Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Atomysk said:
RebellionXXI said:
I must admit, I do not watch Fox News. I am aware that many of their correspondents are supporters of individual freedoms, and that they are not directly advocating game regulation. I was mistaken to assume this. I mistakenly assumed that just because Fox News was presenting anti-game opinions that they were also advocating censorship, which may not have been their original intention.

However, if Fox News is giving publicity to an (ostensibly) respected scientific authority to say that certain videogames are going to turn your children into rapists, what effect do you think this is going to have on the debate of whether or not games should be censored? The article also presented opinions that the ESRB rating system and parental controls are there for a reason, and that it's the responsibility of the parents to decide what games their children can and cannot play, but (to me, at least) the article seems to be biased in favor of those who believe that stricter legislation is in order.

As much as Fox News and its personalities may support individual liberties, I'm not sure they think video games fall into the 'individual liberties' category. If they did, maybe they would be more careful about whose opinions they choose to present. I mean, they could have chosen to not talk to the psychologist who draws a dubious connection between game sales and rape statistics to say that playing violent games causes people to become sexual deviants.

But they did.

So what do we do? We read between the lines, and conclude that Fox News is either mistakenly contradicting their own stance on individual liberties, or is deliberately helping these assholes make violent video games into a scapegoat for modern social ills.
I would think that many people at Fox News would consider video games a freedom of speech issue and thereby fall into THE most important of individual liberties. However you must realize that Fox News has never worn the face of a completely united front, and has many personalities that hold many different views. Fox is accountable for what it prints, but would you rather know that there is a psychiatrist that is out there that thinks that video games lead to increases in RAPE or not? I'm glad it was quoted it's hilariously inane to think that this expert has any hard evidence linking the two actions and is doing anything more than talking out her ass. Is that really publicity, especially given it's on a very small internet article in the tech section of Fox News? Perhaps the author should have made a comment about the absurdity of the statement, but it would most certainly be asserting his opinion about the psychiatrist. It's never good journalism to call your source a kook even if they are one.

I do agree that the article seems skewed towards alarmists, I'm not sure if that's the author's bias, a ploy to grab attention, the mere silence of the developers/producers of the game, or simply someone trying to warn parents that not all video games are made for children and they should pay more attention. I do know that most retailers do their do diligence and train their employees to not sell Mature rated games to minors, I also know that most parents don't know jack about what game they are buying for their children. I was working for a game retailer when GTA 3 came out and had to upset quite a few 12y/os by telling their mothers that you can pick up hookers and then murder them later to get your cash back. Some of them, but very few bought the game once told that. While i do see the lean in the alarmist direction in this article the reporter does fall short of condoning legal restriction and government regulations upon video games, perhaps in his own blog he does where he is free to express opinion, and do more than report.
I must admit, you have a very sensible perspective, and I can't fault your logic. I certainly hope that Fox News has at least some components who think video games fall under protected speech. One thing I can say with certainty about Fox News and its personalities, they do have a lot of clout with conservatives.

I suppose Fox News can be forgiven for talking to the aforementioned psychologist, since, yes, I suppose I would want to know if a psychologist thinks that playing games can lead to sexually violent behavior. However, they certainly aren't doing their audience any favors by presenting this information without also presenting a direct counterpoint. Maybe they weren't able to find anyone else who was willing to comment on the issue (which, in itself, would say a lot about the situation), and I understand completely that you shouldn't accuse your sources of being nuts, but I still think more editorial discretion would have been warranted here.

Unless this was a crass attempt to create sensationalism surrounding this issue without regard for scientific credibility. It seems that way to me, but I have biases of my own, obviously.

I understand that a lot of parents have no idea what video games are all about and how violent play might affect their kids, and that's how we got into this mess to begin with. I understand that the individual reporter is free to express a bias, but I would feel better about this situation if they had done more to emphasize the role of personal responsibility in this situation.

Also, kudos to you and your former employers for trying to keep parents informed. The less retailers are complicit in providing mature-rated video games to minors, the more we move away from getting the government involved.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Accusations are worth nothing if you tell no one how you came to those conclusions. This is why I stick to public broadcasting (it's surprisingly open in canada). At least I can get news that, while biased, isn't factually incorrect.

I still want to see a completely unbiased news source somewhere. Maybe when the singularity comes, it can invent some sort of journalist robot.

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Fear mongering? By Fox news? Gedaahdaheuh!
Blame a problem they cant explain onto an outlet they can't understand. I'm used to it now, so whatever. Fox can believe what it want's to believe.
Also, where is the study that links games to rape? She said it does...where's the evidence?
The problem isn't that they believe it. It's that they make 100 million other people believe it. Then the ignorant masses do stupid things like vote for legislation in ignorance. Man I'm all for freedom of speech and of the press but Fox news abuses that privilege to supply a non-stop barrage of slander and outright lies. I remember during the elections they said Obama attended a madrassa growing up. They said this repeatedly. After he won the presidency they issued a formal apology and stated they had made a mistake. Over and over again apparently. Uh-huh. I don't know why people continue to watch them. It would honestly be better for our country if they were taken forcibly off the air.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
SlainPwner666 said:
MrSnugglesworth said:
Well if videogames aren't the cause of violence, tell me where it comes from.

You can't can you?
Violence has been around since even before man has. It's "Cause" is still a mystery, but allow me to speculate.

Anger, hatred, greed, and fear. Four of some of the oldest emotions, and some of the most dangerous.
You missed an older one: hunger.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
RebellionXXI said:
Atomysk said:
RebellionXXI said:
I must admit, I do not watch Fox News. I am aware that many of their correspondents are supporters of individual freedoms, and that they are not directly advocating game regulation. I was mistaken to assume this. I mistakenly assumed that just because Fox News was presenting anti-game opinions that they were also advocating censorship, which may not have been their original intention.

However, if Fox News is giving publicity to an (ostensibly) respected scientific authority to say that certain videogames are going to turn your children into rapists, what effect do you think this is going to have on the debate of whether or not games should be censored? The article also presented opinions that the ESRB rating system and parental controls are there for a reason, and that it's the responsibility of the parents to decide what games their children can and cannot play, but (to me, at least) the article seems to be biased in favor of those who believe that stricter legislation is in order.

As much as Fox News and its personalities may support individual liberties, I'm not sure they think video games fall into the 'individual liberties' category. If they did, maybe they would be more careful about whose opinions they choose to present. I mean, they could have chosen to not talk to the psychologist who draws a dubious connection between game sales and rape statistics to say that playing violent games causes people to become sexual deviants.

But they did.

So what do we do? We read between the lines, and conclude that Fox News is either mistakenly contradicting their own stance on individual liberties, or is deliberately helping these assholes make violent video games into a scapegoat for modern social ills.
I would think that many people at Fox News would consider video games a freedom of speech issue and thereby fall into THE most important of individual liberties. However you must realize that Fox News has never worn the face of a completely united front, and has many personalities that hold many different views. Fox is accountable for what it prints, but would you rather know that there is a psychiatrist that is out there that thinks that video games lead to increases in RAPE or not? I'm glad it was quoted it's hilariously inane to think that this expert has any hard evidence linking the two actions and is doing anything more than talking out her ass. Is that really publicity, especially given it's on a very small internet article in the tech section of Fox News? Perhaps the author should have made a comment about the absurdity of the statement, but it would most certainly be asserting his opinion about the psychiatrist. It's never good journalism to call your source a kook even if they are one.

I do agree that the article seems skewed towards alarmists, I'm not sure if that's the author's bias, a ploy to grab attention, the mere silence of the developers/producers of the game, or simply someone trying to warn parents that not all video games are made for children and they should pay more attention. I do know that most retailers do their do diligence and train their employees to not sell Mature rated games to minors, I also know that most parents don't know jack about what game they are buying for their children. I was working for a game retailer when GTA 3 came out and had to upset quite a few 12y/os by telling their mothers that you can pick up hookers and then murder them later to get your cash back. Some of them, but very few bought the game once told that. While i do see the lean in the alarmist direction in this article the reporter does fall short of condoning legal restriction and government regulations upon video games, perhaps in his own blog he does where he is free to express opinion, and do more than report.
I must admit, you have a very sensible perspective, and I can't fault your logic. I certainly hope that Fox News has at least some components who think video games fall under protected speech. One thing I can say with certainty about Fox News and its personalities, they do have a lot of clout with conservatives.

I suppose Fox News can be forgiven for talking to the aforementioned psychologist, since, yes, I suppose I would want to know if a psychologist thinks that playing games can lead to sexually violent behavior. However, they certainly aren't doing their audience any favors by presenting this information without also presenting a direct counterpoint. Maybe they weren't able to find anyone else who was willing to comment on the issue (which, in itself, would say a lot about the situation), and I understand completely that you shouldn't accuse your sources of being nuts, but I still think more editorial discretion would have been warranted here.

Unless this was a crass attempt to create sensationalism surrounding this issue without regard for scientific credibility. It seems that way to me, but I have biases of my own, obviously.

I understand that a lot of parents have no idea what video games are all about and how violent play might affect their kids, and that's how we got into this mess to begin with. I understand that the individual reporter is free to express a bias, but I would feel better about this situation if they had done more to emphasize the role of personal responsibility in this situation.

Also, kudos to you and your former employers for trying to keep parents informed. The less retailers are complicit in providing mature-rated video games to minors, the more we move away from getting the government involved.
I appreciate your reasoning, I must admit I myself think the article is poorly written, and does not dive deeply enough into the subject to draw any real opinions about the subject. I feel that the author was terribly lazy and should have done more to write a fuller article. The whole article was barely longer than this posting is going to be. I also know that there are deadlines to be met and work in a newsroom is never finished, but he could have pushed back the article a bit longer and probably tried more to reach other sources. This however is only my speculation on the article and maybe completely wrong.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Fuck Fox news.
What a bunch of brainless retards. How can they live with themselves knowing that everything they spout is bullshit and lies?
Do they even do research?
I would say I feel bad for these so-called "experts" linked with them, but they seem equally ignorant and "on-an-agenda".

Thank everything in creation, science and whatever other beliefs that I don't ever watch Fox news.


New member
Oct 1, 2010
Atomysk said:
M4A1Sopmod said:
Wow. Excuse me. I assumed that I could generalize on a TV network after hearing hundreds of reports confirming my beliefs but apparently without citing specific and concrete information I am in the wrong. If you had been polite and actually acted like a semi-decent human being I might feel obligated to explain why I feel that way and to cite some examples. As you have not acted that way I will leave you with this statement: It is difficult to make friends when you leap to the defense of something nobody really completely understands and don't leave any room for the person to explain their actions.
I'm sorry about jumping down your throat, however Fox News does not cater to a pro-censorship crowd, given all the organizations actually trying to figure out how to take them off the air how could they be? If you listen to the some people you'll hear that FNC is calling for the violent uprising of the conservative right, none of this shit is true. FNC is the most trusted news channel in the United States if they were lying out there asses every 5 seconds I think more than MSNBC. Media matters and these Jr. Highers would be pointing it out. Do your own research, anyone that says Fox News it full of shit is an extremely close minded person.
Don't worry about it. Im more than happy to have an intelligent discussion with somebody as long as they are polite. You see, sir, I was using hyperbole for comedic effect. I get bored writing on these forums and try (and obviously miss the mark) to make my posts both informative and entertaining. While Fox News may not be literally censoring people and events that need the public eye on them, they are dangerously close to that extreme if they continue on their current line of thinking with video games. Once you start censoring video games or telling artists (Yes, I consider video game developers artists) where does it end? That thought scares me, and as an individual planning on making a living in journalism I consider censorship of any kind to be a very serious act. I would never be as pretentious as to seriously call an entire news network full of shit. A news network is like any other organization in that it is hundreds of people all with alterior motives trying to think of the best ways to earn the most money. While I can respect wanting to be able to feed your family I believe the media has taken a dive in recent years and doesn't really represent the unbiased views that create truly accurate media. While I may not see eye-to-eye with Fox News on many subjects I can respect the fact that they are just trying to get the news to as many people as possible. What I have a problem with is the way they often skew the news and the obvious bias that is displayed, however this is less of a problem with Fox News and more of a problem with journalism in general. I hope I have shown that I am not another uppity child just trying to get a rise out of people, and while I hold my own opinions I respect your right to your own opinion and hope you can do the same. (I apologize if this is a double post but there was a bit of a glitch with the forums and I wanted to make sure you received my post)


New member
Oct 1, 2010
Phoenix Arrow said:
Violent video games are awful and glorify violence. Therefore the simple minded people that play them will automatically think violence is good. There's little doubt about that.

I'd like to elaborate, but I only came on here to post during the ad break after UFC. Pulp Fiction is just starting on the same channel and you know I don't want to miss that.
Hahahaha. I see what you did there. Actually, you still kinda came off like a bit of a prick, but that happens to everyone. So better luck next post.

Save us.A7X

New member
Apr 15, 2009
So clearly we need a 'may encourage rape' disclaimer on all game boxes now, Fox News, you guys are so smrt.


New member
Dec 3, 2007
Fox news (rated R for Retarded)

The dialogue contains numerous nazi references and comments that reference distorted facts and beliefs, The content is many times misguided and illegitimate but willfully spread like fact. The F-word is referenced and used many times in its content (eg Bill O'Reilly).

parental discretion is advised.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
Fox News Says Bulletstorm Could Make You a Rapist
Destal said:
So, Bill O'Rielly wasn't mentioned anywhere in the article at all, so I'm not sure where you are coming up with that, plus I am quoting this directly from the article.

?Between a great ratings system, parental controls on the consoles and the major retailers inhibiting the
sale of Mature-rated games to minors, the matter is really one for parents and adults to consider, individually,? Hal Halpin, the president of the similar Entertainment Consumers Association, told ?I respect the creative rights of game developers to make a game like Bulletstorm in the same way that I appreciate Quentin Tarantino's right to make over-the-top movies like Kill Bill."
you two should meet.
Andy, dont be "Movie Bob", honestly one per website is enough.
I understand you hate conservatives with a deep, burning,hate and it absolutely galls you that Fox would use psychologists and sources and it probably REALLY pissed you off when Obama called them a legitimate news organization but dont do the sellout thing and put Fox News in the title just to get views. You know damn well that your just whipping up the gaming crowd in here when you should be trying to bring attention to the sources of this article. Fox News already means nothing to the vast majority gaming community. It isn't beneficial to attack the messenger. It doesn't look good when all we do is sit around and do is attack news organizations, it makes us look cowardly. If you want to actually do something then you should go after those psychologists and find out why they think the way they do. As my journalism professor says "Journalism is about chasing leads, if you are incapable of doing that then be another useless noncontributing member of society and become a poli sci major, then get the hell out of my lecture hall"
Im not trying to burn you here, all Im saying is that if you could email these psychologists and have a conversation with them, interview them, interrogate etc. that would make a great followup article with some clout instead of Fox flaming appeal. For example me and a buddy of mine tried to dig up the study that proved second hand smoke could harm others. Guess what? everyone who claimed to have the study didn't, none of the 15 organizations we asked would turn over any information other than short captions and press releases. It made a great research paper and it proved that you cannot trust organizations just because they have long acronyms for names.


Birchmen Supreme Overlord
Aug 29, 2010
Oh come the fuck on, it's the parents responsibility to make sure their children don't play games like that. Stop trying to boycott the publishers, you're just stirring the pot.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Person 1: Hey guys, there's a new immature and violent videogame coming out!

Person 2: Cool, lets go and RAPE some people!

Person 1:YEAH!

Somehow I don't see this happening.....


New member
Jan 8, 2009
On one hand, I think Fox News and other media sources knee-jerk reactions to video games (especially violent ones) is always to one extreme or the other.

On the other hand, every time I want to say "Bullshizzle, Video games aren't any more responsible for making kids violent, immoral people than movies, music, comic books, or any other media (including the nightly news) are!" I then accidentally get on Xbox Live and within 30 seconds of listening to the "players" on the channel waiting for a game of Halo to launch makes me hang my head in shame.

Heaven help them if someone ever figures out a way to track players addresses through xbox live, through a hack or some other software. I'm going to be very, VERY busy knocking on doors and asking some misguided young men to call me a N*****r to my face.

Nocturnal Gentleman said:
I thought we didn't care what fox news says anymore. Why do these articles continue?
Because the dirty little secret is: We DO care. We care A LOT. Which is why even though it is widely hated vehemently, Fox News is also far and away the most popular news outlet on cable tv, with ratings that put every other market to shame. I mean Bill O'reilly has had the highest rated show in his time slot for damn near a decade. At first I figured something was up with the ratings system, since I've never known anyone with a Nielsen rating box. But then I started to think about it... everyone I know hates Bill O'reilly, but every single day everybody is talking about what was said on his show last night. That means even the people who hate him are watching, just so they can talk about how much they hated him the next day.
It's kinda like Jersey Shore or Glee. Everyone talks mad shyte about those shows and the people on them, and yet every week they faithfully tune in to continue to feed their hate. It's kinda masochistic in a way if you think about it.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
"If a younger kid experiences Bulletstorm's explicit language and violence..."
And right there is where you lose me. This is NOT a kids game, it is not labeled a kids game and should probably not be played by anyone. I haven't played it, but I would have no problems playing it and neither should any well grounded ADULT.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
JWAN said:
It isn't beneficial to attack the messenger.
Sure it is, when that messenger is whipping up frenzies of ignorance and irrationality. There are always going to be nutjobs and shills who are happy to exploit whatever idiotic hot button they can get their greasy fingers on for a buck. I tend not to worry about them, but I do worry when a "respected" national news organization offers - not provides, but actively offers - them a platform to peddle their bullshit. That's what I see as problematic, not that media whores stay stupid things but that Fox makes a habit of parlaying that into sensationalist nonsense that it then shovels out the door as news.