Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

The things to US has gotten away with its stranglehold over global finance are both astounding and irritating. And when it comes to leveraging its economical power bullying smaller countries, the US has been far more active than China.

And how do you think Trumps looks under those circumstances ? Does anyone in Denmark really fear China gettiing more rare earth materials via investment? Or do they rather fear what the US will do extort Denmark and Greenland to secure them for themselves ? And for Panama it looks even worse.

China might be the biggest danger to the US. But for (nearly) everyone else the US is the bigger danger. Because China is both weaker and noticebly less agressive if you are not near its borders.

No one else in the world is hapy seeing the largest richest superpower already bullying everyone whenever it likes, stick out its grabby fingers towards other countries natural ressources expected to be important in the future or towards a lifeline for global trade that is also a major source of income for a small country.
Do you realize it's the USN that guards the global oceans right? And China is building nuclear-powered aircraft carriers that will threaten everyone just like how you accuse the US of doing.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010

The things to US has gotten away with its stranglehold over global finance are both astounding and irritating. And when it comes to leveraging its economical power bullying smaller countries, the US has been far more active than China.

And how do you think Trumps looks under those circumstances ? Does anyone in Denmark really fear China gettiing more rare earth materials via investment? Or do they rather fear what the US will do extort Denmark and Greenland to secure them for themselves ? And for Panama it looks even worse.
One might also look to the 80's for some precedents for why US exercising power in Panama might be concerning.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Do you realize it's the USN that guards the global oceans right?
It is what most navies of relvant size do. Even ours has dozens of ships on the other side of the globe to discourage pirates.

And China is building nuclear-powered aircraft carriers that will threaten everyone just like how you accuse the US of doing.
China is bad with aircraft carriers.
China wants trade with us and crtainly will protect, not threaten our shipping.
China has never threatened us militarily nor is ever likely to do.
Even if China had aircraft carriers, it could not not properly project power with them near us, because it lacks any bases and nealy all local ports and navies are allied with each other.
And while the US regularly threatens us even when we on paper have a better relationship, China never has.

I really really don't care how many aircraft carriers China has. It is not a military threat. Nor will it harm our grobal trade. Now the US also won't threaten us militarily, even if demanding terrotory from its supposed ally Denmark is more more than eyebrow raising, but the US does regularly threaten our trade and meddle in our econmy and our politics.
The only ones reasonably afraid of China are its direct neigbours it has claim on (Taiwan, South China Sea).

It is on the US to behave like a better partner than China. And as less of a threat.