Games that really let you down


New member
Dec 9, 2010
I recently finished the first Saw game and I really enjoyed it. Sure the combat was terrible but the atmosphere, puzzles and the simple feeling of dread and foreboding was great throughout the game, this matched with some truly gruesome death traps made a brilliant game...

Until the endings...

To spare those who have not completed the game yet I will not disclose any details but the endings were...well...shit to be quite honest. Terrible endings to a brilliant game where what really let the game down for me.

What games have you played that have let you down in one way or another?

General BrEeZy

New member
Jul 26, 2009
i hated timeshifts ending. Shadow of the Colossus made me sad, but i kinda anticipated a tragedy...
if 343 Industries screws up Halo 4, i'll murder them all!

beyond that, not really.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Spore: I was expecting something deep and what i got was a really shallow experience on what should and could have been absolutely amazing. First pre-order ever and i will never pre-order again.

Project Ego/Fable: Best game in the Fable series but it just couldn't live up to the fluff.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
-plays Fable 1- Holy fucking shit.. nothing will ever be better then this..
-plays Fable 2- Erm... this actually really sucks... like.. there is no good aspect to this.
-plays Fable 3- Okay. It is better then Fable 2, I'll give it that.

Scizophrenic Llama

Is in space!
Dec 5, 2007
Dragon Age 2.

I liked the game, but it took such a drastically different approach to the series that it lost most of the appeal that the first game had.

I'm hoping the third reverts back a decent amount.

Fable officially let everybody down when that bastardized Kinect game showed up, if it hadn't let people down already.


New member
Aug 5, 2011
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days. The game wasn't that great to begin with, but the ending seriously came out of nowhere, almost like they chopped off the last quarter of the entire game. Imagine if you were playing Mario and the game ended right as you entered Bowser's castle. That's what it felt like.

Also, Indigo Prophecy. The game was awesome, and then everything went out the window near the end. The game turned from a mystery thriller into a cheesy low-budget action flick.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Timesplitters 2.

Loved Future Perfect. The classic Goldeneye-64 way that Timesplitters 2 did made me hate it. It's just so... differently controlled from every FPS I've played, I never wrapped my head around it.


New member
Nov 27, 2007
The moment I saw this thread title I immediately thought Child of Eden, Rez ranks as one of my all time favourites that I can still play through from start to finish and love every minute of it so on finding there was a pseudo-sequel I was pretty excited. I doubted it would live up to the original but as long as it was decent that would be fine particularly as on rail shooters are a very rare breed now. I've tried and tried to like Child of Eden but I just find it dull and boring making it a real drag to play through, nothing like Rez at all. I can't think of any other game I feel so badly let down by :(



New member
Sep 21, 2008
Fable 3. Fallout 3. Dragon Age 2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution. All of these were insane letdowns, because I wanted so much for these games, and they simply did not provide.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
McNinja said:
Fable 3. Fallout 3. Dragon Age 2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution. All of these were insane letdowns, because I wanted so much for these games, and they simply did not provide.
Might I just ask why you felt Human revolution let you down? I really enjoyed it but just want your personal view :)


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
The latest game to really let me down was Sniper: Ghost Warrior. It started out as a decent FPS focusing mostly on sniping (there were a couple of levels of 'run and gun' type shooting) with a less than average story. The enemy AI had superhuman sight and aiming abilities, able to spot me lying prone on a cliff over a hundred meters away and accurately hit me. I was able to put up with that, despite the high annoyance it caused. Then one mission had your spotter suddenly turn traitor on you out of nowhere and give documents that you just stole back to the guy you just stole them from.
That was the straw that broke the camels back, I turned off the game and traded it in to Gamestop the very next day.
Duke Nukem Forever was another let down. I wasn't expecting the absolute perfect game ever, because I knew there was know way for the game to live up to 12-14 years of hype and expectations, but I did expect a decent, consistent, fun shoot 'em up style FPS with a massive arsenal of weaponry. That is not what I got.
Other games that really let me down, and need no explanation as to how they did that, are Homefront, Aliens vs Predator and Vampire Rain!.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
F.E.A.R. 3

Stupid multiplayer-focus-trend came along and ruined one of my favourite SP shooters. Why put co-op in the 3rd game in the series? Why make the campaign so damn short? Why remove all the tension from the game by having a constant companion?

Oh yeah, that's right- you were too busy making crappy multiplayer modes that are deserted a few weeks after launch. What a let-down.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Command & Conquer 4. I really enjoyed C&C3 although they didn;t have much time ti make it but to channge the formular of a game which was the finale of such a good series.

Oh and Monster Hunter tri oh dear what a boring game.

Wardi Boi

New member
Aug 8, 2011
Falliut New Vegas

Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant game but it just didn't compare to Fallout 3. I don't know, maybe I was too hyped up for it or something...


Regular Member
Jun 19, 2011
Heavy rain! If a game is like an interactive movie, than at least they should make the story interesting instead of making it totally unbelievably unrealistic (not only because of the FBI agents shit) and unappealing...


New member
Sep 21, 2008
akfg666 said:
McNinja said:
Fable 3. Fallout 3. Dragon Age 2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution. All of these were insane letdowns, because I wanted so much for these games, and they simply did not provide.
Might I just ask why you felt Human revolution let you down? I really enjoyed it but just want your personal view :)
well, at first it was pretty enjoyable, what with the Dogmentation and all, but eventually, this (also happens to be a review I wrote on Gamespot):

For the first half of the game, I had a blast. The controls were good and really smooth, the art design was interesting, and the story was intriguing. Then I met Zhao, and Jensen turned into a mook. Then I met Tong, and Adam turned into a moron. The player should NEVER know more than the character, and it happens frequently in the last half of this game due to the poor story and dialogue.

The latter half of the game drops the ball in terms of writing, becoming a barely coherent jumble that never really straightens itself out. Characters are never characterized enough, and one character who starts as a bit player comes back at the very end for the sole purpose of facilitating a boss fight that would never have occurred without her presence. Or been as long,, at least.

The extreme lack of choice in approach to combat situations is very disappointing. There is NO melee combat, and the time-freezing takedowns do not count. You are forced to stealth through the majority of this game, mostly because Adam dies in seconds flat, even on the lowest difficulty. The damage mitigation augment only barely helps, and the weapons feel weak until you've dumped enough upgrades into them.

Speaking of being forced to do things, hacking blows. Hard. There is NO way around it, so you are forced to put points into the augment, and by the end of the game, you either need to be prepared to fail at hacking constantly or carry around a thousand STOP! hacks and Nuke viruses at all times.

Also, until you obtain the Plasma canon, it is possible to go through the entire game using only the combat rifle and just dumping every upgrade you find into it.

However, the upgrades for your weapons are external, and if you like customizing things, this is awesome. There is nothing quite like having a silenced CR with a laser pointer and bullets that track you target. If only the silencer for the CR wasn't a massive hexagon. Well, at least the pistol looks sweet. And the plasma rifle.

But the animations are still dated, to say the least, and sometimes just terrible to say the worst. Some of the dialogue is just wrong, as if the writers hadn't had a real conversation in years.

On top of all of this the ending(s). They are the worst endings to any game I have played, ever. No payoff, just Jensen talking at you for a good three minutes, with no look at how your very heavy choice actually impacted the world. There is zero pay-off, and zero satisfaction.

I wanted to like this game, I really did, but it just let me down.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
Sonic Heroes. After the great Sonic Adventure 2 (which was the peak of the franchise for me), I was looking forward to what Heroes had to offer. The team-based gameplay looked great, and while it was jarring to see Sega's mascot on the PS2, I wasn't too upset that they wanted to move on.

What a sad, sorry disappointment. Sigh.....


New member
May 26, 2011
I was a bit let down with Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Samey combat, very little replay value and the ending was sort of stupid. Was a ad disappointed with it but it is OK.


New member
Jul 16, 2011
Super smash brothers brawl.

1. The lack of depth compared to real fighting games disappointed me.

2. The hyped characters being locked behind hours of boring single singleplayer disappointed me.

3. The inexcusably bad online capabilities of the game drove nails into its coffin.

Worst purchase of a game I've ever made...

...and I've bought Tao Feng: fist of the lotus.