"Games Cause Rape" Psychiatrist Defends Her Position


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
So I'm confused, did she provide links or locations of the studies she didn't have at first?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Does she even know that rape has gone down?
[sub]I'm damn sure it has![/sub]


New member
Apr 1, 2010
It would seem quite obvious that our dear friend Dr. Lieberman never took any formal logic training, for she has, in light of questions about her non-existent data, offered only a reiteration of her "correlation-implies-causation" theory backed up with a wonderful little ad hominem attack.

In light of this attack, I feel the need to rain on her proverbial parade by pointing to, not one, but two government reports that indicate that there is little to no correlation between violent crimes (particularly murder) and violent video games, and that the frequency of violent crimes, especially rape, have been on the decline since a peak in the early-mid 1990s:

http://www.secretservice.gov/ntac/ssi_final_report.pdf (page 31)
http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/228479.pdf (page 6)

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
I'd like to rape someone and say "dicktits".

Seriously, what a *****. Right, her only "true achievement" was that Swarzeneger thing, then what?, quote the "news" about Mortal Kombat in the '93? Show facts and footage of Postal 2? What a joke.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
Andy Chalk said:
After nearly a week of waiting, Lieberman put out a statement today claiming that her response to demands for evidence was delayed because she'd filed them away on the assumption that "everyone already knew about these studies," and hadn't been able to get to them in a timely fashion because of her "obligations to patients and other professional commitments."
Translation: She didn't expect anyone to actually question her so now she has to pull some evidence out of her ass.
Please don't dignify what she pretended to tout by actually referring to it as "evidence", or you might encourage the vile woman.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
I love how she's like "Oh wait, you want me to prove my stance? I thought you already knew! If you're a gamer, chances are you've committed at least three rapes in the past week, anyway."

The fact that anyone would consider her for an award for anything other than for being an attention grabbing idiot who can't defend a word of what she says is appalling. And then even after she's called out on it, she just goes back to her statistics and studies that she pulled straight out of her ass and continues not to give an ounce of proof. If you're called out, at least make up a study like the people who faked those studies about vaccinations causing autism.

EDIT: Ugh... I don't know why, but I'm extremely offended by this woman... if everyone knows about these studies, why can't she name at least one?


New member
Dec 22, 2008
WanderingFool said:
Cain_Zeros said:
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
Cain_Zeros said:
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
Dr.Liberman said:
When the Columbine murders took place, there were national polls where people voted on what they believed caused the two young men to kill. Media violence ranked high on the list
Huh... Apparently to her a "national poll" counts as a "study."
ROIGHT! Well then I'm going to have a "national poll" over the cuteness of bunnies and then call it a study!

The difference being that bunnies actually are cute, so you'd be calling a "national poll" a "study" to support fact, rather than utter bullshit.
Shit... I didn't think anyone would call me out on my bullshit.
HOLY COW! I just made a parallel between that author and my random act of stupidity.
Thank you for helping me laugh much harder at her expense tonight.
Well, she deserves all the laughter at her expense we can provide.
In that case, let me join in on the merriment, lawl...

Anyways, I also want to add...
[sarcastic tone]Rapelay, I blame Japan... lets bomb the bastards and make them pay!
we already did that...


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Enough talk about this incompetant, I think someone mentioned a poll concerning cute bunnies? That seems vastly more compelling.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
wasalp said:
WanderingFool said:
Cain_Zeros said:
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
Cain_Zeros said:
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
Dr.Liberman said:
When the Columbine murders took place, there were national polls where people voted on what they believed caused the two young men to kill. Media violence ranked high on the list
Huh... Apparently to her a "national poll" counts as a "study."
ROIGHT! Well then I'm going to have a "national poll" over the cuteness of bunnies and then call it a study!

The difference being that bunnies actually are cute, so you'd be calling a "national poll" a "study" to support fact, rather than utter bullshit.
Shit... I didn't think anyone would call me out on my bullshit.
HOLY COW! I just made a parallel between that author and my random act of stupidity.
Thank you for helping me laugh much harder at her expense tonight.
Well, she deserves all the laughter at her expense we can provide.
In that case, let me join in on the merriment, lawl...

Anyways, I also want to add...
[sarcastic tone]Rapelay, I blame Japan... lets bomb the bastards and make them pay!
we already did that...
[comedic tone] Hmm, well, fuck it, lets do it again...

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
PiercisionBass said:
canadamus_prime said:
Andy Chalk said:
After nearly a week of waiting, Lieberman put out a statement today claiming that her response to demands for evidence was delayed because she'd filed them away on the assumption that "everyone already knew about these studies," and hadn't been able to get to them in a timely fashion because of her "obligations to patients and other professional commitments."
Translation: She didn't expect anyone to actually question her so now she has to pull some evidence out of her ass.
Please don't dignify what she pretended to tout by actually referring to it as "evidence", or you might encourage the vile woman.
I didn't say she was actually successful in pulling any evidence out of her ass.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Hmm... I think we need to sic the APA on her ass.

Hey, it worked when the Florida Bar Assoc. took notice of good ol' Jack Thompson.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Oh goody, she's decided to travel the path of "staunch arrogance". I've been needing someone to direct my extra anger at now that Atkins and Thompson have quieted down in their old age.

Grats lady, you've officially made my shit list. An honor few have managed to obtain.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
I cannot believe her! "I thought everyone already knew because they took POLLS over 15 years ago!" POLLS!? Seriously!? WTF do you think people are going to think attributed to the crime? I don't know too much about it myself and surely violence in the MEDIA AS A WHOLE didn't help matter, but no, videogames make you a rapist and COLUMBINE is evidence. COLUMBINE! There was no rape in Columbine unless I got the "watered-down version." SHE'S A FLIPPIN' EXPERT THAT OUR GOVERNMENT IS HIRING AND SHE'S USING polls AS EVIDENCE!? I want flippin' psychological testing! Do not tell me that videogames cause rape unless you have done ACTUAL TESTS on people. Thank you and have a (bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep) day (bleep).

Sorry about the self-censoring.

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
In grade 5 the told us that we needed to include where we got our information from at the end of work. Is she really stupider than a fifth grader?

I would like to mention too, why would you assume that everyone who contacted you knew about a a national poll which was probably very unknown to a lot of people, then go and say that it is actually study? (which it's not!)

She is just someone who will get hundreds of pages of evidence that games don't provoke rape and very violent crimes, saying that games are fine, but one page saying they are bad and she will totally disregard any good evidence and focus on the bad evidence.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
So as best as I can tell, the only proof that she has that she didn't generate herself is Columbine. One point of data does not a trend make. Nor does making erroneous assumptions about the public's knowledge. Try again.

In the spirit of Penn and Teller, whose show Bullshit! uses tons of profanity for legal reasons, Ms. Lieberman, you are an asshole.

Uber Waddles

New member
May 13, 2010
I like her first approach.

"I dont need evidence, I thought everyone knew about the studies already!"

Her second one was even better, she posted two articles that hardly mention her topic, and fails to verify her statement otherwise. Just trying to get more right wings riled up.

It always shocks me how much Fox News fails: they arent even a legitimate news agency (I.E. they dont have to check facts). And while they try to act like they are, its hard to keep that cover on when you have whackjobs like her on.

I like my logic, so lets use it. By her logic, if I say Blowjob, that would mean it would influence people to perform more blowjobs. Thats pretty much what her theory boils down to.

Is anyone compelled to perform a blowjob now? No. There, theory disproved.