Funny events in anti-woke world


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Conservatives choosing illness and death over the health of the population as usual.

View attachment 10856
Yes. Used. Past tense. Does this raving fuckwit understand just how dangerous this shit is? I had to do a course about it when one of my previous jobs took me onto a construction site; scared the ever loving shit out of me.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Yes. Used. Past tense. Does this raving fuckwit understand just how dangerous this shit is? I had to a course about it when one of my previous jobs took me onto a construction site; scared the ever loving shit out of me.
Not to mention, long term. People decades from now will have to go through a lot of hassle if they want to be safe from potential asbestos.

(I'm sure you know that, but it bears pointing out).


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Not wanting to sound overdramatic, but the entire edifice of global science, if not wider academia, has a really massive fucking problem.

A lot of this is, bluntly, China - although it's rapidly a growing problem elsewhere, particularly India. I once had a job interview ~10 years ago with a scientific journal where they wanted someone to help sift through a lot of the stuff, because they were getting more junk than the regular editorial team could cope with. Places want academic papers for jobs and progression, and as research is hard to do, people will just make stuff up instead if they want the money and advancement. Then there are the predatory publishers, raking in $$$ for what they know is trash with no checks at all.

I heard of a naif who offered a manuscript to a predatory publisher, and when they realised how much they had to pay, tried to back out. The publisher told them if they didn't pay then the publisher would publish it under someone else's name. Unethical on a million levels, and potentially even illegal. But that's the sort of thing going on.

The wider academic community probably needs to get their fucking act together to sort this out, but I don't see that happening currently.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
To be fair, there are like 20 people in the world liquid enough to front that money, and most of them hate Republicans.
No they don't. They love Republicans. When it benefits them. Just like they love Democrats when it suits them.
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Elite Member
Feb 13, 2009
United Kingdom
Does it really matter?
To be fair, there are like 20 people in the world liquid enough to front that money, and most of them hate Republicans.
No. Most of them know Donny won't pay them back, so won't bother offering.

For those that will offer Donny won't accept. Because he knows he can't pay them back and when he fails 'accidents' will happen.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
View attachment 10857

While we're on the subject of the anti-woke encouraging poor design, these tall front grill designs, especially on trucks, are increasing fatalities and you can't tell the drivers about it because safe design isn't manly enough for their grocery runner.

Kinda funny how this post and the EPA one about asbestos are back to back, it's because of the EPA we have such big trucks.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
No. Most of them know Donny won't pay them back, so won't bother offering.
Indeed. Trump has a very long history of not paying back his debts - instead dragging creditors through endless court cases to recover their loans in the hope that they will instead accept a haircut rather than spend a ton of lawyer fees and have a large chunk of money locked up for months-years by proceedings.

And to be fair, sometimes it worked. That's why he kept doing it, and why most reputable Western financial organisations stopped lending to him. Thus why he started grubbing around in the Arabian peninsula and Russia for investors so much.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
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It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Multi-billionaires tend not to become multi-billionaires by throwing tens of millions of dollars at someone they know will never, ever pay them back.
You know that isn't necessarily true. That being said they usually get entertainment out of burning a pile of cash, and Trump isn't that entertaining.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020

Brenden Dilley — a podcast host who peddles conspiracy theories and leads a “meme team” that creates online content supporting former President Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign — seemed to urge his audience to use “asymmetrical warfare” against Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee and his family. On March 15, Dilley dedicated much of his show to discussing McAfee’s ruling against disqualifying Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from prosecuting Trump and his co-defendants in the Georgia election interference and racketeering case.

Dilley bragged that his “meme team,” which has reportedly been in contact with Trump's campaign, went after Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis during his presidential campaign. He said, “You must apply the same logic, the same ability, the same cohesive messaging, to the entire power structure that's in front of you,” calling it “asymmetrical warfare.” He pointed to McAfee, slamming his ruling and saying, “You see him in public, you mock him. You see him online, you mock him. You see his sister online, his mom online, his brother, his wife, his fucking kids. Doesn't matter.”

(Video ain't cooperating)

CitationFrom the March 15, 2024, edition of The Dilley Show, streamed on Rumble

BRENDEN DILLEY (HOST): You cannot be satisfied with small victories. You have to only be pursuing greatness, massive victories, pain and fucking agony for your enemies, pain and fucking agony for everybody who attempted to do evil against you and your nation. There can be nothing less than that. Lessons must be taught, and they will be taught through the fucking absolute bludgeoning of these people socially. No physical violence, not necessary.

Nobody had to lay a hand on Ron DeSantis to destroy his life. But you cannot fight like a fucking plebe. You cannot fight for small crumbs. You must pursue the only fucking thing that matters, which is a righteous fucking outcome for your country. Celebrating rigged games is not a celebration. What the left is doing to you right now in attempting to celebrate victories by corrupt — through corruptions is fucking gay.

It's basically like when your 2-year-old, who you let win because you didn't wanna make them cry, celebrates ridiculously so because they think they just beat you in some sport. That's not a victory. That's you getting to win because daddy felt sorry for your little ass because mom yelled at me the last time I fucking, you know, blocked your shot in the little basketball hoop in the front living room. That is not fucking victory. And liberal Democrats, Marxists, celebrate any and all victories against Trump as if they were 3-year-old children who have just been handed a victory again. Fuck them.

Let's go deeper. The MAGA Republican mindset must adjust to winning a ruleless game, a war without boundaries. There is no justice. There is no reason. There is no logic. There's only the expression of will and the utilization of power that may decide the outcome. Learn it or lose.

We utilized massive psychological warfare on DeSantis via shame and insecurity, relentlessly so. The meme team and I trained you all on how to identify his team's weaknesses and where to hit them.

And you, all like a fucking savage group of online shitposters, went to work degrading these people's mindset. “Ashy knees, slutty mouth, fucking plastic surgery cheeks, fatass fucking gunt. Everybody knows it. You're fat. You've been divorced three times. Nobody loves you. You can't get a boyfriend. You're fucking ugly.” Whack, whack, whack, whack. “You're fucking — you're not shit. You ain't nothing. You don't have any fucking friends, you loser. You couldn't get a job outside of grifting. Fuck you. You look like a giant bottle of fucking pepto bismol. Oh my God, look at fucking Casey DeSantis' eyebrows. Holy shit. Look at your fucking teeth. I would fucking jump off a cliff if I were you. My God. What is happening with your face? You drink too much. Your parents will never love you. That's why you don't have any children. That's why you destroyed the governor's mansion because you're a fucking white trash scumbag,” over and over and over and over and over. Whack, whack, chopping the tree down. “No self esteem. No self confidence. No fucking brilliance. You ain't shit.”

And then down came the fucking tree. Eventually, that massive effort of psy-oping their insecurities and what they really were completely toppled the entire organization. Rumors came out and articles were written about how they had infighting like you wouldn't fucking believe, all centered around what was happening on X.

This is unfortunately what it will take to win. That is the level of savagery you must have. You must you must view everybody who is opposing Donald Trump and the America First agenda as opposing America itself. This is how we toppled them. They will not recover. It will take years of fucking therapy to get back on their feet.

I am not bullshitting you. I did it intentionally. I trained my meme team on how to do it intentionally. We discussed it. We openly conversated about it. I told you all what we were going to do. They are not recovering. Everything you see on social media is a fucking fraud. They're trying to pretend they're OK. They're pretending that they're confident in their recovery. They are not. They know they're fucking losers. They know they got destroyed and bodied by a bunch of anonymous fucking posters on the internet who are patriotic, and they spent $200 million to get humiliated.

You cannot be a holy roller MAGA, or we will lose. All of the shit you were taught in childhood and you were ingrained with and all the things that society told you were not acceptable and they were very unbecoming and made you a bad Christian, lose all that shit or you're gonna lose your fucking country. I will show you how to win. I've already done it once. I showed you how to take down a $200 million fucking campaign with fucking memes and hurty words. It worked.

But you must apply the same logic, the same ability, the same cohesive messaging, to the entire power structure that's in front of you. Fuck this judge. He's a fucking gimp. He's weak. Of course, he ruled, for this fucking ruling this way. Of course he did. Why would we expect anything less than total weakness and cowering from a little ***** like him? Why would you expect a skinny, balding, fucking middle-aged loser, fucking cuckass white guy, to stand up against the powers that be? Why would you expect that? This is exactly what they are. This is exactly what he is.

You see him in public, you mock him. You see him online, you mock him. You see his sister online, his mom online, his brother, his wife, his fucking kids. Doesn't matter. “Oh, your dad's a fucking pussy. Your fucking dad does not have any integrity whatsoever. My God. What a coward, a fucking coward. Your family's a joke.”

Asymmetrical warfare. That's how you do it. You wanna fucking condemn the nation? We will condemn your fucking entire lineage. Your parents, your mom, your dad, your sister, your brother, your fucking ex-girlfriend, your teenage children, your college children, you name it. We will make sure that each and every one of them knows what a fucking pussy their father, brother, cousin, fucking nephew, child is.

This is what you have to understand, and it's not fun. But it is the only fucking way you will overcome these people.
still appreciate The Boys series acknowledging this tactic within their contemporary parody/satire narrative, though after the increasingly obvious parallels to qanon n maga politics woven into last season, am wondering how the upcoming season's writers are gonna manage curating the current state of bubbling political insanities into something understandable and entertaining.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
This is normal standard corporate stuff. I'm usually against all standard corporate stuff

Notice how you didn't say this was bad? I sure did
Because I said it was bad, years ago, during the first time round for this shit lol

Yes, well we are all laughing at the author sending so much hate at transpeople that now it is acceptable to kill transpeople in bathrooms. And then the security of state says the murder was a good thing

oh the lulz
Nope, Nex's death was ruled suicide and Nex was seen in police body camera footage at the hospital later conscious and very much alive.

It has created a very hyperbolic narrative about existential threats that it would appear some in said groups have been writing manifestos and calling for Trans days of hate / violence against those they believe are a threat.

Is Fox News some random extreme idiot on twitter now? They were the ones who lost a court case.
Fox and Trump were both piling on, trying to scare away election officials
Anyway, why is this a point? You provided both media and social media instances
Point, welcome to the new game everyone loses because one side decided long ago they were allowed to be as underhanded and nasty as possible.

So everyone needs to be punished because of Moviebob?
Funny how people didn't decide to call this shit out and those that did were labelled undesirable Nazis for suggesting trying to play some kind of fair.

Since JK Rowling has spent an inordinate amount of time cancelling transpeople, should we sit back and watch her get treated the same way back? All she is getting right now is comeuppance. Or should we do something different?
What comeuppance?
Massive numbers of rape threats?


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Point, welcome to the new game everyone loses because one side decided long ago they were allowed to be as underhanded and nasty as possible.
Baloney. Members of one side might have decided that to a greater degree than members on the other side; that does not mean that the other members of the respective sides support that underhandedness.