Games that genuinely make you angry.

Matt Dellar

New member
Jun 26, 2011
Hammerfall. Not because it's a bad game, but because it's so unfair and there's no way to backtrack or play custom matches.

The thing that really irks me about is the hammerball mode. It's essentially basketball with horizontal, slightly larger hoops, and the players are steampunk flying mechs with hammers. Now, it starts off okay in the campaign mode when you play against a single opponent, but then you have to play against two. One can effectively check your movement and the other can happily slide the ball into your goal. One of them starts up near where the ball drops while you start a lot farther away.

Also, in duel matches, you lose honor for hitting a disarmed opponent. Well, that's a bit stupid when "has stupidly overpowered gun, but no melee weapon" counts as disarmed. Also, enemies almost never pick up their weapons after you disarm them unless you guide them down to it. Then there are maps with infinite holes in the bottom where enemies can lose their weapons, then sit around just under your weapon's range, not letting the match end.

Glitches in the campaign mode can and will break the game, not letting you progress or, in bad cases, not even get a second into the level before the AI kills itself and forces a restart, complete with unskippable cutscene.

It's frustrating. Extremely so. The worst part is, it's actually a really fun game with unique mechanics that could have been many times better.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Call of Duty - Not because its a bad game, its just how successful it is compared to other, better games, even though very little changes.

Dead Rising - Every mission is on a timer, and it gets repetitive.


Your Commander-in-Chief
Jun 15, 2011
modern warfare 2, the whole "no russian" guff offended me very literally, when playing it at a friends, i can put my actions in a simple list:

1. start mission,.
2. makarov starts genocide
3. turn off game
4. walk home
5. drink 2 bottles of WKD and go to bed early....06:40:pM


Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
I don't think there's really any one game in particular that makes me RAAAAGE, but there are definitely sections of otherwise decent or good games that make me pretty angry.

The first one that jumped to mind was Call of Duty: Black Ops. It was my first time playing the game, I was on Veteran difficulty, and I was on the mission where you're hopping from rooftop to rooftop in China. At the very end of that level you're climbing down a fire escape, slide down an awning or something, then end up on the ground with your sidearm in front of you and seven or eight enemies in front of you. You have to crawl forward to grab your sidearm, then take out all the enemies to move on. There's no cover, you have no access to grenades or other weapons. If you miss or fail to kill one of the enemies and have to reload, you're almost certainly dead and have to do the whole thing over again. Success at that part on Veteran difficulty seems to be as much about luck as it is about skill. Pissed me right the hell off.


New member
May 7, 2012
Hitogata Happa []

I pre-ordered Hitogata Happa on Steam because I'm one of those incorrigible freaks that actually likes arcade shooters. It was allegedly very well received in Japan and I was looking forward to some games that aren't cheap Geometry Wars cash-ins from western indie developers.

Everything about it was so infuriatingly terrible that I couldn't even physically control my anger. The gameplay was impossibly obtuse, even with the game's PDF instruction manual available for download, and the parts I did understand were retarded. Nothing in the manual seemed to correspond to anything that was happening in the game. The controls were horrible, the hit detection was weird and the game was so impossible even on the easiest difficulty setting that I couldn't even finish the first level.

At first I tried to enjoy it. Then I tried to understand it. Then I kept playing purely out of spite. I wasn't going to let this horrific shitpile beat me. I would make myself enjoy it if it was the last thing I ever did.

Two hours later I had to uninstall the game and step away from my computer for the rest of the day because I was starting to rage-cry and I had cuts on my hands from furiously pounding at anything in arm's reach.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Demons' Souls: "Oh, Herp, I'm a super hardcore game! You HAVE to play me! Being hard is FUN! Derp!"

I might be good at pattern recognition, that shit is just fucking unfair. You have to memorize every inch of every corner of every level and know which enemies are where at ALL FUCKING TIMES to be able to get ahead.

Oh, and you used up your Turpentine on the big knight fellas in the first level? You can't beat Phalanx for shit? Well, FUUUUCK YOOOOOU, player, for being some sort of casual try-hard piece of human excrement; we only accept the hardest of the hardcore, here.

And I bought the Collector's Edition, for chrissakes. I have the soundtrack, the freaking strategy guide, I've watched three Let's Plays, and I still suck donkey balls. There's hard and then there's "Made By and For Stereotypical Over-Achieving Asian Gamers".

In contrast, I can get ahead in Dark Souls just fine.

I mean, Demons' Souls has been out for, what, two years now? I HAVEN'T FINISHED THE FIRST LEVEL YET!

/me curls into a little ball and wails

Sid Meier's Pirates: sure, the initial difficulty levels make for a nice, casual challenge. Ramp things up a little, however, and sword fights become next-to-impossible.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution: so you got suckered into changing your chip and your augmentations are all wonky, now. To make matters worse, you have to face down Jaron Namir. Got the preorder mission pack? Awesome, you earn a cumbersome rocket launcher that takes up half of your vanilla inventory's space! Three rockets to the Israeli's face and he's down. Better yet, Typhoon his ass and call it a day!

Oh, but you *didn't* get the rocket launcher? Well, fuck you, then, because you'll have to spend the next twenty minutes to a half hour jerking around in the hopes of getting some kind of decent bead on him. Think you can mêlée him? Well, yeah, you can; but your window of opportunity is more narrow than Callista Flockheart's waistline.

It's feasible, but you'll die a lot just to get your strategy into shape.

Batman Arkham City: the Joker and his snipers.

The Joker and his snipers.


/me slips his head inside a cardboard box and screams

And finally...

Team Fortress 2: I don't have any problems with the game itself; it's all impeccably balanced. Vanilla players will hold their own against someone with a berjillion unlocks just fine.

Nope, my one big beef is with mic-spammers. I don't care how awesome "The Big Lebowski" was, I don't want to hear overly loud Jeff Bridges or John Goodman quotes while I'm trying to line up a shot.

For God's sake, people, have a shred of decency, here! Some of us are trying to be decent team assets, circle-jerking around spray-painting trollfaces wasn't in my plans!


New member
Nov 7, 2009
Bulletstorm, purely because I can sense greatness but it's somewhere deep down past the dick and fart jokes.

Oh and pressing A to jump over an obstacle when you run with that button so I end up mashing it 5 times just to go over a 2 foot wall.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Fire Emblem.... Just fucking Fire Emblem!!

Trying to play through a whole campaign without loosing a single character just takes so much..... anger to contain.....



I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
Demon's Souls, Final Fantasy XIII, Onimusha 1 and several other games in which the excessive difficulty is only caused by the game exploting shit controls. I mentioned Onimusha because that one pissed me off enough to eject the disc and shatter it on a wall.

There's also, to a lesser extent, L.A. Noire, or more specifically that bit in which the game forces you to charge one of two suspects even though you know for a fact that none of them is guilty. And the end of the homicide section, in which you learn that
none of the people you arrested while in homicide were actually guilty. Fuck. You.
I basically bought the game for the homicide desk cases, and they pull that shit?! I'm fucking glad Bondi went out of business.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Everyone said Darksouls is awesome... so i reckoned.. hmm should try Demon's Souls first... got to the black knight with the insanely long polearm.. killed me 5 times.. havent played it since thats 1½ month ago.. it pissed me off soooo much :p those games are not for me ^^


New member
Nov 17, 2011
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising.
The developers must've been smoking funny stuff when they designed that crap, not to mention its sequel. Worst part though is that it soiled OP:Flashpoints good name.
The massive letdown when I noticed that the new game held -nothing- on the older title can almost be compared to the ME3 ending "wtf is this?!-IgottapinchmyselfsoIcangetoutof thisnightmareOHGODITSNOTWORKINGIMNOTDREAMINGAAARGH!"-scenario.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Tom Milner said:
modern warfare 2, the whole "no russian" guff offended me very literally, when playing it at a friends, i can put my actions in a simple list:

1. start mission,.
2. makarov starts genocide
3. turn off game
4. walk home
5. drink 2 bottles of WKD and go to bed early....06:40:pM

Indeed, someone drinking WKD is ludicrously offensi- ...Oh. Why did that offend you, exactly?
IamLEAM1983 said:
Deus Ex: Human Revolution: so you got suckered into changing your chip and your augmentations are all wonky, now. To make matters worse, you have to face down Jaron Namir. Got the preorder mission pack? Awesome, you earn a cumbersome rocket launcher that takes up half of your vanilla inventory's space! Three rockets to the Israeli's face and he's down. Better yet, Typhoon his ass and call it a day!

Oh, but you *didn't* get the rocket launcher? Well, fuck you, then, because you'll have to spend the next twenty minutes to a half hour jerking around in the hopes of getting some kind of decent bead on him. Think you can mêlée him? Well, yeah, you can; but your window of opportunity is more narrow than Callista Flockheart's waistline.
There are, at least, Gatling guns and laser rifles around the room and just before. But yeah, he does require a bit of luck to defeat.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
1080bitgamer said:
The original Max Payne.

I played it recently, and it is one of the most uninteresting and patronizing experiences I've had in games thus far. It makes me feel angry that it was considered to have a "great story" or "fantastic characters." (quoted from a friend of mine who hadn't played it in almost a decade, he agreed after playing it again)
I actually started playing it just a few days ago, in preparation for Max Payne 3. I have to say, I'm enjoying it. I do like the characters, and I'm enjoying the story as well. My only real complaint was that it's sometimes unclear what I have to do.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Anyone who's noticed my kind of recent tirades on how great the Persona series is will find this shocking, but Persona 3: The Answer

Sure it isn't a full fledged game but it does make me the angriest, never even finished it I got so pissed off. The AI is so unbelievably bad that I am convinced that they were trying to get me killed, and you can't turn it off of hard mode? Ugh, got past I think the second boss before I just said fuck it and booted up some soothing Kirby

Edit: Again, this isn't a game but MY RAGE WILL BE HEARD:Xenoblade Chronicles: Super Narrow Path + Mechonis with knockback + a game that is centered around maneuvering around to flank enemies = FUCK YOU LEVEL DESIGNERS


New member
Mar 2, 2010
Any level on a Call of Duty campaign that kills you in the very last cut scene. Especially after hours of grinding on veteran.

Make it on the helicopter and fly to safety. FUCK YOU, GET FUCKING NUKED

Massacre a bunch of Russians at an airport, then make it to the gettaway car. FUCK YOU, get shot in the face.

Secure valuable intel from a house in the woods and make it to the helicopter in the LZ. FUCK YOU, get shot in gut and burned.

I don't care if they were all key plot points in a shitty plot to begin with, all that work to get a huge dick in your face. I give the nuke level leniency for actually being part of a decent plot, but still, all that work for nothing.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
Anything with other players, where i rely on said players to achieve something. It wants me to say bad words and do terrible things to the before mentioned players.



New member
Oct 3, 2010
We made it this far without anybody mentioning Skate? Good grief that game can drive me into horrifying fits of pure rage. If only I had the sense to just put down the damned controller!

Oh and SSX. All incarnations... basically anything with a board involved.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Team Fortress 2.

I realized it's not really random.
If I'm on the receiving end, it's a critical, if I'm the one who is shooting, it's not a critical. Simple.

But seriously, my longest life with a soldier was 33 minutes and I had only 2 critical rockets. My brother had a replay saved on his account and we counter 2 fucking rockets in 33 minutes.

But every time a rocket was flying towards me, it was a critical one.

And yes, this means I HATE the random criticals.

I'm in a love/hate relationship with TF2.