Games Only You Seem To Know Exsist


New member
Dec 28, 2009
There are a few I have almost never heard anyone mention.

Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest
Radiata Stories
Odin Sphere
Spinx and the Cursed Mummy
Baten Kaitos
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
and Billy Hatcher and The Giant Egg


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Little Duck said:
ethaninja said:
Zoombinies. Or Heavy Gear. Or at least, nobody talks about them anymore.
I freaking love Zoombinies! Or at least did -ahem-

I play a bit of gunz every now and then. Best MMO I've played for a long time, but not everyone's type of game. That and it's free. After that I'm pretty main stream.
Little Duck said:
ethaninja said:
Zoombinies. Or Heavy Gear. Or at least, nobody talks about them anymore.
I freaking love Zoombinies! Or at least did -ahem-

I play a bit of gunz every now and then. Best MMO I've played for a long time, but not everyone's type of game. That and it's free. After that I'm pretty main stream.
Hehe. Yeah I tried GunZ once. I could never get it to work. I'd install the client, and then it would never update.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Eggsnham said:
ethaninja said:
Zoombinies. Or Heavy Gear. Or at least, nobody talks about them anymore.
I think I've played Zoombinies before, it's a bunch of purple guys that are trying to get to a "promised land", it's a point n' click too, right?

OT: I have a friend who makes games, so there are quite a few games of his that only I and him are aware of. Anyhoo, my favorite game of his was an RTS based off of star wars, and he once made a god game, where you spawned and killed little guys as you wished and they would build cities and all of that fun stuff.
Yeah thats the one ;)

I don't suppose I could talk to your mate? I'm starting my path along making games. Of course, I haven't even gotten my shit together yet :p


New member
Mar 6, 2009
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on the planet who knows of Guardian's Crusade (PS1).


New member
Apr 29, 2009
ethaninja said:
Eggsnham said:
ethaninja said:
Zoombinies. Or Heavy Gear. Or at least, nobody talks about them anymore.
I think I've played Zoombinies before, it's a bunch of purple guys that are trying to get to a "promised land", it's a point n' click too, right?

OT: I have a friend who makes games, so there are quite a few games of his that only I and him are aware of. Anyhoo, my favorite game of his was an RTS based off of star wars, and he once made a god game, where you spawned and killed little guys as you wished and they would build cities and all of that fun stuff.
Yeah thats the one ;)

I don't suppose I could talk to your mate? I'm starting my path along making games. Of course, I haven't even gotten my shit together yet :p
Well, he's not exactly a game creator, he's just very proficient in using a program called "Stagecast Creator" and some other obscure 3D FPS game creator program :p I could try to get his E-mail, though, if you're still interested.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
X3: Reunion. Seriously one of the few RPG's I actually really enjoy. Whenever I talk about it, people think I'm talking about X-Men.... **facepalm**


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Anything by Valve (besides L4D) and DICE, Borderlands, Civ series, etc. And that's just the recent mainstream stuff.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Eggsnham said:
ethaninja said:
Eggsnham said:
ethaninja said:
Zoombinies. Or Heavy Gear. Or at least, nobody talks about them anymore.
I think I've played Zoombinies before, it's a bunch of purple guys that are trying to get to a "promised land", it's a point n' click too, right?

OT: I have a friend who makes games, so there are quite a few games of his that only I and him are aware of. Anyhoo, my favorite game of his was an RTS based off of star wars, and he once made a god game, where you spawned and killed little guys as you wished and they would build cities and all of that fun stuff.
Yeah thats the one ;)

I don't suppose I could talk to your mate? I'm starting my path along making games. Of course, I haven't even gotten my shit together yet :p
Well, he's not exactly a game creator, he's just very proficient in using a program called "Stagecast Creator" and some other obscure 3D FPS game creator program :p I could try to get his E-mail, though, if you're still interested.
Sure, we could swap ideas and such.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
TheEarlOfGrey said:
Yesterday I mentioned a game to my friends called Homefront coming out soon, and they just gave me faces so blank I would have had to re-draw their facial features back on. And these guys are game art students.

Anyhoo, ever mentioned a game, new, old or future release that no one seems to know of but you?

(By the way, Homefront is a PC and PS3 game set along the lines of Modern Warfare 2's 'Wolverines' mission, but stretched across an entire campaign. And against South Korea instead.)
BTW it's North Korea.

BIG difference!


New member
May 16, 2008
7 kingdoms and 7 kingdoms 2

Games that had some really awesome and unique features that games today still don't have as good. This game came out around the same time as AOE 1/2 but without as good graphics and less action a bit more kingdom building.

New version was recently released but it's pretty crap.


New member
Dec 30, 2008
twitchingace said:
Terranigma, Mega Man
I remember first playing those ages ago. Good times. I think Terranigma was one of my first RPG experiences (I was about 8 the first time I played it).


New member
Feb 9, 2010
Xerosch said:
DrSunday said:
Call of Cthulhu: Dark corners of the Earth.
It's a shame this game didn't get more attention. Escpecially because after playing hundreds of games I still think the one long run (you know which one I mean) is a textbook example of an emerging scene.
It sucks that the sequals aren't likly to be made either.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Fritzvalt said:
Sarahcidal said:
Mendal Palace ...It's a super addicting NES game that I've loved forever :)
Used to love that game. It was the one where you pushed cards on the floor to maneuver enemies, right?
yes! that's the one! :) I just bought it on ebay lol very excited ;)