Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
This has been one of my favorite dumb things to watch make the rounds in recent memory. There is no law in Missouri that says pregnant women can't get divorced. There are a handful of states that actually have that law, Missouri is not one of them (California is), all it has is a statute requiring pregnancy status on divorce filings. Why? Because there is a longstanding, widespread practice (even in places without any such law) of not finalizing a divorce until after the child is born, because if you do you have to go back to court a second time to reconsider custody and child support. So rather than make a recently divorced single mother drag an abuser back to court to establish terms of child support, they put a pin in it and wait until the child is born and parental obligations are legally established for the father.

For reference, fact check:

And a less blatantly biased news organization making the same mistakes:

This is funny to me in 3 ways:
1) The abuse of phrasing: if instead of headlines like "Pregnant Women Can't Get Divorced....", they said "Men Can't Divorce Their Pregnant Wives...", none of the people riled up about this would care. Anything you can phrase as an issue of women's rights, even if the law is predominantly used to restrain men, is instant internet rage bait.
2) The political dishonesty: the law does not do what they say it does in Missouri, but the law as they describe it actually exists in California. But those articles list Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, and Arizona: blatantly only Republican controlled states. And the inspiration for these news stories is a Democratic politician presenting a bill to change Missouri law. The obvious shilling for Democrats and demonizing of Republicans is laughably on the nose.
3) The laws they're complaining about are only there because we refuse to legally treat the unborn as people. We wouldn't have to wait for birth to establish custody and support obligations if it wouldn't get in the way of abortion.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
There is no law in Missouri that says pregnant women can't get divorced. There are a handful of states that actually have that law, Missouri is not one of them (California is), all it has is a statute requiring pregnancy status on divorce filings. Why? Because there is a longstanding, widespread practice (even in places without any such law) of not finalizing a divorce until after the child is born, because if you do you have to go back to court a second time to reconsider custody and child support. So rather than make a recently divorced single mother drag an abuser back to court to establish terms of child support, they put a pin in it and wait until the child is born and parental obligations are legally established for the father.
Could you give a source on the underlined part?

The rest of this quote all contains information that the Guardian article covered in the linked article, hence I fail to see how the Guardian is making any "mistakes".


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Could you give a source on the underlined part?

The rest of this quote all contains information that the Guardian article covered in the linked article, hence I fail to see how the Guardian is making any "mistakes".
I suppose I can repost the same source about Missouri:

And a source for California:


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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I mean, I definitely believe you.

You have a prejudice you need to maintain and not be criticised for, so you have to ignore everything else
But that's literally what you just did lol.

You even had to google who I was on about, assuming you even did bother googling and find out lol

95% of everything you have ever complained about here happens across the societal spectrum but you only pretend it happens to conservatives.
Yet there was no name recognition in those hired for other race swaps for the most part (I'll give you Halle Bailey as the exception)

No amount of evidence will ever provide you an exit because you are not interested in exiting.
It would, shame your don't tend to bring any or when you do it's misrepresented or just outright wrong when placed into actual context for your arguments

You aren't going to get anyone on your side because everyone knows that when you have gotten what you want, you will abandon them.
"You abandoned us"
says the side that threw me under the proverbial bus, deleted 300+ articles I'd written for them (for free BTW) , kicked me out of communities I'd been in for 5 to 10 years with people I'd come to consider friends (many of whom I still talk to other places) and labelled me as a dangerous threat along with multiple doxing attempts, and false reporting me on a number of services to try and get me banned (which BTW was a pain in the arse to deal wit).

I didn't abandon anyone, I refused to join a fucking cult that hates person freedom and liberty and demands total conformity.

As I've said to others before, you will be under the wheels sooner or later like me and have people demanding you walk back over and fall in line again.

You think conservatives automatically deserve to be on top. I'm here to tell you that I'm not interested in this or any other hierarchy
Yes and no.

Considering how the definition of a conservative has shifted so much it entirely depends on what you mean by it. Bible thumpers? No thanks. People who say "Maybe having an 8 year old boy doing Drag Burlesque shows in gay clubs isn't something we should be in favour of"? Yeh I'll side with them as rational people who should be on top, it's just a weird state of being that stuff like that and "Maybe we should vet people working with children for being sex offenders" are positions being deemed conservative now.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
If that's your idea of being "nice and jovial, then you failed harder than usual.
Says the person who has loudly declared how he is ignoring me and doesn't pay attention to anything I post.

You really want to talk about scales of failure?

Way too late for that. You've done that far more times and you bother even count.
OK then lets.

Like that time you wanted Teens girls thrown in jail based purely on online speculation?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I'm not going to deny that Hollywood has some very silly ideas about what is 'bankable'
Don't be sexist now.

I remember seeing the documentary on this guy and his crew a couple of years back. How much impact it'll have overall I don't know, but I'm glad they brought the hammer down on this twerp. And a 10-year ban from holding office due to being racist, huh? *sigh* If only all politicians were held to this standard.
You wouldn't like it because equal standards would likely hit a lot of people whom you'd see as on your side.

But then Idris Elba came along and simply expressed interest in playing a white role....
He wasn't though, just a lot of people online saying they wanted him to or he should.

Also Bond are established IP in the film world so aren't as needing of name recognition.

Frank Miller's The Spirit had Samuel L. Jackson dressed as a Nazi. No one with a rational mind would call that film or the man who directed it woke.

I don't know why the "girls get it done" scene caused such an uproar when we earlier had a fight sequence in which three men, only one of whom had any personal reason to be there, faced off against Thanos.
Didn't they change a lot of The Spirit and make that character not a Nazi in it? (been a while since I watched it).

Also guys fighting vs long shot of women posing heroically. Bit of a difference.

The girls get it done scrne was pretty bad in The Boys as well. Anyway...
More self aware joke seeing as due to changes in the show compared to the comics they ended up with only the 3 non evil women characters having the kind of powers to actually fight Stormfront

Here is your problem. If you are a white male, you make up maybe a quarter of the population. Economically, you are unimportant, just like every other demographic. You arent being sold to anymore because companies have realised that there is no money in it
So where did the money go in the "We'll try to make everything for everyone" space?

Actual demographically aimed content does better then attempting mass appeal slop unless your name is Michael Bay and even then those are getting diminishing returns.

As for it being shit... I have literally pointed out many times that most companies make shit products. The ONLY difference is that it doesn't always pander to you specifically anymore
Yet I can call "Babes with Blades" (literally keeps being recommended to me on Amazon prime) or any other crappy B -movie shit and no-one will bat an eye lid or go to bat for them.

Say Charlies Angels 2nd reboot is bad and you're a sexist who hates woman. say Ghostbuster 2016 looks bad and you're some dangerous Incel.

Remember how you said that it a bad idea that companies don't generalise everything, catering for every demographic only a few pages ago... YOU want this to happen to. Becuase not every movie has to be about you and NO movie is required to be liked by you.
No I said it's a bad idea they do try to generalise everything.........Yeh not every movie etc is made for me, I'd like some to try though, and not end up accuse of being Nazi propaganda like The Northman was.

It is okay that you dont like things. That's life
So why was a Brazilian guy not linking the works connected to Sweet Baby inc warranting of him losing his whole steam account?

People are not allowing others to not like things now lol.

Remember a few pages ago DH was whinging about Sweet Baby....

Well, it was yet another attempt to resurrect The Event That Shall Not Be Named for its 10th anniversary by KiwiFarms. They were trying to cancel Sweet Baby and DH feel for it. Again
Actually it started in November, by 4 chan and the Brazilian dude in question heard about it and was inspired to make the curator.

So if this was Kiwifarms plan can I just ask.

Is the Sweet Baby Inc staffer who tried to get a Brazilian dudes steam library removed from him a kiwi farms agent?
How about the journalist who then covered the curator as a harassment campaign and ignore what caused this curator to blow up, are they Kiwifarms plans?
How about the people on social media running to denounce "The Gamers™" and this list as the worst abuse ever while ignoring the actual attempted targeted harassment done by Sweet Baby Inc staff, are they Kiwi farms agents?


Guess I'm not the one who fell for it seeing as I opposed those things, or am I some secret Kiwifarms agent in your belief?

DH has yet to learn thar Burgers and Fries was a troll group that specifically targeted them to get into a moral outraged panic. Nor can DH see that that event, and the general acceptance of doxxing people by one side has lead to an acceptable of Cancel Culture

Note: Since Nick was fired and everyone left, is there even any mods here to enforce policies?
Seeing as this it technically not the banned event that can't be talked about as it happened before who knows. But also Burgers and Fries was a 4chan IRC not a Kiwifarms thing, there are cross over I'm sure but rather important correction.

Also it's really only been one side using doxing to start with and because I can talk about this aspect as it's not the banned topic. Bearing, Thunderf00t, Sargon (multiple times), Tucker Carlson, all were doxed to try and cancel them. How is it suddenly the anti-woke side to blame for this again?vvv[/QUOTE]


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I consider Endgame a 7/10 for me. It has it's issues, but not enough for me to be in rage at the movie.

I do hope RE5R keeps this hidden conversation. Chris said something deep, and still applies today. Betcha 5 million to 1, the anti-woke biatch brigade will cry about RE going "woke".

Wonder if that was the original dialogue or localised dialogue?