MLG kids are a joke, all the real players don't need a stupid tag to prove that they are good.Onyx Oblivion said:I like to laugh at people with gamertags like "MLG Sn1p3r" and other such gamertags. It's just a game people...
OOoooohhhhhHHHHhhPoopie McGhee said:well, mine's Poopie McGhee and people actually give me crap about it...
Yeah, so much for tolerance aye?Double A said:That's hilarious, epically since all the "Christians" were telling him to fuck off.
My gamertag is "The AntiNoah" so I get told off by all the Noahs on Live. All 3 of them.
That's a little too descriptive... and bubbly.PuppetMaster said:my brother's tag is Foamyfarts, but THAT guy is legendary
Ya, it get's commented on a lotdanosaurus said:That's a little too descriptive... and bubbly.PuppetMaster said:my brother's tag is Foamyfarts, but THAT guy is legendary
lol i can picture it on halo "PETAgrl_23 beat down A_Baby_Seal"DrunkWithPower said:"A_Baby_Seal" I saw that on CoD4 on PSN.... I cried in laughter.
>General Recluse your statement on respect for others religions is kinda hard to take seriously from you when you have a SS Officer(at least i think it is but i can't tell from the small picture) as your display pic, I agree with you but I just had to point that out because it made me lolGeneral Recluse said:I am christian(well semi but still) Im a respectful person. I'm not offended by the name Im just a bit offended by the guy in general. if you're atheist then thats fine im not going to persecute you for those belief. but i just feel people should have more respect for other religions(except scientology lol).
wouldyoukindly99 said:My friend uses the gamertag xXpwnyourmotherXx I think's it's pretty funny.
Anytime someone put's '666' '420' or '69' in their tag really annoys me. "Hurr hurr...420...hurr hurr, weed is funny"