Gabe Newell Wants the PS3 to Be Like a Mac


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Asehujiko said:
Deofuta said:
Hmmm is it possible that when he speaks of the gamecube he is referring to the special disk format? Or is there something else that stopped the gamecube from being considered 'open'?
Nintendo going nuts and trying to eliminate all their indie developers by lawsuit zerging, media bitching and a deliberately obtuse OS.
Really? Wow, I must have been to young to understand the implications. Was it quite a scandal?

Chaos Marine

New member
Feb 6, 2008
Developing games for Apple's s***ty junk piles is a monumental waste of time and money. This is the biggest mistake Valve have ever make and I hope they don't waste too much money on it.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
Since when did Valve try to develop for the Gamecube? Sorry but he is going to make a comparison between the programming processes of two systems he should at least have had experience in BOTH of them.


New member
Sep 17, 2007
This has got to be the most asinine conversation I have read in quite some time. All the way up to the original article's author, you are all blabbing about the nuances of development on hardware/software platforms about which you know *nothing* first-hand.

A Mac is a computer. You can buy it from Best Buy, develop your own software for it in any language you want (for FREE), distribute that software to any other Mac user you want, and run any x86-compatible operating system on it, including Linux, BSD, Windows, and Mac OS X. Mac hardware and OS X itself are based upon (and implement) many open standards, including UNIX, OpenGL and DisplayPort.

A PS3 is a game console. You can buy it from Best Buy, and cannot change the operating system, cannot compile or run any software that Sony has not approved, and approved PS3 developers (who have paid a lot of money to Sony) have strict guidelines about what they can and cannot do on software destined for PS3 consumers. The Gamecube was no different from the PS3 in that developers paid big bucks for approved development kits, and consumers had ZERO freedom to run any software besides Nintendo-approved games.

The iPhone has far more in common with the PS3 as a closed, managed platform than the Mac. My mind is utterly blown that you all have shown such utter disregard for reality, choosing instead to spout nonsense you "heard someone say," and the author should be ashamed for having zero journalistic scruples in that last, beyond-stupid question.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
"Like a mac" Oh, you mean incompatible with everything and having a shit ton of annoying fanboys?


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Tom Phoenix said:
cursedseishi said:
Speaking of that last game, maybe that's why Gabe hates the PS3. Media Molecule beat him to the punch in releasing a fun physics-based game, and he thinks he's the only one allowed ever to make those.
Wait a second, that makes no sense. Half-Life 2 was physics-based and was released four years earlier, while Portal came out a year before Little Big Planet. How exactly did Media Molecule beat Valve to the punch?

In any case, while I believe Newell that PS3 is a difficult platform to design games for (afterall, there is a reason why it's library of games is limited compared to the other two consoles), I do not see why he continues to pursue this topic. Just say that you can't develop for the PS3 and be done with it. I doubt many people, if any, will hold it against you.
I beat portal and it really didnt have any innovating physics, the portals part was cool but it physics were basic.


New member
May 27, 2008
I bet mr. newell was rebuffed quite strongly during negotiations with sony, at some point...and simply never let it go.
You see, sony will lease their development systems to anyone for something like 10k $ per unit, for a fixed length of time. These kits are supposed to be extremely easy to use. So, if mr. newell is alleging that the ps3 is difficult to develop for, he's got something else in mind.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Chaos Marine said:
Developing games for Apple's s***ty junk piles is a monumental waste of time and money. This is the biggest mistake Valve have ever make and I hope they don't waste too much money on it.
As opposed to making games for winbl/dows,the "Operating System" that comes in about 5 pieces (each full price,of course) crashes because you right-click something and overall doesn't really fill the "Operating" part?


New member
May 27, 2008
And lets not forget the fact that it (windows) somehow manages to use up more of your system resources than any other OS out there, like some incredibly obese person driving a small car.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Deofuta said:
Asehujiko said:
Deofuta said:
Hmmm is it possible that when he speaks of the gamecube he is referring to the special disk format? Or is there something else that stopped the gamecube from being considered 'open'?
Nintendo going nuts and trying to eliminate all their indie developers by lawsuit zerging, media bitching and a deliberately obtuse OS.
Really? Wow, I must have been to young to understand the implications. Was it quite a scandal?
No, it all happened(and still happens) under the motto of stopping pirates so everybody actually supports it. I got yelled at here on the escapist for stating my disagreement with them taking steps to monopolize the SD card market for their handhelds by strong arming the rest into bankruptcy with bogus lawsuits that they won because the opposition could no longer pay the court fees.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Asehujiko said:
No, it all happened(and still happens) under the motto of stopping pirates so everybody actually supports it. I got yelled at here on the escapist for stating my disagreement with them taking steps to monopolize the SD card market for their handhelds by strong arming the rest into bankruptcy with bogus lawsuits that they won because the opposition could no longer pay the court fees.
So there was a slightly less active consumer base back then? Seems funny now that the DS and the Wii are the easiest current-gen platforms to hack into.


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
It's because Macs are now Intel. When you are doing most of your dollar-earning work in the form of optimizing x86-compatible ASM code or ATI/nVidia specific register shifts, if the metal is teh same you really don't care that much about the library on top of it.

So, basically Newell seems to be saying, "I wish all hardware was x86 compatible, because I just can't get my thick head around anything else."


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
armageddon74400 said:
"Like a mac" Oh, you mean incompatible with everything and having a shit ton of annoying fanboys?
1996 called. They want their irrationality back.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
And this is news because?

There are plenty of great games on the ps3 that are technical marvels, I'm not missing his same game being repackaged over and over again with a new skin.


New member
May 24, 2009
Honestly, I don't think I'd be quite as annoyed by the whole thing if Gabe would just shut the hell up about it. As a PS3 owner, I'm already pretty annoyed by the fact that if I want to play more Valve games, I'll have to spend extra money to upgrade my pc, and juvenile PS3 bashing statements like this aren't exactly making it better.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009

Apple is always into closed systems, but of COURSE it's more open than the gamecube, that's like saying "Hmm, if only my skateboard was more like a car"

I get that he wants PS3's to be more open, but that was a really shitty analogy.


New member
Sep 15, 2008


I miss my avatar
Feb 18, 2010
Demon ID said:
Yes Gabe and all your fans want half life episode 3, but we don't all get what we ask for :D

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist having a small dig on behalf of PC gamers.

Frank_Sinatra_ said:
And here is a Gamer who wants Gabe to start acting like a fucking adult and get over the difficulty of programming of a PS3.

Sorry if that was harsh, but whenever I see the words "Gabe Newell" and "PS3" together my sarcasm engine turns on and won't shut off.
I know how you feel, i'm an xbox gamer but even I just get annoyed when he bitches about the PS3. While yes i'm sure it's hard, but every other company has got over it and made games so maybe it's his turn. On a related note, I think you should give us xbox gamers little big planet.
Give us L4D and you might get little big planet. Or possibly trade Halo for GoW.
OT: Gabe, grow a pair and make games for the PS3. Wasn't there a news story about you hiring naughty dog (or some other company that makes PS3 games) employees? Maybe you could ask them for advice? Or, you could maybe ask Sony for a little help here or there if you get stuck in a game's dev cycle. Oh, sorry, your ego might not take the hit.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Khakionion said:
This has got to be the most asinine conversation I have read in quite some time. All the way up to the original article's author, you are all blabbing about the nuances of development on hardware/software platforms about which you know *nothing* first-hand.

A Mac is a computer. You can buy it from Best Buy, develop your own software for it in any language you want (for FREE), distribute that software to any other Mac user you want, and run any x86-compatible operating system on it, including Linux, BSD, Windows, and Mac OS X. Mac hardware and OS X itself are based upon (and implement) many open standards, including UNIX, OpenGL and DisplayPort.

A PS3 is a game console. You can buy it from Best Buy, and cannot change the operating system, cannot compile or run any software that Sony has not approved, and approved PS3 developers (who have paid a lot of money to Sony) have strict guidelines about what they can and cannot do on software destined for PS3 consumers. The Gamecube was no different from the PS3 in that developers paid big bucks for approved development kits, and consumers had ZERO freedom to run any software besides Nintendo-approved games.

The iPhone has far more in common with the PS3 as a closed, managed platform than the Mac. My mind is utterly blown that you all have shown such utter disregard for reality, choosing instead to spout nonsense you "heard someone say," and the author should be ashamed for having zero journalistic scruples in that last, beyond-stupid question.
This. It frequently impresses me how ignorant people are about this sort of thing. Macs are not iPhones. They're x86 PCs running a limited subset of hardware with a different OS. It's a computer, which is as open as platforms get, since software installations are not restricted in any way.

And since that seems to be all people can think of, only a few years ago very few people could write software for phones with the permission of the carriers, and people erroneously expect free reign to develop software for phones and equate them with computers since the development of a few highly popular platforms.

I don't expect any software platform to be more open than that of a personal computer, and anybody who does is being foolish.

And Newell has been grinding this axe for a while, but it's probably worth pointing out he's a business/management wonk, not a lead programmer. I think we can all agree that while it might be tough to programming for, it's clearly not the herculean task he makes it out to be, seeing the software that's come out. Though the better examples might have had a higher budget...

It could be that their programmers actually feel differently. I did read a while back that they were hiring people to develop for the PS3.