A) Yelling at me for unrelated and inaccurate things about me is not a good look.Firstly when your own proclaimed ideology amounts to slapping pink triangles on homosexuals in order to warn off potential landlords or employers, maybe you should consider shutting the fuck up whenever the discussion veers towards notions of equity or equality. That's one thing. Secondly, also consider shutting the fuck up when your babbling about societies you don't know the first thing about, in particular if you imagine "tribal tribal" or "monarchies" as "less structured" than yours (in terms of kinship, politics, trade, spirituality, whatever). Lastly, seeking example in acephalous organisations (with their strict rules against differential accumulation, against consuming your own production instead of distributing it, against the very notion of command and coercitive orders outside tactical military campaigns, etc) is probably the poorest possible attempt to boast about your own system's moral superiority. Generally speaking, maybe you should someday consider unplugging your nose from your bible for 10 seconds, before emitting any further judgement on the world that surrounds you. If that's an option at all.
Seriously. The irony of evolutionists who haven't evolved since the 19th century.
B) Name a multi-ethnic acephalous society from any point in human history up to the present day. Good luck.