Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Arguably, rather than develop nukes, Iran would do a lot better simply by "playing ball", facilitating trade and greater co-operation with the international community, as it could undergo a massive, China-like economic modernisation and industrialisation.
They tried that, then Trump got elected, killed the deal, imposed sanctions anyway and showed the Iranians that this attempt would not work, which in turn pushed the moderate faction out of power.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Walking brainwave nullifier Marjorie Taylor Greene insists that Democrats have the ability to "control the weather" and somehow guided Hurricane Helene to destroy areas with majority Republican voter populations.

Never mind that the southeastern US is typically where hurricanes strike because of natural weather patterns. Gotta be them evil Democrats!


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Walking brainwave nullifier Marjorie Taylor Greene insists that Democrats have the ability to "control the weather" and somehow guided Hurricane Helene to destroy areas with majority Republican voter populations.
Well, I guess she's at least had the smarts to move on from Jewish space lasers in an election year.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States


Touch grass, they say, talk to people, they say.

Or better yet, talk to a therapist when many people that make just above medicaid can't do so because they can't afford it, and even if they can talk to a psychologist or therapist, that often isn't enough. A better solution would be for society to not reject, reject, reject. Rejected job applications, rejected from Section 7 housing due to shortages, and rejected from a college that hasn't kept up with population growth.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
NSFW warning.

And to think that people like this might be the ones major studios might court for consulting on their films.
Well, I'd be a lying son of a ***** if I didn't say Sasha Callie doesn't wear that costume very well, not a shock since its the porn version of Supergirl's New52 costume.

Not sure its one I'd ask one of my stars to wear in a serious minded film mind you, especially since Man of Steel established its entirely possible to look hot in a not made for fucking costume because Faora Ul looked awesome in hers. But even if you did the New 52 one as is, at least she's not in danger of a wardrobe malfunction every time she so much as bends her knees. But there was nothing wrong with the one she had in the film; it was consistent with the one Kal wore meaning it was in line with what was originally intended by Snyder and his team.

Also I swear people have forgotten that Harley Quinn's costume looked like this one day one:

Like guys, sticking Lady GaGa in that lingerie is trying too hard. Putting Margot Robbie in....whatever the fuck shit she wore in her movies was trying too hard. The character's default is a fucking leotard that may as well have been painted on. You can put either of them in this costume and the fanboys will line up around the block AND it will be thematically on point for a fucking change.
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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
That is a good idea.

If you want to pay millions oto utilize a popular IP, the last thing you need is lots of vocal fans argueing that you don't respect the source.

It obviously should not be your only focus group.
These IPs aren't popular because of vocal fans. They are popular because they appeal to general audiences who don't make their identities around this stuff. The MCU did not become the franchise juggernaut it is by listening to comic fans.
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Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
These IPs aren't popular because of vocal fans. They are popular because they appeal to general audiences who don't make their identities around this stuff. The MCU did not become the franchise juggernaut it is by listening to comic fans.
If a lot of vocal fans say that the stuff does not match the established lore/feel, it will tuen off a lot of not exactly die hard fans that still consider it because of some fond memories/familiarity.

If you don't want to build on fans, you are better off making your own new original IP.

Look at the various recent Star Trek endeavors and how being at odds with the fandom hurts income. Or how the super expensive Rings of Power series struggles.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
If a lot of vocal fans say that the stuff does not match the established lore/feel, it will tuen off a lot of not exactly die hard fans that still consider it because of some fond memories/familiarity.

If you don't want to build on fans, you are better off making your own new original IP.

Look at the various recent Star Trek endeavors and how being at odds with the fandom hurts income. Or how the super expensive Rings of Power series struggles.
Go back and read some of the absolute horseshit that made the rounds when the cast for TNG was announced back in 84 or 85. They made hay out of the fact that Patrick Stewart was bald for fuck sake.

Rusted on fans don’t build multimedia empires. Early comics gave about one-eighth of fuck all about continuity because the writers were rotated around.

As for the costume, if they want to draw Supergirl that way that’s the artists prerogative - and they have drawn her in some skimpy shit in her lifetime - but Sasha Callie is a person and her dignity was not then nor is now for sacrifice upon the alter of fan demand. She auditioned. She won. That was the costume they gave her. The fact this fuckwit on Twitter thinks a full foot of that young woman’s thigh and leg would be enough to salvage a bloated load of shit like The Flash is as comical as anything that’s ever been in comics.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Rusted on fans don’t build multimedia empires. Early comics gave about one-eighth of fuck all about continuity because the writers were rotated around.
In the comics, Jimmy Olsen had his brain swapped with that of a large ape more than once, because the fans of the first comic would stop reading before the second comic came out.

Also, notoriously, John Nathan-Turner decided to make Doctor Who for the loud vocal fans during his tenure, and that's widely regarded as one key reason the quality dropped.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Also I swear people have forgotten that Harley Quinn's costume looked like this one day one:

Like guys, sticking Lady GaGa in that lingerie is trying too hard. Putting Margot Robbie in....whatever the fuck shit she wore in her movies was trying too hard. The character's default is a fucking leotard that may as well have been painted on. You can put either of them in this costume and the fanboys will line up around the block AND it will be thematically on point for a fucking change.
Counterpoint: personal anecdotal observation, lots of girls seem to love the modern takes on Harley Quinn. Strange as it may sound, fanboys may not be the audience they're actually targeting with sexy alternative Harley.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
That is a good idea.

If you want to pay millions oto utilize a popular IP, the last thing you need is lots of vocal fans argueing that you don't respect the source.

It obviously should not be your only focus group.
No, no no - you're supposed to design by committee for "modern audiences", and then run it by sensitivity readers and diversity consultants (preferably ones who actively dislike existing works in the franchise) and make any changes they feel appropriate so as to file off any edges that might offend people unlikely to engage with the work in the first place if they weren't being paid to do so. Don't forget to insert $CURRENT_YEAR progressive politics as hamfistedly as possible, in a way that will make the story feel dated within a few years of release. You're supposed to either ignore or actively antagonize existing fans of the franchise, and make a point of not considering their views at all. That's how you get a well performing remake/remaster/reboot/sequel in an existing IP!

You know, a masterpiece like Velma! /S

Like guys, sticking Lady GaGa in that lingerie is trying too hard. Putting Margot Robbie in....whatever the fuck shit she wore in her movies was trying too hard. The character's default is a fucking leotard that may as well have been painted on. You can put either of them in this costume and the fanboys will line up around the block AND it will be thematically on point for a fucking change.
Yeah, sure, but that version of Harley was very much submissive to the Joker and very much a sidekick. If she's going to be the main star and a badass then they want to move away from that because of the baggage it holds. Channel more Ms. Quinnzel who's also named for a motorcycle and less Harlequin because she's tied to the Joker. Also as far as Batman villains are concerned Batman: The Animated Series is about medium goofy, which doesn't align with their goals anymore. But then someone also thought Jared Leto Joker was a good idea, so....

These IPs aren't popular because of vocal fans. They are popular because they appeal to general audiences who don't make their identities around this stuff. The MCU did not become the franchise juggernaut it is by listening to comic fans.
I could point out the comic inspirations for most of the storylines and the generally not shitting on the existing characters for most of it, at least until we had the scene in Endgame that inspired The Boys to do the "Girls Get It Done" bit. Most of the big differences up through then were either because they had some big name they wanted to shoehorn into a part despite them not fitting the right general look, stuff that would be hard to explain promptly in a movie format (for example, the power of the Scarlet Witch), or stuff that was admittedly kinda dumb (Thanos' motivation in the MCU was kinda dumb and short sighted, but still better than "I'm horny for the personification of Death and want to impress her by doing galactic scale mass murder").


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
That is a good idea.

If you want to pay millions oto utilize a popular IP, the last thing you need is lots of vocal fans argueing that you don't respect the source.

It obviously should not be your only focus group.
It definitely should not be the only focus group. Consulting uberfans can often be a disaster, because producers end up with a work that has insufficient appeal outside a fanbase when they need mass consumption.

I'm also going to point out here that comics reinvent their characters all the fucking time: I doubt they bother to run a fan focus group first. Although in mitigation, the average comic book writer/artist is probably well-versed in the backhistory of the character they're writing for, which is much less likely for a scriptwriter/director.