Former Teacher Acquitted of Videogame Massacre Threat


New member
Aug 18, 2009
yep. im going to kill 500 people. that is totally possible, and is not a joke. everyone take it seriously. call the police because i am going to kill exactly 500 people, because someone hid my markers. tootally


New member
Apr 23, 2010
2fish said:
flaming_squirrel said:
Americans, paranoid?! Never!

Sometimes the British justice system doesnt seem quite so bad.
It is only paranoia if they aren't out to get you. I KNOW they are all out to get me... No sudden movements.

Well the schools are now living in a state of constant fear so I can only 1/2 blame them. As Our schools seem the be the new parents and will be sued if the little angels are not treatd like royalty they are very cautious to avoid the wrath of moron parents.

The school/cops could have at least you know asked the kids if they knew what he was talking about before they said terrorist and walked away. Thus they are half guilty and the investigator and the school official who should have handled this will serve half of the sentence the teacher would have served.

The teacher will be slapped called an idiot and warned about morons who are parents/people.

the judge has spoken.
I think parent should be put in their place. School are made to teach the important stuff to the next generation. They have to care about their student but they can't be everywhere. They should be able to punish misbehaving kid they way they want. Come on now, it's story time!

Where i went, Limoilou High, there was a drug dealer and all round bad kid name Steve Lachance. They never had the opportunity to deal with him correctly because they weren't allowed to. If it were to them, he would have been kicked out or disciplined 18 century school style. (read corporal punishment) Yet, he did everything he pleased. So parent should STHU and raise their kid instead of watching American Idol.

DB Crimson

New member
Jul 5, 2010
Everytime you think your faith in humanity can't sink any lower, some dunce goes to prove you wrong.

awesomeClaw said:
Faith in humanity meter:


"And thats how my story ends. Unable to take the pressure of the american justice system, i wrote a letter to the american congress, where upon i was charged with assualt because one of the congressmen cut themselves on the letter. I´ll spend the rest of my days rotting in jail, and i will never find out what really fucked up the justice system so much. Because in the eyes of the rest of the world, im just an idiot."

Cookie for refrence.
Indigo Prophecy.

Don't worry. You might rot to death in prison but then you'll reanimate as an undead Neo who fights off the Illuminati and AIs that plague our world. :p


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Guest_Star said:
A month? A fucking month in jail before the hearing?
What fucktard lawyer did that poor sod have?
Well, considers how piss-poor the pay rate is for US teachers, probably the best public defender that no money can buy.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
When I was attending a private junior high school, two male friends of mine and I were pulled aside by the dean and questioned. Apparently some kid overheard us talking about weapons, freaked out, and told the dean we were planning a school shooting. The best part is that my friends and I were talking about swords.

Thank god the dean had some common sense, all she did was laugh and let us go when we explained the situation. This is terribly unfair for that teacher and I hope he gets the law on his side with a massive suit against the school.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
monstersquad said:
Once more it goes to show that gamers need to show more discretion when talking about hypothetical murder. I remember sitting on the bus in high school talking about guns, what kind of damage they cause, anecdotes about using guns, weapons and violence against ficticious people in roleplaying games. The looks my friends and I would get, but back then we just didnt get why we freaked people out. Now in retrospective, I can see how really mundane people, who never use their imagination take those sort of things at face value. Cause they're just mundane people whose lives are filled with banality, and they don't get it. So, it just goes to show that discretion is not neccesarily a bad things when discussing things, and gaming talk isn't always appropriate in public, easily eavesdropped company.
We had a World of Warcraft chat at work and were talking about strategies for killing a boss when our boss walked in. Luckily, he is also a gamer and knew what we were talking about. But, it was still funny. Only got us weird stares - not any time in jail.

Haunted Serenity

New member
Jul 18, 2009
Xero Scythe said:
Haunted Serenity said:
Xero Scythe said:
Mr Smith said:
Sodding paranoia...
At the moment, I think we have the right to be paranoid. Do I think this case was still wrong? Yes. However, we've had nothing but school shootings and car bombings for the past few years. I'm glad the police reacted this quickly to such a possible threat. And I'm glad that the jury was so quick in acquiting him. Shows that something in this country still works.
Do you know the defination of works my friend? Because arresting him and shoving him into the clink was not WORKS. Thats shitty police work and legal systems.

Crap double post. My bad.
One: Don't worry about the double post. Most people understand that it's not your fault.
Two: I meant that they reacted quickly. And when I was talking about WORKS, as you so elegantly put it, I was referring to the court and jury system that acquitted him within 10 minutes.
Ah well then I retract my arguement. Still it would be nice to see some more investigation before they just throw him away for trial. It shouldn't have gotten to that point but kudos to the jury. I was caping(that sounds bad) works because my brain died and I couldn't think of a better way to define my displeasure.

Not really fair to be paranoid. China if anyone has the right to be paranoid about school killings. Apparently another just happened recently.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
A member of my extended family (cousin thrice removed type of deal) was a teacher. He went to a competitive job interview and won. One of the other applicants had a niece in his class. She claimed he molested her to get him fired so her uncle could replace him.

They found out it was a lie but only after he lost his job. It was to be stricken from the record since it was false so he could get on with his life. At his next job interview the molestation thing got sent to the new school even though it wasn't supposed to. He was not hired.

Same type of shit at the article.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Guest_Star said:
So at no point can his lawyer go to the DA and say "I think your guys done goof'd on this case" and have the DA drop charges when he actually looks at the case?
He CAN tell thm that they goof'd. In fact I'm sure that's what any good lawyer does. It doesn't mean they will drop the case, though.

I think it's more of a case of the DA being an asshat and taking it all the way to trial, when he knew he had no way of winning. He should either resign, or be replaced.

Also, I'm no lawyer, and I have no idea what his state's laws are on how long you're allowed to be held without being formally charged. I don't think it could've been more than a few days. But I'm pretty sure his problem was coming up with the bail money. After all, a bail-bondsman wouldn't exactly be your first choice. If there is a lawyer out there that can clear this up, then please do, because I agree, this whole situation is fucked up.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Silly teacher! Everyone knows that playing violent games leads to violent behavior. (kidding)

Actually I feel pretty bad for the guy, he got a raw deal.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
The school should reinstate him. No one was at fault here so this man has suffered enough. I'd say the month in jail is evidence of that. Why force him to suffer more by firing him from his profession? Unfortunately, he will likely have to sue the school to get his job back or at least some kind of compensation. But I'm sure most of this has already been mentioned on this thread so I'm going to stop typing and hit the post button right... now!


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Thedayrecker said:
Dear Kentucky,

On behalf of all of Florida, I would like to thank you for being such fuck-ups. You see, we occasionally fuck up, and every now and then we need another state to remind us, as bad as we are, we're not the worst.

Sincerly, Thedayrecker

P.S. I'm sure South Carolina's letter is in the mail

This sort of thing happens rarely here. It's not like all of us are rednecks riding around in our pick-up trucks preaching about Atheists and how they're the bane of the earth. Most people here are fairly intelligent.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
I know, I know, we're all gamers and this is just all so unjust and blah blah blah blah.

Talking about killing 500 people, even if in the context of a videogame, is probably not the best conversation to be having with students, at a school, and you are the teacher.

As for "they should have asked him", are you serious? Like this guy:
Thick said:
Before they effing arrested the guy, much less let the thing go to trial.

Police: What were you talking about when you said you wanted to kill a bunch of people?

Jason: I meant in a video game.

Police: Oh... Well if you actually do go kill people, we'll have to arrest you.

Jason: That's reasonable.
Really? You think that's how law enforcement works? Law enforcement does just that, enforce. If there's a call on a threat of violence, their job isn't to determine what actually happened, it is to arrest.

It is the judge and jury's job to decide what happened and if any law or consequences apply.

As it turns out, the jury figured it out really quick. So I suppose that shows the system works, to a point.

There is the wait time in jail, and the arrest. He was still not proven guilty.

The key thing is, this guy was an idiot. As a teacher, you need to be mindful of your speech. What he said was undeniably stupid. Yes, it was taken out of context, the point is he probably shouldn't have said it in the first place, even in-context.

I work on the same floor as the Mayor and the City Council of a city with about one half of a million people; talking about murder or assassination or terrorism, even if in a game, would not be a smart move on my part. It's like talking about bombs or terrorism on an airplane or in an airport; even if they aren't your plans to actually do anything of the sort, it still puts people on edge and context or no, it isn't unreasonable to determine a threat from that. Kind of like if you say "It's not like I said I'm going to rape you" and someone only hears "I'm going to rape you", you'll be eating mace before you can say "but I-!".

If someone comes up behind you and puts something up to your back and says "gimme all your money", and (in your dreams) you turn around and punch them in the face, only to find out it was a friend masking their voice as a joke, you aren't going to feel bad about it because even if it was a joke in-context, for all you knew it was a legitimate threat and you don't have time to ascertain context; you need to react first and evaluate later. Also, you will consider your friend an idiot.

Yes, he lost his job over a false-positive. That is something you need to be very well aware of when your work involves minors. When I was working for Salvation Army youth programs and camps, there were very strict policies and procedures on even avoiding the appearance of a possibility of someone taking advantage of a minor; be it a threat, violence, abuse, or sexual misconduct. Many were specifically put in place due to so many false-positive cases. It is something you need to be aware of. This guy wasn't. A false-positive indicates he wasn't careful.

He's in a tough spot which could have been avoided if he had been more careful.

But, no, you guys are right, this is about videogames, and we love videogames, so this guy is some sort of epic martyr.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
Okay, you know what, everybody's saying that the situation was stupid, but let me turn this around on you: what if nobody did anything, and he went on to kill all five hundred people? Could you stand 500 deaths on your conscience? Clearly, someone as militarily capable as a school teacher wouldn't be merely hyperbolic when uttering statements of intent to commit such an incredibly massive individual feat.

I'm glad he at least lost his job, but he should be rotting in prison right now for scheming up terrorist plots. Who the hell knows what this guy could go on to do? He could walk into a public place and say "I'm angry enough to nuke the entire world". Can you imagine what an atrocity that would be? That's BILLIONS of people that he is hypothetically massacring. In fact, that's all of us. Throw that dangerous bastard in a maximum-security penitentiary for life before he comes up with another devastating terrorist act.

captain underpants

New member
Jun 8, 2010
There really needs to be some sort of punishment for people that 'cry wolf' like that, or this sort of this will only continue. I really don't know why this couldn't have been handled internally. You know, make sure it's an actual threat before hitting the panic button.

Personally, I wouldn't blame the poor guy if he did go out on an actual killing spree, starting with the little **** that made the bogus complaint.


Nov 1, 2009
wraithian said:
(like the kid who was suspeneded/or expelled, from his elementary school because he brought a Lego gun to school--not a gun made of Legos, mind you, but a gun that one of the little Lego figures would carry)...
.. You have to be fucking kidding me. That didn't happen.. right?


Damnit, U.S. Your legal system is a pile of feces. Fix it!

captain underpants

New member
Jun 8, 2010
SODAssault said:
Okay, you know what, everybody's saying that the situation was stupid, but let me turn this around on you: what if nobody did anything, and he went on to kill all five hundred people? Could you stand 500 deaths on your conscience? Clearly, someone as militarily capable as a school teacher wouldn't be merely hyperbolic when uttering statements of intent to commit such an incredibly massive individual feat.
I'm guessing that's sarcasm, but seriously, the choice isn't between 'doing nothing' and calling in the full weight of the law. How about just talking to the guy to find out the facts? Once the police get involved and charges are laid, you're pretty much fucked whether you're innocent or guilty.