Killer Is Dead - I still like the game and the story, but it feels like a 26 episode anime split down to 13 episodes. We don't explore enough in the world, and there are just things that happen. The characters are fine, but it's pretty obvious that there was a rush in production given all the concepts they didn't get a chance to use. We only get partial information and here and there, and minor dialogue about what's going on in the world.
Kill La Kill IF - I love this game; it is one of the best arena brawlers ever made, but it could have used a few more stages and a few more characters. Even with the DLC that became free on day one, it is not enough. There's only the story mode, versus mode, and a few survival modes. The online is dead, and there is not much else. What sucks is that you can't play all the characters immediately, you have to play through story mode first, to unlock all the characters. The game won't even let you go to versus mode on your first playthrough until you least beat a couple chapters. Who does that in an arena brawler? A majority of those characters should have been unlocked at the start. It's just senseless padding. The padding goes by quick, but it still senseless that it didn't need to be there in the first place. I do wish the game was more of a standard single player action game and that each of these characters mechanics would work better in linear level design structure. I will give the game credit for bringing back all the English voice actor and back and the amount of attention to detail and fan-service.
No More Heroes III - Making Henry go completely crazy and bad guy. Even with TSA taken into account, it's completely out of character and shows that Suda had no idea what to do with the character, even though everything had been resolved between Henry and Travis. Then they go when do a crazy retcon where they turn them into Broly, and it turns out that Travis, Henry, and Jean are all fully blood related and no longer 1/2 siblings. Which makes the retcon, all the more sqiuckier, when taking the first game's twist into account. Also, Shinobu and Bad Girl were going to be playable characters. They're supposed to be multiple player who characters, but that all got axed due to budget and timing. This explains why Travis only has the one morphing weapon, but a larger move kit.
Viewtiful Joe 2 - it ends on a hook ending that's never followed up on. Clover studios got shut down, and everyone else knows the rest by this point. Capcom this is why you don't assume and try to make your games in to the next Mega Man franchise or whatever. You think you're going to sell over billions of dollars, and assume high expectations. Not when your fire and lay off all of your internal studio, that's been helping you make these games. Before anyone starts, Double Trouble does not count. Red Hot Rumble is a spin-off game based off of the animated show.