I've only ever used GFWL for Batman Arkham Asylum, Dawn of War 2, Fallout 3 and its DLC, and GTAIV.
I never really had any problems with the marketplace. Maybe I just got lucky.
Hated the fact that I had to log in to play the DLC in Fallout 3.
crazypsyko666 said:
delayed releases [AC Brotherhood release pushed to Q1 2011, Red Dead Redemption possibly never coming to PC]
Personally I's take a delayed release over a shitty port any day.
crazypsyko666 said:
What is it with game developers these days?
Two reasons in my opinion.
HD graphics, because it seems thats what all console owners (to me anyway) care about first, and multi-player.
Since the release of the current generation of consoles the PC is no longer an exclusive power in online gaming, we can only really boast MMORPG's as consoles pretty much get everything we do in online functionality.
Consoles are the better market for games now especially for online multiplayer games where the average users seem perfectly happy to pay for the game, their internet service, a subscription to to play online and best of all for every map and content pack that gets released.
PC gamers, although will pay for the first two (and third for a MMORPG), have traditionally with the modding community and in some cases the developers, got alot of extra maps ands playmodes free.
crazypsyko666 said:
Why does Microsoft insist on XBOX exclusives? Why not give PCs Kinect support?
The same with all exclusives and the motion controls. To sell the console.