YES! THIS IS BRILLIANT NEWS! Seriously, this makes it so much more likely that it will be a new IP, I've been longing for something new.
Squeeeeeeeemily123 said:one word
anyone who would care will know what i'm talking about
What's an IP?ultimateownage said:YES! THIS IS BRILLIANT NEWS! Seriously, this makes it so much more likely that it will be a new IP, I've been longing for something new.
Pretty much how I feel. Sure, their other games are awesome but this is what we really want to see them return to. We've already waited almost three years for a follow-up to what basically was an expansion pack, and 6 years since the last "full game" was released.. we didn't have a gap that long between Half-Life 1 and 2.MiracleOfSound said:Fuck sake.
Does he not realise Ep 3 is the only announcement we actually want to hear?
I doubt it. L4D2 was said to be developed because it couldn't be incorperated into L4D. If they make a 3rd one so soon the backlash will be 10 times that of L4D2. However that being said I personally want to see where the story goes. Not just with the cast but where this is building to. I feel that the "end" has real potential story wise just by using the "no story" method they've been following so far.TerribleAssassin said:It was worth the 10 years though.Silver Patriot said:I doubt we will be seeing a TF3 anytime soon. considering it took TF2 10 years of development hell before it saw the light of day.thenumberthirteen said:What could the surprise be now? Team Fortress 3? L4D3? Portal 4, a game so awesome it tore a hole in time (the same fate that befell Duke Nukem)? Maybe a brand new game!
Hell, by that logic we will be lucky to ever see HL3.
Better be something good though, L4D3 please!
If that happens, I will go to the valve building, find Gabe (or Robin) and eat him! Then I will make a hat out of HIS SKIN (Yes, in the year that passed since the hats were introduced I got only 3 shitty ones)!maninahat said:Todays the 14th and here is your suprise...MORE HATS FOR TEAM FORTRESS 2!!
to which Gabe replies:(...)Because if it isn't fake..then I want to have your babies.
I think Gabe just got cold feet by the thought of having babies with a stranger and called it fake.Fake
A new IP is a new Intellectual Property, IE a new game franchise.Ekit said:What's an IP?ultimateownage said:YES! THIS IS BRILLIANT NEWS! Seriously, this makes it so much more likely that it will be a new IP, I've been longing for something new.
You know, I really don't understand why the Valve fans can't be more like the Blizzard fans: a group which, while harboring some ridiculous beliefs about certain properties (DIABLO 3 IS TOO COLORFUL BAAAAW) at least seem to consistently remember that they are fans of a company on the "The game gets released when its done" timetable.John Funk said:Snip.