I kind of feel like you're either Team Trump or you're not at this point...
There may be a contingent of Republicans who were looking to support DeSantis because of Trump's foul-ups, but see the indictment as some sort of attack on the Republican party as a whole. How large would that contingent be? I have no idea.

Ah, GWB. They don't make presidents like that anymore. These new presidents, pfah - totally awful.
Funny how some wealthy Harvard graduate from Connecticut just has to affect a bad Texan accent to become "the kind of President I'd like to have a beer with".


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
I'm not a great political mind but I'm not understanding all of the "THIS WILL GET TRUMP ELECTED NOW!" rhetoric.

Is there a single soul out there who was not on Team Trump but now this is what flipped them? I kind of feel like you're either Team Trump or you're not at this point...
Fox and Bannon and Shapiro's media networks will be doing all they can to spin this so that it does convert any who may be ambivalent on Trump.
"The Liberals have just gone too far this time."


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
The bigger problem is that Trump wasn't jailed over numerous frauds long before he ever became president.

If a country is run by its socioeconomic elites and won't hold its socioeconomic elites accountable for misconduct, then it can expect to be run by people prone to misconduct.
This is not just a Trump problem. Trump is right, there are many corrupt elites that create a swamp. Trump is one of them.

They've never been held to account and many pro-Capitalists see them as heroes


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Your timeline works, I think, if you see how the media and Hillary Clinton championed Trump and got him to win the primary, and then he started pushing the "Hillary for Prison" stuff, crossing the wrong (her) people. But once in office, hell, before then, the metaphorical police were already following him in traffic. He had spoken critically of our involvement in NATO. China was transgressing us. There appeared to be nothing in it for the American people to be engaged in forever wars (he wanted to know why we weren't getting cheap or even free oil for our services in the mid-east. Which is a vulgar and wrong way to look at the duties of the POTUS when using our military.) Don't recall if he started calling it fake news during the campaign or not, but that was surely a no-no.

He's not POTUS now, and not being charged at the Federal level.
Were you him, would you really not think you do not want your wife reading about you schtupping a hooker in all the news media? I dunno. Maybe you individually are very libertine?

Alan Dershowitz says a prosecutor should never get creative. They have the awesome might of the state behind them. They have the discretion to use it wisely. There are plenty of real, serious crimes out there one doesn't need to be creative about to get a conviction.

With things like Faucci telling Rand Paul he doesn't know what he's talking about when accused of funding gain of function research, which they were, without facing felony perjury charges while this nonsense happens?

We are living in a country with two sets of laws: rules for thee but not for me. And that is very destructive.

Correct case. I don't think the jury really believed the 2nd degree murder charge, but the manslaughter charge had been dropped so, it was find her guilty of the 2nd, which they didn't believe or let her go, which they didn't want to do. So, reverse jury nullification. They found her guilty of something the judge found not proven, but he was able to reinstate the manslaughter charge. (My recollection was the defense gambled: it believed leaving it gave the jury an out to convict her of manslaughter: drop it and they have to convict on 2nd... Defense just didn't realize that they'd actually do just that!)

Sadly correct. The Yankel Rosenbaum case really pissed me off back in the day. But that's how it should go.

It can be fun to play devil's advocate. I wish Trump would not run as, even if he wins, he becomes the topic. We rehash the past rather than move forward. And he is a spectacularly flawed human being. His way with women alone makes him detestable to people to whom he needs to attract.

But as I've written above, I think this prosecutor is getting wildly creative. Using a fact pattern the direct crimes for which, were he even plausibly guilty of them, blew statute in 2018? This is nuts. I've never seen the kind of derangement for any US politician before. Ever. Not Reagan, not Lori Lightfoot, nobody.

This is lawfare, in politics, where they cannot beat a politician on the merits of his positions, so they use the system they control to undermine him. Kinda like the FBI lying to a FISA court so they can wiretap a major political candidate.

Scary times.
Hillary is an idiot and thought Trump was an easy target. She was proven wrong

Now, I'm going to point out that Reagan was going to be charged for his many, many crimes that, IMO, far outstrip Trump's. He got a pardon from Bush. Same with Nixon, as he he also going to be charged but was pardon by a friendly neighbourhood president. It is also very disgusting that Bill Clinton wasn't charged as well. Same with Bush 2, who, 20 years on, is blaming the CIA for everything when many in the CIA told Bush that the WMD evidence was fabricated

So, while this might feel new... it's actually not. Future presidents usually pardoned criminal ones. This is the first time the pardon hasn't happened


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Well, or at least be made pay restitution.
If someone keeps breaking the law, clearly the penalty isn't sufficient. By which I don't necessarily mean that punitiveness is a deterrent, but that if someone continues to demonstrate a contempt for the law, society should act to protect itself by isolating that person from society.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
If someone keeps breaking the law, clearly the penalty isn't sufficient. By which I don't necessarily mean that punitiveness is a deterrent, but that if someone continues to demonstrate a contempt for the law, society should act to protect itself by isolating that person from society.
If the law repeatedly sees what you're doing and tells you that you've done nothing illegal, why would you feel you have contempt for the law?


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
What exactly is THE NARRATIVE here? Basic human decency in politics?
I am afraid it is, "shut up, obey, get in the pods, eat the bugs" but that is long term. For now, don't rock the boat. If other pols are engaged in crime, if they're getting us into wars that have nothing to do with us, and more, you go along. Trump wasn't. So he has to be gotten rid of, even if the charge they are using is silly (massaging a misdemeanor into a felony).


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I am afraid it is, "shut up, obey, get in the pods, eat the bugs" but that is long term. For now, don't rock the boat. If other pols are engaged in crime, if they're getting us into wars that have nothing to do with us, and more, you go along. Trump wasn't. So he has to be gotten rid of, even if the charge they are using is silly (massaging a misdemeanor into a felony).
Note that Trump wanted the police to go in hard on protests, cracking skulls and shooting people, but he dialed that back to shooting to maim, rather than kill. Sorta seems like he wanted people to shut up and obey.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Note that Trump wanted the police to go in hard on protests, cracking skulls and shooting people, but he dialed that back to shooting to maim, rather than kill. Sorta seems like he wanted people to shut up and obey.
And eat the bugs. Plebs aint fit for real meat.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Note that Trump wanted the police to go in hard on protests, cracking skulls and shooting people, but he dialed that back to shooting to maim, rather than kill. Sorta seems like he wanted people to shut up and obey.
That does sound more like one of his ass hat moments rather than actually having the FBI take out political opponents or collude with private companies to censor people or get people fired if they don't take the clot shot, even if they have natural immunity already, have religious or health reasons not to and more.

Tucker at 12:00: Why do they hate Trump so? His guest mostly thinks it is because he is trying to stop them from getting us all killed in wars that have nothing to do with us.

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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
If the law repeatedly sees what you're doing and tells you that you've done nothing illegal, why would you feel you have contempt for the law?
I would suggest that a great deal of the time, the law does not what see people are doing. Not least in the case of Trump, because such people pay lawyers and accountants to conceal their dealings from the law, and have lobbied to diminish the state's ability to scrutinise and investigate.

That's also why Trump has a long history of employing shysters. There's a simple reason he is under threat and his lawyers, business managers and other associates keep getting prosecuted and convicted: the rot emanates straight from the top. Trump is corrupt, and employs people with lax ethical standards who will facilitate that.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Tucker at 12:00: Why do they hate Trump so? His guest mostly thinks it is because he is trying to stop them from getting us all killed in wars that have nothing to do with us.
Which is kind of hilarious, because since we've been able to see so many Fox employees' personal messages, we all know that Carlson hates Trump, too.

This is also, we might note, the same Tucker Carlson that about ten years ago lived near Hunter Biden and knew him socially. Tucker and his wife had such lovely things to say about Hunter, and they asked the son of the then-VP Joe Biden if he could write a letter of support for Carlson's son to get into an elite university. Oh yes, the same Tucker Carlson that then raged about Hunter in terms of privileged people leveraging their connections for advantage.

Tucker is playing his audience for suckers, just like Trump does.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Which is kind of hilarious, because since we've been able to see so many Fox employees' personal messages, we all know that Carlson hates Trump, too.

This is also, we might note, the same Tucker Carlson that about ten years ago lived near Hunter Biden and knew him socially. Tucker and his wife had such lovely things to say about Hunter, and they asked the son of the then-VP Joe Biden if he could write a letter of support for Carlson's son to get into an elite university. Oh yes, the same Tucker Carlson that then raged about Hunter in terms of privileged people leveraging their connections for advantage.

Tucker is playing his audience for suckers, just like Trump does.
Tucker has given speeches about his own "awakening" noting just how wrong his younger self was. It's good when people can admit such things.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Tucker has given speeches about his own "awakening" noting just how wrong his younger self was. It's good when people can admit such things.
Awfully convenient how that "awakening" coincides with making millions of dollars leading gullible idiots around by their hatred and fears, isn't it? Also odd how his private communications with fellow Fox News staffers shows that his public/acting persona is different than his actual one.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Awfully convenient how that "awakening" coincides with making millions of dollars leading gullible idiots around by their hatred and fears, isn't it?
So, we were told Trump would weaponize the deep state, curtail liberty, harm, even wreck our economy, get us into countless wars. Instead he was the 1st POTUS to not get us into a new war in an age, we saw rising wages for this 1st time, relative to inflation, since around 1970, Obama's kids in cages were closed down and more. Biden gets in due to the malpractice of our MSM, inflation is reaching historic highs, banks failing, 5 million have crossed our border, the kids in cages are back, and we're on the cusp of nuclear annihilation and more. And you think peoples' fears of big government only exist so Tucker can make money? Good luck with that outlook.

ITMT: The leading Republican candidate is under indictment for a misdemeanor matter that fact basis of which has run statute and you don't think this means trouble?

I wouldn't run for office. I'm sure at some point in my life, I've torn a tag off a pillow.

EDIT: OK, I thought this was pretty funny:

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