Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist


New member
Nov 12, 2010
Does anyone else think game companies are just using fox as free publicity? It's either that or someone on fox has gotten smart and is taking bribes from game companies to tell outrageous stories so the game gets some extra marketing out


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Oh, is it that time of year again? Seems every 9-12 months Fox News finds out there's a violent game coming out and decides it's time to make up some ridiculous claims to make us all roll our eyes.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
psychologist and author Carol Lieberman took it one step further, directly blaming videogames for a rise in sexual violence. "The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in videogames," she said.
Seriously? playing out of sexual scenes in videogames? As far as i can recall the most sexual scenes in videogaming have been GTA's bouncing cars and ME/DA's kissing in your underwear. Ooo major stuff.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Y'know, it's fair to make that arguement that the violence and gore that is commonly displayed in many different forms of media today is causing desensitization, and that this might not be a good thing. You could say we should be more appaled by the death of fellow man and that it should not be taken as lightly as it is. You can further argue that Video Games are more at fault than this, as in a violent movie, you simply watch the death of others, whereas in our medium, you actively choose to take those lives yourself.

You cannot argue that the ridiculously low amount of explicit sexual content that can be found in most games (outside of Japan of course) is turning kids into rapists. You DEFINITELY cannot argue that the using not even that explicit terms in a video game is turning people into rapists.

And to further prove my point, Catcher in the Rye, a book considered to incredibly influencing, has gotten so far like what, two or three people to attempt assasinations? That book was about destroying the "phonies" of the world. You're telling me that a game where you kill mercanaries and evil guys is going to somehow correlate into turning not two, not three, but THOUSANDS of people into rapists solely bent on not hurting the bad guys of the game, but people out jogging past 10:30?

Oh Faux News, you crack me up


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Imbechile said:
Took them long enough. I was starting to get worried.
I wonder what will they say about Duke Nukem Forever?
Remember they are a year behind so they probably don't even know that it is actually real.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Is nothing sacred (except God, of course) to them. Really, rape is a vile act cause by sexual represion, or a way for the rapist to make himself feel empowered. Not by games. This is bullshit, but because its on Fox the majority of our voter population is going to blindly believe it. Go America!


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Rated M for Mature.

17 years and up.

How is that young kids and adolescents?


But hey, facts... what the hell are those? I mean this is Fox News we're Fair and Balanced.

Cause if we say it long enough it might actually come true.

Course this isnt really a surpirse as it appears they have not learned from the mass effect fiasco


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Sorry, but I must quote this, with slight modifications of course:

"Well they made a game. It had sexual words and violence. They've left me no choice but to come a rapist. It's just stupid, there is no link! That's like watching some guy mowing his lawn and saying "Well, I'm off to punch Ainsley Harriott in the face". "I cut Kriss Akabusi up and out him in my bin" "what the fuck have you done that for?" "I seen a bloke eating a cake!" There is no link!"
Okay so in this case there MIGHT be a slight link, but I don't recall anyone being sent into a raping frenzy over seeing innuendo words. If that was true, my cousins would be convicted serial rapists with the stuff they look up online. Hell, we all would!


New member
Oct 1, 2010
Another Fox News report catering to the technophobe, "them damn kids," pro-censorship crowd. I am not even surprised anymore. Birds fly, Superman stares at sleeping children and Fox News releases bullshit sensationalist reports about how video games our ruining our youth.
Apr 28, 2008
Look at this neat little article on RockPaperShotgun. Shows Fox New's "selective quoting" at its finest. Its related to this story.

Classic Fox News.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
What's really hilariously ironic is that Andy Chalk is doing what he accuses Fox News of doing. The very title, "Fox News Says BulletStorm Could Make You a Rapist" is complete bullshit, Fox News made no assertion, some touchy-feely psychiatrist made those statements and at no point did FoxNews or the author of the article take that stance, there was a warning put out to parents, which there should be. Clueless, retarded parents and over zealous lawyers are the bane of the video game industry. Also the ESRB $1 million fines have no backing other than market leverage, while many retailers will not carry a game without an ESRB rating no publisher is required to use the rating system. I like the system that is in place I think mostly that the ESRB rating system works and I'm glad to see an industry self regulate. I really HATE when a scum sucking blogger goes on a rampage against a news organization for political/social differences, it's disgraceful. Maybe you ought to double check what's being said by whom, and why before throwing gasoline onto the pyre. Andy Chalk, such a foolish little no one.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Hah! I bet the makers of the game are loving this xD They should work it into their advertisements:

"Warning: Experts show that Bulletstorm WILL turn you into a rapist!"


New member
Feb 10, 2011
M4A1Sopmod said:
Another Fox News report catering to the technophobe, "them damn kids," pro-censorship crowd. I am not even surprised anymore. Birds fly, Superman stares at sleeping children and Fox News releases bullshit sensationalist reports about how video games our ruining our youth.
And then they put on people like Stossel who says we should legalize recreational drugs. Holy shit they are so pro-censorship. Try actually watching Fox News before opening your mouth and inserting your foot. I do not like the article in question, I think the author is simply trying to make a controversy however small simply for the sake of selling an article.


New member
May 15, 2010
this is outrageous frankly. Have they said which games could cause this? Or are they digging up the old "mass effect's a rape sim" chestnut?


New member
Feb 4, 2011
The Imp said:
That chick is right about one thing though, M or 18 rated games should not be played by minors - thats the bottom line. But all the other claims are just typical FOX NEWS bullshit. Stupid right wingers and tea baggers.
actaully in some parts of canada (it also depends on the retailer) but children under 18 need parents there with them to buy m rated games and fox news really really come on thats just ignorant of fox news


Old Man? I am not that old .....
Jun 14, 2008
Fox News? More like Faux News!

Every media format was demonized at one time. Games, TV, movies, Books. When the printing press came into being, mass produced copies of the Bible translated into common toungs of the time where considered heresy and witchcraft.

"What you mean all 50 of these bibles are exactly the same with the same spelling and grammar, font and page count; I will not believe it, and in (insert you language here) not in original Latin or Greek. He is a witch, burn him". -Ignorant medieval peasants

I recommend to those who are open minded and not easily offended to Watch Penn and Tellers Bullshit, especially the episode dealing with video games.


New member
May 27, 2009
Time for a family guy quote:
"Even true things once said on fox news become lies"


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Anarchemitis said:
Just because I don't agree with such a disreputable news group from having such a large audience, doesn't mean I agree with such violent video games having a large audience. There are so many other things we could use game engines for apart from depiction of guns and boobs.
I agree ... that and if developers wanted to portray a real war game it would consist of you and 500 other guys hiding behind a concrete fortification firing blindly at a target 1000+ yds away for umpteen hours a day hoping that you don't catch a stray bullet.

I mean, Full Metal Jacket .... awesome movie, but it would make a pretty lousy (and controversial) game ... there's, what? 4 gun fights?

And one of them that goes on for 22 mins is an entire USMC platoon against a single VC Sniper.

Which, when looking at it, couldn't have gone on for any less amount of time when taking stock of the situation.

Surely if the only way developers can make war 'fun' and 'engaging' is to allow players to still fighht even after being shot or having a million enemies to kill then you could devote those energies to create something that requires a little imagination.

Don't get me wrong .. I love S.T.A.L.K.E.R (Then again, the setting and gameplay was/still is pretty fantastically 'out there' when it comes to the imagination).

But I can't help but feel like the industry's stock standard fps fascination with 'safe bet' shooters is harmful in the long run.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I wish I could hit the people that made this up and the people that fell for it with a large pointy stick until they stop twitching.