Fox Already Looking At First Class Sequel


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Unsurprised but generally happy. Yay first class!

.....does anybody else want to see Age of Apocalypse as a movie? I mean really, It's the best way to retcon the series without actually retconning any of the series.


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
put an xmen first class spin on either the Vietnam war and or the assassination of Kennedy and see if they could do without Wolverine again[footnote]Or atleast don't let him dominate the movie if hes in as more than a cameo[/footnote] and I'll be a happy camper


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Kiefer13 said:
If the sequel is anything like as good as First Class was, I welcome it. It's nice to see a film that's actually good being so successful.
It's only successful if you're claiming a percent of net profits. According to an IRS study, only about 5% of movies have ever made a gross profit, and thus, been taxable. This is not one of them. 135 million in gross, vice 160 in production. Your net is 355 million, so Hollywood loves it, but it's not profitable enough to tax.

Go loopholes.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Good First Class was amazing, one of the best comic book movies I've ever seen.
I say screw all the other movies and have First Class be the start of a new series.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
awesome since Xmen First Class was freaking awesome...but i demand sentinels in this sequel, EPIC SENTINEL BATTLE DAMMIT, make it so!


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Hmmm... to those who say that Darwin is dead... I would not be so quick to judge, dude survived some seriously freaky shit in the comics, things that would make swallowing a jolt of energy pretty tame by comparison.... (Can anyone say, being absorbed by a living island, fused to the soul of a dying teammate, jettisoned into space, reawakened by a blast of mutant energy, only to be psionically expelled from said rouge teammate?)

If they want to bring Darwin back, they have all the leeway in the world to do it. That being said, do it, I loved Darwin, he's a goddamn beast. Your ability is to adapt to anything to survive. How does your body survive a frontal attack by the Hulk? By teleporting you three states away. Badass. Cowardly, but badass.

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
I have an idea! They have President Kennedy in his open-top car on the day of his assassination. As he gets shot, you see that it was actually Magneto from far away with a round that he propelled towards Kennedy with his magnetism.

Why? Kennedy may have been one of the first Presidents to try and enforce a Mutant Registration Law or something, due to the events of First Class. Just sayin'

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
I'm not sure about real world events, but I sure wouldn't mind seeing a second teleporter in the movie (Blink, perhaps?) in order to have a teleporter vs. teleporter fight. Imagine what they did in X2 with Wolverine vs. Deathstrike to create a highly unconventional knife fight where neither competitor can die, then apply the same idea to a pair of teleporters where all their normal tactics would be negated.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Lrbearclaw said:
Tdc2182 said:
The first mutant? Have a story focussed around whoever the really powerful ones were?
Apocalypse would be COOL but... meh without the core X-Men it would suck. Personally I would have used him in X3 as the ultimate "f**k you" to thoe thinking that Magneto would get his war HIS way.
You mean adding Apocalypse or the Age of Apocalypse story because both would be just as awesome or even days of future past season.


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
sir.rutthed said:
I'd like to see them get pinned for the Kennedy assassination. That'd be interesting.
a TV series called Dark Skies did that, outrage ensued, it effectively killed its US following. The problem with basis it on real events is that your going to anger a lot of people, it got worse when they used the Shuttle Columbia disaster too.

I think X-men should stick to tackling racism and prejudice with claws, but that's just me.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I loved First Class and I'd love to see more of the same as long as they don't fuck it up.

pyrrhic victory

New member
Jun 9, 2011
As long as they don't call it X-Men: Second Class, and is of the same quality of the first, hell yes! Tied with Dark Knight for my favorite superhero movie.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
You know what, this is the first sequel announcement in a long time that I'm actually excited about. That was a damn good movie, and it ended in a way that sets the scene for any kind of sequel they want to make. It's so nice to be excited about X-Men movies again :D


New member
Feb 25, 2008
vansau said:
What real-world events would you like to see included in the next X-Men film?
Well, the first one was the Cuban missile crisis, so clearly the next logical step is JFK's assasination. It's also the perfect opportunity for Magneto to use his metal controlling powers (and have it horrifcally backfire on him the way Xavier's idealism turned on him in First Class).

This is a serious question, why is anyone surprised a sequel's in the works? They signed the actors on for three movies, surely that's a not so subtle sign?


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Yes, they are looking towards a sequel. It's called X-Men. It was released in 2000. It takes place chronologically after First Class. That is the whole concept of a prequel, after all, that it comes before a movie, and is followed by that movie. I don't see how they could possibly make a sequel to a prequel that technically has a sequel. Well, ok, you can, I guess, but we all know how well those turn out (not naming any names, George Lucas). Am I the only one that thinks First Class works as a standalone movie and any sequels would ruin it?


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Awww yeaaaah!

Totally up for a sequel. Movie made my top movie list of the year.

As long as I can see more mutants and more of sexy Professor X, I am good for ANYTHING.
Bring it, Fox! Don't fuck this up and you'll get more of my money!


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I can't be excited about this. They are just going to keep going till they kill it. First Class was probably one of the best movies in all the X-movies, if not the best. I wouldn't want to see anyone but Matthew Vaughn do this really. I felt his directing was by far the best, though I thought X2 was pretty great too. I don't really care too much for Bryan Singer's work at this point though, the only movies in his repertoire that I liked are Superman Returns and X2. Matthew Vaughn has a bit more going for him I think.

Edit: I see a lot of comments saying that a sequel is Xmen, from 2000, and has already happened. But did Star Wars not teach us that there can be any number of prequels? Why not grind this current cast into the ground for a couple more movies, reboot a few years later, then make Marvels 1602 series into a half assed 3 movie that won't follow the comics at all.