No reason to vaccinate children against a fatal disease? Do you hear yourself?
Because if there's one thing fascists are known for, it's making sure their citizens are vaccinated.
So every idiotic conspiracy that springs from the mind of a rightwing nutcase is due to the Democrats?
What disease isn't fatal with your definition? The flu kills people, is not getting your kid a flu shot child endangerment?
Yeah, they are also known for removing opposing parties from ballots like the democrats did
You're really jumping to conclusions on that. If the government recommends something as important and crucial as a vaccine, you know have to look it up because they fucked up big time last time. It requires no conspiracy theory to double-check their work. If your a parent, you have to check to see of the covid vaccine got slipped into your child's necessary vaccines, you shouldn't have to do that.
The new age, all natural lefties.
I don't know what your education told you, but a disease that you can die from is by definition not a harmless disease.
Do you even know what measles and small pox are?
Maybe because that "horrible messaging" was trying to save lives.
Wait, you think measles is harmless?
My fault on the measles, I thought the fatality rate was lower it was. I wasn't talking about small pox, but chicken pox.
Good intentions doesn't make something right. And people pushing against the covid "narrative" also had good intentions.
I did criticise the old order. The difference is NO ONE IS PUSHING BACK AT ME CLAIMING IT WAS GOOD. They took some advice and changed their messaging. And RFK messaging is getting people killed. No one else in that role intentional has done that. RFK does
RFK Jr has had the job for like a month...
I seem to remember Phoenixmgs initial definition of harmless being what percentage the disease kills you. (Which is an utter fail on the term harmless)
For example, Covid was harmless because it kills only 1% of the infected. It didn't matter that a stretched hospital sympton quintupled the rate. It didn't matter that the rate of infections meant that more people would be infected than the yearly fly. It didn't matter that Covid killed 600K in 2020, then again in 21, and flu kills about 60 K per year. It didn't matter that the number of Covid deaths was close to the average flu deaths across the world per year. Because it was only 1%, it made Covid as harmless as yearly flu. Millions of people dead is a harmless disease
Rachel Maddow said covid was just like the flu and even said that it has a 2% death rate and that's not a big deal (@ 3:02 mark). Does she not understand how many people would die if covid had a 2% death rate? Btw, measles has about a 0.1% death rate in comparison. Funny how the less and less dangerous covid got, the more and more restrictions kept being forced on people. I didn't say we shouldn't do anything, the reason covid kill so many initially is because it was able to spread with people living normally (before anything was done). If you protected the vulnerable and made common sense restrictions like not going to theaters and large gatherings, that would've done the same thing as all the bullshit restrictions put into place. And shutting down society for as long as it took to get a vaccine out there (which was super fast in comparison to previous vaccines) would've killed more people in the end.
Varicella, more commonly known as chickenpox, was previously thought of as a harmless rite of passage for all children. Before the development of an effective vaccine, some parents were known to throw “chickenpox parties.” By exposing their child to the disease at a young age, parents thought...
I was just pointing how that wasn't considered child endangerment, not that it was the safest option.