Games that really let you down


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Lost Planet 2. I was unable to play online, but I was told that it had a pretty solid single player campaign. I was sorely disappointed. I actually had no idea was was going on the entire time, as the game kept flinging me back and forth between multiple groups of people. Suffice to say, I didn't like it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Empire Earth 3. I was expecting Empire Earth plus another two, but what I got was Empire Earth for the Mentally Retarded.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
akfg666 said:
I recently finished the first Saw game and I really enjoyed it. Sure the combat was terrible but the atmosphere, puzzles and the simple feeling of dread and foreboding was great throughout the game, this matched with some truly gruesome death traps made a brilliant game...

Until the endings...

To spare those who have not completed the game yet I will not disclose any details but the endings were...well...shit to be quite honest. Terrible endings to a brilliant game where what really let the game down for me.

What games have you played that have let you down in one way or another?
Wait you actually bought the saw game ? i always wondered how that game was , it's good you say ? like worth a buy or rent , sorry im curious i'd like to hear more about this game from a actual customer.

OT: Fable 2 , i bought the game before buying my xbox 360 , and enjoyed the actual game, but that ending omg, why , i was so dissapointed , it's the only game i ever brought back to gamespot ( trade in )

Jason Fayers

New member
Jul 8, 2011
Homeworld 2, the game was all around just bad.

All the missions were kinda samey and anytime the missions were different, they missions were just carbon copies of missions from Homeworld and Homeworld: Cataclysm.

I've said the game was easy but, the last mission was reall really really easy, it's like the game abandons its learning curve.

The story telling was poor at best cheeck out this line "The Great Harbor Ship of Bentus... The last of the Bentusi." Wonder why this super advanced race are dying out? Good, because so am I, you ever get told why they're nearly extinct.

The ending videos Homeworld and Homeworld: Cataclysm both end their games well wrapping up the story with a pat on the back, Homeworld 2's well I'll put it this way it was so bad it made me uninstall the game.

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
MiracleOfSound said:
F.E.A.R. 3

Stupid multiplayer-focus-trend came along and ruined one of my favourite SP shooters. Why put co-op in the 3rd game in the series? Why make the campaign so damn short? Why remove all the tension from the game by having a constant companion?

Oh yeah, that's right- you were too busy making crappy multiplayer modes that are deserted a few weeks after launch. What a let-down.
This.. It was a competent shooter... but it DESTROYED the series. The original F.E.A.R. is one of my top 5 shooters ever. It's now irreparable.

xcanta said:
Command & Conquer 4. I really enjoyed C&C3 although they didn;t have much time ti make it but to channge the formular of a game which was the finale of such a good series.
I never played C&C4... I can't bring myself to. I know in my gut that is sucks. C&C was my favorite RTS franchise and they just HAD to change the formula for the finale? Why? Shameful.

Other Notes:

Doom 3 - I actually still like this game... it's VERY well polished. But it should have been released about 2 years earlier. It simply couldn't live up to the hype. Also, it's not challenging AT ALL, even on the hardest mode. You constantly trip over ammo and health. I have to deliberately waste ammo to give myself a challenge.

Dragon Age 2 - Again, I enjoyed DA2. I played all 3 class and have over 150 hours on Steam. But compared to my 549 hours on Dragon Age: Origins... this speaks for itself. It pales in comparison to DA:O in my opinion..


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Deus Ex and Half Life 2.
Spend months upon months of people wanking them off as the best things ever, and I get two fairly boring games that I didn't like. Yay.

Instant K4rma

Aug 29, 2008
I was let down by Dragon Age 2. It wasn't bad, it was just such a step in the wrong direction in comparison to Origins. I enjoyed the game, and I don't feel as if I wasted my money, I just expected so much more from it.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009

As a kid I loved Bubsy on the SNES. Then, when I tried my sister's PSI game I was revolted.

It really let me down, yeah.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
This is probably more me then the game but Resident Evil 4, I'm sure it is a wonderful game, but the aiming, good lord in heaven, the aiming. I'm sure it's fine once you get used to it, when one has chainsaw wielding zombies blocking their path in a very confined space, they do not have time to get used to a control scheme that is almost completely different to everything they've ever played.

But a game where the game actually had the problem, Dead Rising. Between the unreadable small text, insane difficulty, save points that flat out refused to work and weapons degradation (Which I think should be a floggable offence) it was barely playable.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Space Empires 5. I had so much love for it. Even got a nice balance mod for it.. but its core coding was so bad it was simply getting too hard to reach the "fun" parts, especailly when we had a powerfull computer and even that coudnt get it to handle fleets of more than 20 ships without -massive- lag.
At least the battles were fun to watch. I loved designing each of my ships with tender loving care, making each of their coponents, weapons and individual strategies fit with the big picture i had for my empire's military doctrine.

Oblivion. Because it hated me and my playstyle. It was all over mages and their flashy, boring and unbalanced magics and never allowed me to get any enjoyment when i didnt want to use it. At high level, even with mods, it just got too long to kill anything it stopped being fun.

Sword of the stars. Just like Space empire 5, it started by being pretty good. I loved it a whole lot initailly. I liked how pretty much everything worked, even with the weird trading/freight system.. even with the (very) poorly designed UI (i only discovered i could do diplomacy a whole YEAR after i had it, never realized there was a button for it!)
..Then the combat system started to really get on my nerves, on how my fleets were so long and boring to organise, how the battle controls were confusing and obtuse, how the number of ships in battle was severely limited (so it was pretty much useless to get massive fleets, yes im aware of CnC ships), how combat was slow, boring and that my ships just kept ramming/shooting eachother all the time like morons.
Basically, the one thing that should have been fun in this game; the combat, wasnt fun at all. At the end i never, ever bothered fighting my battles manually. No matter the odds or the numbers or whatever i just let the AI get it over with.

Resident evil 4. I simply didnt enjoy it. I dont see the fun in it. I dont like the camera angle they force us to play with. I hate escorting a useless little girl around in waht should count as a warzone. I hate instakill QTEs.


New member
Aug 21, 2011
Brutal Legends. Pretty much for the reasons that Yahtzee covered pretty well in the reviews.

It was literally a ninja RTS posing as a quirky semi funny rock themed action game starring Jack Black. I was also ridiculously confused as to how little instruction they gave me.

*me* Oh...I see these red dragon things everywhere. What the hell am I supposed to do with them?
*swings axe around* *tries to it it with lightning* *rams a car into it* *tries playing guitar*
Well...I guess it's just there for decorative purposes. :3

*Days later I got stuck at one part and looked up a guide for it.*
*Sees a description of Dragon Statues (or something like that)*
Oh, I wonder what that is. They're just decorative right?
Explanation: Whenever you see one of these Dragons you must free its spirit by using the flame attack with the guitar by holding the X button.

*facepalm* How the hell was I supposed to figure that shit out... >.>


New member
Nov 28, 2010
I was all excited after several years of playing Timesplitters: Future Perfect (yeah i barely played 1 and 2, sorry) only to find that Free Radical were bringing out a new FPS on the new systems. Yaay!!
Yeah... Moral of the story: Always read the reviews.

Captcha: described greaditi. I can't describe it, i don't know what it is, and how do i describe in the past tense?!


New member
Dec 9, 2010
krazykidd said:
akfg666 said:
I recently finished the first Saw game and I really enjoyed it. Sure the combat was terrible but the atmosphere, puzzles and the simple feeling of dread and foreboding was great throughout the game, this matched with some truly gruesome death traps made a brilliant game...

Until the endings...

To spare those who have not completed the game yet I will not disclose any details but the endings were...well...shit to be quite honest. Terrible endings to a brilliant game where what really let the game down for me.

What games have you played that have let you down in one way or another?
Wait you actually bought the saw game ? i always wondered how that game was , it's good you say ? like worth a buy or rent , sorry im curious i'd like to hear more about this game from a actual customer.

OT: Fable 2 , i bought the game before buying my xbox 360 , and enjoyed the actual game, but that ending omg, why , i was so dissapointed , it's the only game i ever brought back to gamespot ( trade in )
I actually borrowed it off a friend but yes I really do think it is worth a rent. The combat is kinda lousy (the hit detection is horrible) so I just used my fist all the way through just a little tip. But yes defiantly worth a rent for the game play and atmosphere...Just beware of the endings


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Brutal Legend, Yeah it was kinda funny and the soundtrack is amazing, other than that?

Stupid condensed RTS structure, lame stage battles, and an ending that was retarded.
AwkwardTurtle said:
Brutal Legends. Pretty much for the reasons that Yahtzee covered pretty well in the reviews.

It was literally a ninja RTS posing as a quirky semi funny rock themed action game starring Jack Black. I was also ridiculously confused as to how little instruction they gave me.

*me* Oh...I see these red dragon things everywhere. What the hell am I supposed to do with them?
*swings axe around* *tries to it it with lightning* *rams a car into it* *tries playing guitar*
Well...I guess it's just there for decorative purposes. :3

*Days later I got stuck at one part and looked up a guide for it.*
*Sees a description of Dragon Statues (or something like that)*
Oh, I wonder what that is. They're just decorative right?
Explanation: Whenever you see one of these Dragons you must free its spirit by using the flame attack with the guitar by holding the X button.

*facepalm* How the hell was I supposed to figure that shit out... >.>
Wait.....that's how you free them???

......goddammit. Seriously, could they have explained that any less in the game?


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Brutal Legend, Yeah it was kinda funny and the soundtrack is amazing, other than that?

Stupid condensed RTS structure, lame stage battles, and an ending that was retarded.
AwkwardTurtle said:
Brutal Legends. Pretty much for the reasons that Yahtzee covered pretty well in the reviews.

It was literally a ninja RTS posing as a quirky semi funny rock themed action game starring Jack Black. I was also ridiculously confused as to how little instruction they gave me.

*me* Oh...I see these red dragon things everywhere. What the hell am I supposed to do with them?
*swings axe around* *tries to it it with lightning* *rams a car into it* *tries playing guitar*
Well...I guess it's just there for decorative purposes. :3

*Days later I got stuck at one part and looked up a guide for it.*
*Sees a description of Dragon Statues (or something like that)*
Oh, I wonder what that is. They're just decorative right?
Explanation: Whenever you see one of these Dragons you must free its spirit by using the flame attack with the guitar by holding the X button.

*facepalm* How the hell was I supposed to figure that shit out... >.>
Wait.....that's how you free them???

......goddammit. Seriously, could they have explained that any less in the game?
As I've said a million times... No. Brutal Legend was not, and never will be, an 'RTS in disguise' - unless you specifically play it like one. Is Halo a Beat-Em-Up disguised as a FPS, simply because you can both punch and shoot in it? No, it isn't. Is Brutal Legend a Hack-And-Slash disguised as an RTS, simply because you can both attack stuff on your own and tell troops to attack stuff? Again, no it isn't.

No, what it is is an action game in the framework of an RTS, in which you can direct troops but also attack stuff yourself, and not only that but take direct control of any one of the troops you build - drive any car you make, or ride any beast - and personally use a more powerful form of its attack that's better than anything either of you could do alone. What the game tries to do is teach these elements one by one - a pure combat mission, then a troop directing mission, then a driving mission, then a Double Team mission. Then a stage battle that puts it all together.

However, if you instead didn't put it all together, and rather treated the stage battles like some sort of separate 'RTS sections' where you're supposed to ignore everything you've learned and try to win purely by directing troops and micromanaging and a load of other stuff you do in Starcraft that you're never told to do ever in Brutal Legend, then yeah, it becomes pretty shitty. Just like any game does when you ignore all of its mechanics except one and try to support it on that alone.

But you're right, the game is really, really bad at explaining stuff, so it's kind of its own fault that so many people did this.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Halo: Reach

i though surely bungie will make this their magnum opus for the series because its their last title "we'll send the chief off with a bang". the Title Reach was linked to a rich back story for the chief so i assumed it would follow the sapratan II's through boot till the fall of reach fleshing out the chief and better realising the oppresive sense of defeat the covenant brought as well as introducing characters i could emotionally invest in. Having read the novelisation of reach i picked up on some of cortana's references to the Chiefs Genisis, so i thought thats where they're heading. Bungie even said it was character driven but (sigh) instead i got noble team and a game built for multiplayer.

I expected halo to pretty much abandon the pretense of being story driven eventually, but i didn't expect bungie to do it.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
I can't say it "let me down" as I bought it used and had no particular expectations for it, but...

...MGS4. Whatever the appeal of that game was, it was lost on me.

That and Gears of War. Despite being the hands-down critical darling of `06, it was practically swimming in dodgy design choices. The guns feel underpowered and the quicksave system blows homeless men.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Wardi Boi said:
Falliut New Vegasi

Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant game but it just didn't compare to Fallout 3. I don't know, maybe I was too hyped up for it or something...
that's EXACTLY how I feel!
Like you said, in it's own rights, its a great game, but it's just a worse fallout 3!
I hyped myself waaaaay too much up for it too, I was getting so excited, I even pre-ordered the special edition for like $100... and I only played the game for honestly 5 hours.

It's really, really awesome to know someone feels exactly how I feel, I don't feel like the outcast who didn't like it anymore!

ps. sorry I got a little excited there lol, I just wasn't expecting that :p


New member
Mar 9, 2010
STALKER: Clear Sky.

Don't get me wrong, I still think the game is great. But it's not Shadow of Chernobyl, and it certainly isn't anything close to the Oblivion Lost mod of SoC. There was also things in Clear Sky I didn't paticularily like; Factions all had their own spot in The Zone, this is fine, but when their bases are all heavily fortified bases in the same areas in SoC (which there isn't a shred of evidence there was ever a base of any kind). That's where I draw the line. This is sopposed to be a prequel! Why do bandits literally have an entire base/market/city in the factory in the Garbage and then in SoC, which is sopposed take place a year later, not only do the bandits abandon it, they've apperently taken EVERYTHING with them?! B.S.

I soppose they were pushed out at some point and thats why they repeatedly make attacks at the factory in SoC.. regardless... Still irks me.