Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
This is absolutely false. Most of the Republican Party platform would be considered utterly beyond the pail here in the UK, and this isn't a matter of distortion; I've heard their platform straight from the horse's mouth and can say that with certainty.
Your government currently has a conservative majority that shares 90%+ the same platform.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Your government currently has a conservative majority that shares 90%+ the same platform.
But it doesn't share 90% of the same platform, though. The highest tax rate is 20 percentage points higher than in the US. Our government isn't pursuing sweeping abortion restrictions. We have nationalised healthcare. We have broad gun control. The US spends $600 billion more on the military than the UK does.
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Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
But it doesn't share 90% of the same platform, though. The highest tax rate is 20 percentage points higher than in the US. Our government isn't pursuing sweeping abortion restrictions. We have nationalised healthcare. We have broad gun control. The US spends $600 billion more on the military than the UK does.
Can't wait for the inevitable "well if you look at the platforms, both countries want a strong economy, safety and security for their populace, and expanded human rights, so they're the same", entirely ignoring the how and why.

Here's the 2016 Republican platform (because they didn't even bother making one in 2020):[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
But it doesn't share 90% of the same platform, though. The highest tax rate is 20 percentage points higher than in the US. Our government isn't pursuing sweeping abortion restrictions. We have nationalised healthcare. We have broad gun control. The US spends $600 billion more on the military than the UK does.
Google says UK income taxes max out at 45%. US federal income tax maxes out at 37%. That's already only an 8% difference, but the US also has state income tax, which at the highest bracket ranges from 0% to 13.3%., averaging over 5, so the average top bracket in the US is >42%., with an absolute highest of 51.6% if you add together federal + Oregan state + Portland City income taxes. Funny enough, the inverse is true, the lowest individual tax rates in the US are like 20% less in the US (with the exception that both places have 0 tax on the first like $12k.) The US has higher corporate taxes (even after the tax cut), higher maximum income tax rates, equal capital gains tax rates, lower vat/sales tax, and lower minimum tax rates. Our tax system is more progressive in almost every metric. Next.

Your government doesn't have to pursue sweeping abortion restrictions because it's already against the law with exceptions made fetuses that aren't likely to survive or pregnancies that pose a risk to the mother (up to 24 weeks for the latter). Here, people protest if abortions are restricted beyond "available at any point for any reason".

Relative to their respective GDPs, the US spends 50% more on the military than the UK, and does like half of the collective defense of the planet with that money.

You don't have gun rights because your conservatives are still monarchists, lol.

Yes, you have socialized healthcare. 1 point to you. That's not more than 10% of all of politics.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
No, that's horseshit. I've talked to a lot of Europeans and all of them glance askance at the Republicans for exactly the reason Hades described. Even more conservative Europeans think you guys are nuts. No, there is no conspiracy on the left to make Republicans look bad. You do that just fine on your own with your policies and candidates.
Not just European conservatives

Edit: A lot of conservatives think the Dems are nuts and clearly corrupt. Some would pick the GOP of Bush's era over the Dems but only a few would pick Trump. Most of them fall into a party here run by a guy called Clive Palmer


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I was going to put this into the woke thread as this is clearly cancel culture. But, this needs to be reinforce ideas happening in here

For context, Trump religious freedom bill that he hadn't finalised by the time he left is not really his idea. Some was from the states... but it was also trying to copy some shenanigans from Australia

After legalising gay marriage, a bunch of Christian here turned fundamentalist. They demanded our Prime Minister for a religious freedom bill. It's almost ready but THE biggest reason it's taken this long is that a bunch of CONSERVATIVES realised that unfetted relgious freedom would impact other people's religious freedom. This is NOT commonly seen in the GOP... hence me bringing it up

Anyway, since it's almost to the parliament, a school decided to jump the gun and put out their new policy:

I've lived in that suburb before and have friends who go to that church. Suffice to say that this new policy was NOT a suprise to me. Christians/religious people banning those they don't like is very normal, no matter the country

Anyway, big public outcry, teachers threatening to quit, normal cancel culture stuff. So the principal resigned but still got a standing ovation. So... that's great

Those conservatives before this moment kept pointing out that this would happen. That you reinforce the anti-Discrimination laws. I personally see that as useless because they can still say whatever they want. Bullying is cool if God gives the green light. Thus most of these students will feel ostracized. Just don't send them to a Christian school and make sure they know that most people arent accepted there

But I can appreciate these conservatives sentiments and that they are at least trying. One person's freedom cannot stop someone else being free and its triage on the amount of damage to the individuals.

The government has been trying to convinced some Labour people to join in their cause as they no longer have the numbers. So they still might be able to get the religious freedom bill through without having to change anti-discrimination laws. But if they can ban 'unchristian' people under this new law, they're probably going to be able to get away with a lot. Until then, cancel culture will just have to enforce social norms...

Not a sentence I thought I would ever say
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Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
After legalising gay marriage, a bunch of Christian here turned fundamentalist. They demanded our Prime Minister for a religious freedom bill.
Truffles wasn't real keen on a religious freedoms bill but ScroteMo has always been foaming about one. Not surprising with him being a happy clapper and all.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Jesus Christ I miss John Howard and Kim Beazley.
I won't go so far as to say I miss John Howard, evil little bag of shit that he is, but at least he got shit done beyond filling up the pockets of his mates and donors. Also, he tends to stay off the telly now he's in retirement unlike certain other ex-PMs who apparently have the 4 Corners producers on speed dial.

I miss not knowing what religion our PMs were because they didn't make a song and fucking dance about it... or other people making a song and dance about it in certain cases.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Would that be Clive Palmer's Clive Palmer Party for Making It Illegal to Sue Clive Palmer or Clive Palmer's Clive Palmer Party for Getting The Commonwealth to Buy Cliver Palmer a Railroad For His Failing Mines?


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I have sympathy for your friend, but what annual physical do you expect to catch potential future kidney issues in a person who self-reports as completely healthy?
Kidney disease almost invariably leads to a reduction in kidney clearance, which usually starts well before any health problems pop up, and which can be gleaned quite easily from a basic blood chemistry panel and/or urinalysis. If the tests show that kidney function decreases year over year, that is an almost dead giveaway that something is wrong and further testing should be done. Also the stuff MysteriousGX said like blood pressure and such, tho those generally only really start in more advanced stages of the disease. It can potentially be found well before then.

I don't know if a blood/urine test is a common thing in annual physicals in the US, but it really should be. It's a fairly trivial procedure that can uncover many, many issues, possibly years, even decades, in advance.

source: personal experience with kidney disease.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Any dutch right winger would feel weirded out by the very fierce resistance of gay rights, just as any french right winger would be confused as how even the concept of health care seems to be a dealbreaker. I don't see any western European country that would align ''between the democrats and Republicans'' because the Republicans are a really alien party once you get outside the American bubble.
Well, Forum voor Democratie is our little slice of republican America on Dutch ground. And I don't know if you've ever checked out the comments section on Dutch news videos on youtube, but fucking yikes are there some equally twisted minds walking around over here. Maybe there's just no moderation on those videos, but even still.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Well, Forum voor Democratie is our little slice of republican America on Dutch ground. And I don't know if you've ever checked out the comments section on Dutch news videos on youtube, but fucking yikes are there some equally twisted minds walking around over here. Maybe there's just no moderation on those videos, but even still.
Same south of your border. We got those "schild en vriend" types with their love of quoting Oswald Mosley and admiration for Orban, as well as general fascy tendencies like hanging out with neo-nazi groups. They of course get on swimmingly with Vlaams Belang, enough to earn them top billing on some election ballots.
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