Games everyone but you hates.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
michiehoward said:
Final FAntasy X-2.

Loved the game, loved the continuation of Yuna story and the resolution you can have. Loved being in Spira again! However everyone else I know wouldn't play it.
Thank goodness SOMEONE else enjoyed it! =D

For me it was, well, THAT,

and Final Fantasy 13. Yes it was painfully linear but to me the story was absolutely incredible. And that kind of story can't really be told in any other way (except for possibly an anime?)


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Mirror's Edge (of course) - To the point where i don't really understand the critism other that the main story is kinda bland and ends anticlimatically and that it's a bit short.
Bad because Trial and Error? Don't people moan about The Prince of Persia (2008) for the opposite and, that said, love the original for it? Also, while the games difficulty isn't a walk in the park, it's still rather easy when it comes to jump n runs.
Doesn't work because of first person? There are TONS of indicators to measure and time jumps and i think it's something that is actually solved brilliantly.
Other than that, it's a non-stop thrillride with striking visuals and great sound that is so much fun that i use move-marketing terms for it. And i'm still very angry about people moaning about lack of innovation and fresh ideas in's your own damn fault if you don't even buy something that is a bit Mirrors Edge.

Oni - Still my favorite Bungie Game

Advent Rising - other than it's amazing soundtrack and kind of different story nothing special, but i had good and consistent fun for the whole time and still would like to see a sequel

And i started to play Alice: Madness Returns and fail to see why it's only considered mediocre. Other that being absurdly easy (so far) it's pretty awesome i think.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
The Wykydtron said:
DA2? Sure it's less than stellar but it doesn't really deserve the amount of "worst gaem evar!'s" the gaming community throws its way.
Pretty much this. My only issue is that it could've been so much better if they had given it more time. At least 18 months should've done it.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Alpha Protocol.

Quite a few tech problems, but it has an amazing writing and arguably the only game where your choice means something


Plum tickler
Mar 28, 2011
Army men Green Rogue on the ps2. Yeah, i played it when I was like ten, But I loved it then, it was cheap, it was hard and it was fun.
Jan 23, 2010
Bionic Commando (2009). I thought it was really damn fun swinging around zip-kicking and shooting robots in their face with a grenade launcher. Sure it had issues, so do all games but this was just pure fun! I loved the strange multiplayer where skillful swinging was the key to victory.

I just wish they had put in 4 player splitscreen or something. Best party game ever.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Definitely Dragon Age 2.

I can see the disappointment in people, but the inferiority to the original didn't prevent me from enjoying the game.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
People have said all of mine...

Final Fantasy VIII, Mirror's Edge, Dragon Age 2 and Final Fantasy X-2 (Although, the opening pop song scene did make me wonder if I had bought the right game...)

Erm... Let me think then... I'm going to say Crimecraft. Everyone seems to hate that game, I really enjoy it.


New member
May 14, 2011
Dokapon Kingdom (fucking LOVE it!), Dynasty Warriors, and Zelda 2.

Also, since the OP didn't specify VIDEO games, add Risk to that list. People today are lame - no one wants to sit around a table for five hours moving little plastic men! ;-;


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Forbidden Forest......... I wonder how many hours of my life have been wasted watching that stupid victory dance between each section. Although using an emulator with a speed toggle alleviates that problem somewhat.

Although having a working C64 set up in the house seems slightly redundant now lol.


New member
Jul 30, 2011
My almost all but a few friends hate that game.
And Sudeki, I'm the only one who has played it, my friends think its just some horrible game with bad graphics.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Final Fantasy 13, I have never enjoyed the story so much in a game. I was seriously emotionally attached to the characters. And I also enjoyed the combat, anyone who says all you have to do is mash the autoattack button never got to any fight harder than the very basic ones. If you didn't set up your characters and time your heals and buff you cannot beat some of the enemies.

Mirror's Edge, I didn't know people hated until reading this thread. One of my favourites games, just absolutely breathtaking and rather moving in story and gameplay.

Too Human was such fun, I put a ton of time in there to grind up to the best gear and almost 100% it, loved the aesthetics and I ACTUALLY LOVED THE GAMEPLAY. Couldn't go back to it though, after coming back to it I couldn't enjoy it again unfortunately.

Also, LoZ Wind Waker is by far and away my favourite 3D Zelda despite the hate it seemed to gather.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
ZZoMBiE13 said:
Viewtiful Joe. My friends are apparantly scared of anything from Japan and it was very anime-inspired. So that.
The Wykydtron said:
And Persona 4 is the only game i could ever call perfect, yet my friends refuse to give it the time of day. Probably because on paper the concept sounds really bad...

Probably the same thing with the Ace Attorney games.

You both need to get better friends/Joking

OT: Tales of Legendia,is it the Tales series shing moment of greatness no but the game play was fine which is more than I can say for the GBA version of Tales of Phantasia.Plus it was nice to have a main character who wasn't a sword user for once. It made some stupid design choices but was still a fine game. I guess that's just the price you pay for having to follow Symphonia.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
Auron225 said:
michiehoward said:
Final FAntasy X-2.

Loved the game, loved the continuation of Yuna story and the resolution you can have. Loved being in Spira again! However everyone else I know wouldn't play it.
Thank goodness SOMEONE else enjoyed it! =D

For me it was, well, THAT,

and Final Fantasy 13. Yes it was painfully linear but to me the story was absolutely incredible. And that kind of story can't really be told in any other way (except for possibly an anime?)
Well I'm not gonna hate on that because A: Love the user name. And B: I already had my FF13 rant for the week LMAO


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Valanthe said:
Well, The interesting thing about the internet is that no matter what game you list, there will always be at least one person who agrees with you, one who respects your decision but disagrees with it, and one who calls you a retard for daring to like something he does not.
I don't know who it is exactly but on every "Am I the Only One" thread (or similar) will respond with "You are never the only one." I think that works pretty well here.

To answer the OP, I'm having a lot of fun with Duke Nukem Forever. Also, I was a fan of Obscure which was either loathed to the point that everyone has decided to pretend it never existed or, it was just one of those games that passed under everyone's collective radar.