Ok. Yep, opened up a spreadsheet and followed along. So if someone earning 500,000 lives specifically in Portland, Oregon, they will pay a marginal bit more than in the UK. Fine, although only the city's additional tax pushes it over.You should do math before making a numerical claim. I spent a couple minutes in excel. If you make $500,000 in the UK, your income tax is $197,751.80 (I converted all numbers in gbp to dollars before calculating things, for comparison sake). Effective tax rate, 39.5%. If you make $500,000 in Portland, you combined federal, state, and local income tax is $202,534.60, effective tax rate 40.5%, without even hitting the top bracket. If you're curious like me, the breaking point where the person in Portland pays more is about $300,000.
The pertinent fact remains that someone earning the same amount almost anywhere else in the USA would pay less than in the UK. In seven states, where there are no state income taxes, they would pay ~9 percentage points less.
Not quite the same, since claiming that standard deduction excludes you from other exemptions, whereas our personal allowance doesn't.The US has a standard tax deduction, the first $12,950 of income isn't taxed, just your personal allowance, though admittedly slightly smaller, so there is technically a window in which some poor people would pay more in the US than in the UK, but the poorest pay 0 in both countries, and the median income pays more in the UK, so if you really need credit for the ~$3000 more untaxed income, we can call that one a wash.
Uhrm, yeah, those cases were brought for instances which did not meet the criteria for a legal abortion.Over the last decade, there have been 61 cases in the UK for "procuring an abortion". The last time a woman was prosecuted in the US for having an abortion was 1922. (Psssst... I think maybe your monarchic country might be more socially conservative than you think it is.)![]()
Abortion in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
Just above that line in the same Wiki article, you can see that 200,000+ legal abortions were carried out in 2020. It's categorically, inarguably not illegal to have an abortion here.