Funny events in anti-woke world


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Nope because as anyone can see I'm making points you're resorting to ad hominem, not able to counter, acting like a desperate person clutching at straws
Basically all you again.

No you call out people saying things you don't agree with even if they are true.
Projecting again.

As for no-one to blame. You're the ones getting pissy I refuse to argue from strawman positions you want and choosing to take these shots. This isn't some grand justified crusade. You're not saving the world. You're just a petty angry person having to throw shots from the sidelines because firstly you actually apparently lack the capability to actually have arguments and secondly because you want to feel like you're doing good likely due to some skeletons in the proverbial closet you're trying to make up for. so yes, I do blame you because it's your actions, you just choose to blame me for the actions because like with the skeletons in the closet you are unable to take responsibility for your own actions. I didn't make you post here. I didn't make you take the petty shots. You chose that.
So in other words you chose to be oblivious and don't take responsibility for your actions. Not surprising in the slightest. That's what most of the Far Right has been doing and you doing it is no shocker either.

I say this with some actual minor pity, but you should really seek some help. Though knowing you, you're not going to do that nor will learn to improve yourself.

You mean, the changes made by the studios themselves?

By the way, Cortana wasn't sexy in the first Halo game. She was changed to being sexy because she was a fan favourite. Her being un-sexied is just her reverting to her original form.
Damn straight. Somebody actually remembers they're correct history.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
It is possible Frank edited the content out due to not wanting it in there for a published audience.

It is equally possible she edited them out because it was 1944 and she had aspirations of becoming a published writer.

Both have as much merit and weight as each other.

She died in a concentration camp, so we will never know which, if either or perhaps both, is true.

Don't try to pretend your interpretation is correct because it supports your values.

Especially since the published version is a frankenstein of both versions (the original diary and the edit she was preparing for publication), edited as those who survived her saw fit.

My values are there's a time and a place for sex and that's generally in the context of when sex is the intended subject, where it's explicitly relevant or it's entertainment.

In terms of the teacher, well it's rather silly of them to either not check the material or see it and think it's fine. The teacher could have (and likely should have) edited the material (you scan and copy what's relevant to make handouts) to be more directed to the purpose of teaching said lesson.

You want to do a graphic novel no holds barred Anne Frank diaries? sure fine, but apparently this version was edited anyway so it's an odd choice from the creator to edit some bits but not others.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
My values are there's a time and a place for sex and that's generally in the context of when sex is the intended subject, where it's explicitly relevant or it's entertainment.
Your "values" don't count for shit. They never did, aside from pathetic and arbitrary standards that you never follow through on and will change on a dime.

this version was edited anyway so it's an odd choice from the creator to edit some bits but not others.
Doesn't matter, when Texas school banned for the dumbest reasons. It wouldn't matter what the author edited in that case. People can still probably get the book online, at bookstores, or through Amazon so all they're doing is shooting themselves in the foot and hiding nothing. The information will always be out there. They just suck at trying to cover it up.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Because the one with the teen girl got banned.
From being used as teaching material in schools............. that's rather the important bit here really. It's not been purged from all libraries state wide (yet.....)

You know her diary was filled with irrelevant informantion that had nothing to do with the war, right? It was a diary, not a documentation on the war.
Yet I'm guessing it's use in the lesson in question wasn't in the context of it being an English class just reading Anne Frank's diary........

You don't know if she felt that that was irrelevant or if she was just embarrassed or what. Nobody does. We don't pick and choose what is relevant when it comes to real historical figures. It's only relevant if you have something against teens talking about their sexuality, if you don't then it's just a normal mundane thing like many other things in a girl's diary.
Actually we rather do pick and choose and create context.

I mean there's a reason there's the "secret museum" in Naples for displaying certain items from Pompeii.

You mean, the changes made by the studios themselves?

By the way, Cortana wasn't sexy in the first Halo game. She was changed to being sexy because she was a fan favourite. Her being un-sexied is just her reverting to her original form.
Except was it the original creators or just the latest people at the studio. Also it's really not reverting Cortanna to her original form lol.

Also I counter this argument with:
The Batgirl movie,
The Snydercut (before it came out)
The Ayer Cut
The many other times studios have butchered directors films.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Your "values" don't count for shit. They never did,
Just like most of your posts then. I mean you contribute nothing productive or even witty or entertaining to the actual discussion.

aside from pathetic and arbitrary standards that you never follow through on and will change on a dime.
Nah I have this thing called nuance standards rather than holding extreme position. I know this is difficult for you to understand with your black and white world view but that's really a you problem.

Doesn't matter, when Texas school banned for the dumbest reasons. It wouldn't matter what the author edited in that case. People can still probably get the book online, at bookstores, or through Amazon so all they're doing is shooting themselves in the foot and hiding nothing. The information will always be out there. They just suck at trying to cover it up.
Cover up what? They made it so it's been deemed material not suitable for use in schools. Happens to plenty of stuff.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Just like most of your posts then. I mean you contribute nothing productive or even witty or entertaining to the actual discussion.
Projecting again and goal posting.

Nah I have this thing called nuance standards rather than holding extreme position. I know this is difficult for you to understand with your black and white world view but that's really a you problem.
You really love the sound of sucking your own dick that badly? You really gotta up your standards.

Cover up what? They made it so it's been deemed material not suitable for use in schools. Happens to plenty of stuff.
It is a cover-up. They're banning "unsuitable material' for the most pathetic and petty of reasons. They've been trying to deny the Holocaust and to do it to children at such a young age. This is a Southern state. A hick state known as Texas. There are good people there, but there are plenty that will m lie and cover up the truth out of convenience or not wanting to feel guilty about past American and European history of racists, sexists, and genocidal fuckers. One of many Southern states that like to hide & deny the truth about slavery, Southern racism American racism, and the Jim Crow laws that are still in effect in certain parts of those Southern states or they're really backwater, rural areas, or "quaint small towns". And as we have seen, you are more than willing to protect them and try to deflect the situation and lie. That is pathetic. Learn to actually man up. Because you have not done so back on the old thread nor on this new version of the forum at all.
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
It is possible Frank edited the content out due to not wanting it in there for a published audience.

It is equally possible she edited them out because it was 1944 and she had aspirations of becoming a published writer.

Both have as much merit and weight as each other.
I disagree, I think the merits are very unequal. If it was edited for any reason other than the intent to make it public, which was pretty clearly her goal when she even had a name in mind for the book, then the entire thing is wrong. If it's just publishing a girl's private diary, without the context that she herself wanted it published, the book should never have been made at all.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Just like most of your posts then. I mean you contribute nothing productive or even witty or entertaining to the actual discussion.
If you imagine Brawlman as a frail, shy girl acting out an elaborate persona as a tough guy from Detroit, the posts get much more entertaining.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Sorry, but Snyder butchered that film all on his own.
By doing what leaving to hold a funeral and be with his wife and other children because his daughter took her own life?

Bit callous there isn't it?

Just because he had a family emergency happen doesn't mean somehow he shouldn't have ever got to make the film how he wanted, which he did in the end after a fan campaign for it.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Projecting again and goal posting.
I'm sorry how is it goalposting to say to say you actually have to aim for the goal and not do the proverbial equivalent of keep trying to kick the opposition in the nuts and claim you won because they didn't stand there and take it?

Also please stop with the tu quoque fallacy stuff it's getting old.

You really love the sound of sucking your own dick that badly? You really gotta up your standards.
Nah I'm not Marilyn Manson that's not my thing I love the sound of your Mrs sucking mine actually though.

BTW have you stopped beating your girlfriend yet?

Note to mods: No I'm not really accusing Brawlman of beating his Mrs really it's actually a very common trap question or loaded question I'm throwing back at Brawlman because his question about loving the sound of me sucking my own dick was such a trap /loaded question as both a yes and a no answer both are saying I suck my own dick and working to push acceptance of that as fact in part of answering the question.

It is a cover-up. They're banning "unsuitable material' for the most pathetic and petty of reasons. They've been trying to deny the Holocaust and to do it to children at such a young age. This is a Southern state. A hick state known as Texas. There are good people there, but there are plenty that will m lie and cover up the truth out of convenience or not wanting to feel guilty about past American and European history of racists, sexists, and genocidal fuckers. One of many Southern states that like to hide & deny the truth about slavery, Southern racism American racism, and the Jim Crow laws that are still in effect in certain parts of those Southern states or they're really backwater, rural areas, or "quaint small towns". And as we have seen, you are more than willing to protect them and try to deflect the situation and lie. That is pathetic. Learn to actually man up. Because you have not done so back on the old thread nor on this new version of the forum at all.
If that's true then why aren't far more teachers being suspended for teaching about the Holocaust? Why is this the only example seemingly and in this case it relates to somewhat questionable materials they chose to use.

I am "manning up" here lol. I'm calling you out for the fact your conspiratorial claims don't match what would be the expected reality if they had truth to them. I was weirdly very right about how you are seemingly doing this thinking you're doing good but reality is no longer supporting you it seems. You so wish to be the hero you've not realised you're tilting and windmills mostly now.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
By doing what leaving to hold a funeral and be with his wife and other children because his daughter took her own life?
No, by making a bad film. The Snyder cut itself-- the film as he wanted to make it, without the studio edits-- is still awful.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Eight-graders are 13-14 years old in the US, aren't they?

That's smack dab in the middle of puberty, and an age where I would assume children are developed enough to handle the light sexual content in Anne Frank's diary.

And here's a segment of a Dutch late night show making fun of the absurd situation in Texas;

Relevant timestamp for English speaking people; 8:26


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
That's smack dab in the middle of puberty, and an age where I would assume children are developed enough to handle the light sexual content in Anne Frank's diary.
Yes, and they're also developed enough to handle profanity or maybe a punch in the face. Can they handle something is the wrong question. Should they have to is the question.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one

Relevant timestamp for English speaking people; 8:26
The automated translated does an okay job for the rest.

But yeah, it's funny at a distance but also distressing to see that we have two specimens of these imbeciles for real in this very forum.
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~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Is fascinating how lacking reactionary conservatives are at trying to insult people they don't understand.


Understandably there's no time left for practicing the dark arts when you're too busy LARPing Tom Clancy novels.

(That's, uhh, referencing the Fetterman body clone conspiracies lol)

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