Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist


New member
Apr 3, 2009
but but, Experts said! so it must be true!!

there are little signs that you look for that throw up alarms.

like the credit card offer... it starts off all snobby and making you feel elite for just having gotten it.. but then felt it explicitly had to show an example of '3x points' "if you spend $500, that will give you 1500 points!"

ok, target audience identified... pass.


New member
May 19, 2008
So, I'm a bit late to the party and I'm not sure if anyone else has posted this (or if anyone is going to read this post this late into the discussion) but here's something I found interesting:

Fox actually had quotes from people who knew what they were talking about - logical, rational folks who had an idea of how evolving mediums work and how society adapts to them. But did they go with those quotes? No. They instead went with the sensationalist option to get as much of an anti-game bias as they could out there in their reporting.

"Fair and Balanced" my ass. How on Earth anyone believes that they are, I have no idea.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Job opening at Faux News:

Applicant nr.1

He is smart, honorable, will stop at nothing to get to the truth

Applicant nr.2

A drooling psychopath with tourettes and nazi posters all over the walls in his apartment

Who get's the job?


New member
Sep 11, 2010
rather then just write a 200 page essay on the subject i'll just quote a comment made by a friend in regards to this

"I'll admit there are issues with the article (like the total lack of statistics to BACK UP THE CLAIMS). Video games, like all media, are not the root of culture decay. Although, it could be an indicator of how decadent a society is, that's another debate altogether. Making video games a scapegoat is not an answer.

But at the same time, I'm going to call out the Internet on this one: Where the heck is Fox News saying directly that this game is "the Worst Ever"? Yes, it does ask the question "Is this the worse video game ever?", but it doesn't say it. All it does is list both sides of the argument, and in the end, the side defending the game is the stronger because of the weak defense of those who oppose it.

Ironically, a ton of websites that are reporting this article misconstrue the title. Gamers have a dislike of Fox News because one person in a panel described Mass Effect inaccurately. (What I don't hear is when Fox News had someone defending Mass Effect on the very same panel. People tend to forget that both sides are presented in this article as well.) Instead, most people act like petty imbeciles. Instead of trying to provide genuine debate, they simply laugh like hyenas.

And is the article lying? The writers only states (with a bit of bias) what the game does have. He does quote some sources, although a bit questionable (stats people, we need stats!). But not once does the author claim the game itself is the worse game ever."

the escapist needs to fucking learn to read before they jump to conclusions, but hey flame on

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
chalkfail said:
You grossly misrepresented the whole of the article and rather than spark conversation about getting news media to examine video games more fairly, you started a bunch of "FOX is evil and dishonest and hates gamers" talk.
No I didn't. The "whole of the article" is Fox spewing bullshit nonsense. Do I really need to explain that giving Hal Halpin a couple of lines to rattle off standard industry boilerplate doesn't change that?

When Fox starts giving time to people like Christopher Ferguson and Cheryl Olson, I'll be happy to credit for presenting both sides of the argument. But until that happens there's absolutely no reason to.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Jesus Christ Fox, change the record please?

"If a child were to get their hands on this"

Good thing kids can't buy them then eh!? And just like that I've solved the problem.

Also, surely this is the same as a young kid watching Hostile and decided to go and blowtorth his Japanese neighbours eye out. It's not? No I didn't think so. Parents take some responsibility for once in your life. Also, in what game do you rape someone? I mean literally, not figuratively like people shout about on COD.

OT (I guess): I actually really looking forward to it after buying Painkiller, People can fly's other game. I hope they don't dissapoint.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Atomysk said:
I really HATE when a scum sucking blogger goes on a rampage against a news organization for political/social differences, it's disgraceful.
I just want to make sure I have this straight: Fox News essentially makes up an issue out of nothing but anti-gaming hysteria, accuses game publishers of being "glib" about violence, digs up some "expert" who claims, straight up, that videogames cause rape, provides absolutely no testimony to counter that statement, yet it bears absolutely no responsibility for that statement?

Is that your position?


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Andy Chalk said:
Atomysk said:
I really HATE when a scum sucking blogger goes on a rampage against a news organization for political/social differences, it's disgraceful.
I just want to make sure I have this straight: Fox News essentially makes up an issue out of nothing but anti-gaming hysteria, accuses game publishers of being "glib" about violence, digs up some "expert" who claims, straight up, that videogames cause rape, provides absolutely no testimony to counter that statement, yet it bears absolutely no responsibility for that statement?

Is that your position?
Is it Fox News' responsibility to counter a statement of idiocy? Should the author have fabricated something to counter it? The companies involved would not even talk about it with Fox. If you don't defend your stance/principles/or work who do you expect to do it? Should Fox News have contacted you Mr. Chalk?

Did you not read the article you linked to and took the time to rant about?

?If a younger kid experiences Bulletstorm's explicit language and violence, the damage could be significant,? Dr. Jerry Weichman, a clinical psychologist at the Hoag Neurosciences Institute in Southern California, told : Do you disagree with this? Should we scrap the ESRB rating completely because children wouldn't be harmed by this content?

?Violent video games like Bulletstorm have the potential to send the message that violence and insults with sexual innuendos are the way to handle disputes and problems,? Weichman said.: Is this just a complete fabrication, total bullshit? I can see this being very true as video games and all media shape the culture around them.

?Between a great ratings system, parental controls on the consoles and the major retailers inhibiting the sale of Mature-rated games to minors, the matter is really one for parents and adults to consider, individually,? Hal Halpin, the president of the similar Entertainment Consumers Association, told ?I respect the creative rights of game developers to make a game like Bulletstorm in the same way that I appreciate Quentin Tarantino's right to make over-the-top movies like Kill Bill." : Is there something significant that Hal left out here that would give even more weight to the industries side of this debate? I couldn't have said it better myself.

I agree that this is a non-issue, this article was written to create what little controversy could be made to grab people's attention. DID YOU NOT DO THE EXACT SAME THING??? Did you not entitle this article, "Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist" firmly blaming Fox News for the idiocy of one yes ONE psychiatrist. (No a news organization does not hold any blame for what a single person says at all, I wouldn't blame you if someone you interviewed said all white men should be cleansed from the world)
Controversy sells and that's why YOU made one about how FOX made one. Yet somehow, you have the moral high ground? Your reporting is somehow honest, even though blatantly not? Fox News is the one filled with LIES and twisting of facts, when the TITLE of your article is an absolute slander? What is your position other than that of a self-righteous blowhard opportunist?
Sep 30, 2010
I don't know how to respond to this. Just when you thought fox news couldn't get any more unreal this happens. How does anyone take them seriously any more?


New member
Feb 3, 2011
news corporations like fox will never stop with stuff like this. this is more likely to get it target audience in , which means more viewers and more profit. oh these articles cause great pain.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
PaulH said:
But I can't help but feel like the industry's stock standard fps fascination with 'safe bet' shooters is harmful in the long run.
Tell me about it. "Safe investments" these days says something about the culture which it manufactures.

lead sharp

New member
Nov 15, 2009
Sarah Kerrigan said:
lead sharp said:
Sarah Kerrigan said:
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha-oh there trying to be serious? Makes me laugh. I'm only 14 and I have this game preordered. It's not like is making me rape people. In playing it for the humor
Well I'm guessing it was rated your equivalent to an 18 so that there is a whole issue unto itself, i.e. if a shop isn't responsible enough to not sell this to kids and at 14 YOU ARE) maybe the gaming industry does need tighter laws...

Fox are an alarmist scaremongering collection of journalist wannabes but the gaming industry keep giving them ammo to shoot.

Now I'm going to fuck a chicken and murder puppies because Mario told me to.
Hey my moms seen the trailer and have laughed at it. They were there when I preordered it.

Jeez is it so bad I'm under 18 and play rated M games?
Could be for the games industry.

I'm not going to say you're not mature enough to play this game, if your folks think you are hooray for liberalism but it would take one copy of this game to be found in a teenage rapists bedroom and BADOOM off we AGAIN.

The tragic irony of this being that this games actual subject matter is about as mature as My Little Pony.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Well then here's an idea:



Seriously... You wouldn't take your kids to see Saw 8 (or whatever they're up to now), why would you let them play an extremely violent video game?

If their stance on this was to inform parents that they shouldn't buy violent games for their children, and not "OMG VIOLENT GAMZE SHLD BE BAN3D! LOLWTFPWN!!!!1!!1" they might be actually doing some good in the world.

But then again if Fox News started telling people to think for themselves and exercise personal responsibility they would probably lose 99% of their viewership.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
See, the key words here are FOX NEWS! Sad thing is, though, I know some people who just watch Fox News and ONLY Fox News.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
RebellionXXI said:
Well then here's an idea:



Seriously... You wouldn't take your kids to see Saw 8 (or whatever they're up to now), why would you let them play an extremely violent video game?

If their stance on this was to inform parents that they shouldn't buy violent games for their children, and not "OMG VIOLENT GAMZE SHLD BE BAN3D! LOLWTFPWN!!!!1!!1" they might be actually doing some good in the world.

But then again if Fox News started telling people to think for themselves and exercise personal responsibility they would probably lose 99% of their viewership.
Nowhere in the article did it ever mention that violent video games should be banned. The author did seem to lean more on the side of a the uninformed hysteria, however this is most likely to draw attention to the article which succeeded. You obviously do not watch Fox at all, many of their very well known TV personalities (John Stossel, Judge Andrew Napalitano, Glenn Beck to name a few) are very ardent defenders of individual liberties, freedom of commerce and freedom of expression/speech I can't even think of a Fox News spokesperson that would actually call for government regulation of video games even if they disagreed or condemned the subject matter.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
Ugh, every time I see someone commenting on how the ESRB doesn't work because Minors can still "buy" these games it just... ugh.

Do they even realize that it could be Parents or other, older friends or relatives buying the game and the kids obtain it that way? You know, the same way kids get their hands on R-Rated movies? Or is that just some how beyond their grumpy, psychiatrist brains comprehension?

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Violent video games are awful and glorify violence. Therefore the simple minded people that play them will automatically think violence is good. There's little doubt about that.

I'd like to elaborate, but I only came on here to post during the ad break after UFC. Pulp Fiction is just starting on the same channel and you know I don't want to miss that.