If anyone reading this ever bought shares in the diversity racket, then I would suggest you start dumping them now. Not that I would blame you for having bought them in the first place. ‘Diversity’ has been the great mantra of our age. Like ‘equality’, it is one of those words set up to be
I've always found it baffling why so many people on the left automatically assume "minority = progressive/leftist." Islam in particular, which as a whole, is far more conservative than Christianity, yet so many on the left assume it's a natural ally.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the left". People who work with minorities, or work for the enforcement of asylum rights, are usually progressives (conservatives just go "fuck the minorities, fuck the not me"), but are very aware that the people they help have different worldviews, levels of educations, cultural and religious values, etc - and are often much more progressive than them. Foreigners, for instance, can be very racist between each others, why would they be less than the locals ? The thing with human rights is that they apply by default. You do not treat injustice differently depending on the person. If someone flees a country because of political violence and torture, you don't filter him through your sympathies, you enforce laws that protect humans against political violence and torture.
And diversity, multiculturalism, is all about the very complex task to maximize freedoms of being. We all know (even hypocritical libertarians) that freedoms clash against each others, and that each one has to be limited in order to leave some room for the other. It's a very complex equation, that conservatives replace entirely by the one simple variable "me" (and abolish the rest). But it's an unavoidable challenge if you're not keen on totalitarianism, sanctionned prejudice and uniformizing exclusion. You have to deal with that, go to the limit of what identities you can articulate together and integrate (without assimilation) to a functionning society. And the path to do that, the "minimal" category you have to exclude, are the ultraconservatisms, the "eradicate everything that is not me" discourses.
And these can be found everywhere. You can't, for instance, exclude muslims by default on the ground that "Islam, as a whole, is far more conservative than Christianity". It would be unfair to many progressive or simply tolerant muslims, and also absurd given how insanely conservatives christians can be, especially in the US (see the de santis freak and his gooey followers), but also elsewhere (starting with the putin dictatorship). These stats are irrelevant, because they do not determine attitudes. It's simply more categories of people opposing each others (internally, no group is homogeneous), just like... many feminists, and many homosexuals, oppose transgender people. There is no spontaneous solidarity between minorities, because they are defined by traits independant from assholery. They all contain a lot of people keen on oppressing and excluding each others.
If there was the option to exclude problematic people, that is people who are included through the principle of diversity but oppose diversity (again, the "minimal" category to exclude for diversity to function), then it would be through an assholery detector, which doesn't exist (especially as it should make the distinction between self-indulging assholery and genuine well-meaning ignorance). And it would exclude people from all subcultures. And people from all subcultures would remain. Statistics aren't dramatic enough to be used for that.
Especially as, once more, you get the same ideological results at large, by people who don't belong to that group. Looking at the state of the US, on the Republican side, excluding muslims because of statistics-based conservative assumptions would be a precedent to exclude christians all the same. And with in a same broad sweep (as if there were just one christianity and just one islam).
In short, human rights don't apply to "allies" specifically. They apply upstream from that. And then, allies is a very transversal category anyway.