I'm referring to Siaka Massaquoi, not the NFL player that I said made sense that the cops handcuffed him.So... someone being improperly detained & handcuffed for a few minutes after being pulled over for speeding/reckless driving. That's worse in your book than arresting and detaining someone for two weeks without any suspicion of a crime whatsoever, just because the former is a US citizen, even though the latter is a legal permanent resident? You're gonna have to run by me how that works.
Well, I tend to avoid the term "fascist", because that term (to me as an H.E. student of history) refers to a specific group of inter-war European ultranationalist movements. "Authoritarian" is the term I'd use: a political figure who uses legal or extrajudicial powers to suppress dissent, and to force their agenda through the political system, bypassing (or destroying) intended checks and balances.
But for what it's worth, I think it's pretty pathetic to try to exclude repressive actions like those I cited just because they weren't US citizens. Initially you indicated that ICE only targets illegal immigrants, then I provided evidence that wasn't the case; then you said you'd only heard about a single legal resident being targeted, and I provided multiple examples. Every time, it's just met with shifted goalposts, whataboutism, and excuses.
I only saw you guys provide stories of that one dude that got pulled over by ICE (that had 2 other illegals in the car) and the one guy at the college that recently got a green card. Fascist and dictator are pretty fucking serious and encompassing definitions, you can't just claim this stuff without meeting the requirements of them. It's like when a video a friend posted about covid that said it was an existential threat; no, that's not what the word existential means, and the friend even defended their use of that word... You guys using such hyperbole is why people ignore what you're saying, do you not realize this? The narrative that democracy was on the line in this election polled the worst out of all the democratic narratives. And Trump made gains across like all groups IIRC, obviously your messaging isn't working.
FDR did more fascist/dictatorial stuff than Trump but no one is going around saying the people from the 30s/40s in the US lived through a fascist/dictatorial regime.