Cheesepower5 said:
FINALLY someone agrees with me.
XD Oh god, I laughed so hard. I am currently in High School right now and I am getting weird looks from everyone. I keep telling them: Wait until college - chances are 98% of the population will be playing Pokemon ~ Don't fuck with us Geeks/Nerds!
"Also, it is not POKE-E-MAN it is PO-KAY-MON!" - I have to say this everytime someone asks if I am playing pokemon. "Durrr, are you playing dem pokemanz?" "No you dimwitted buffoon - I am playing Pokemon - Also, in a few years we geeks will out number you dipshits so be afraid. Be VERY afraid. First we will come for your girls, then for your dignity, then finally for YOUR LUNCH MONEY!" Then they laugh and walk off - but it will happen BY THOR IT WILL HAPPEN!
Also I got Pokemon Black - Can't wait!