Games that you hate but everyone else seems to ape-shit about it?


New member
Oct 15, 2014
Thanks for the words re: the not-so-secret Fulton system.

Gundam GP01 said:
Also, judging the story quality of an entire FRANCHISE that spans back more than 15 years is just dumb. Along the lines of jumping into Harry Potter at book 7 and complaining that you dont know who all the characters are.
I'm slightly confused here. Why can't I judge the entire franchise storyline? I was intrigued enough by the Phantom Pain and the positive hype to read and watch multiple summaries of the entire Metal Gear Solid plot to this point (because I couldn't play all the previous games even I wanted to). And it's garbage. I'm not saying TPP story is bad, I'm saying the entire thing is bad. And many fans who love the gameplay think the entire storyline is trash as well.

Edit: Gundam, your edit clarified your point, but mine still stands.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I don't think there's a bigger turn off than a MOBA.
Also the Metal Gear games, for their sheer stupidity.


New member
Sep 13, 2015
Kingdom Hearts. Everything beyond the first one. And I know I'm treading onto sacred ground for some people, so let me explain:

It's very, very clear the creators never intended to make a sequel, let alone five. (Is it five now? I've lost track.)

The original was fine as a self-contained story. It knew its audience. The story had a beginning, middle, and end, while not being particularly exciting. It was kinda neat to play a DMC-style thing alongside Disney characters I grew up with.

And then 2 came along. Suddenly the writers were grasping at straws to make a story out of whole cloth when the conclusion to the first was just fine. Characters were unacceptably hollow, the "twists" were predictable and boring, and the Disney and Squeenix tie-ins were shoe-horned as hell. Still, if it had ended there, I could swallow it despite not liking it, much like the first time you taste German chocolate after being raised on Hershey. But the writers learned from last time, making a sequel hook as subtle as a sledgehammer to the head.

Which leads us to the spin-offs. Sweet lord, the spin-offs. I got suckered by one of my friends into playing Birth by Sleep, despite my suspicion that it would be garbage. Lo and behold, it was trash. The mechanics were subpar, but the "story" is was got me. I suddenly realized that modern Kingdom Hearts writing isn't just bad writing. It's the most insidious form of bad writing: ass-pulls that try to put on the veneer of being deep and meaningful (incidentally also present in all the recent Final Fantasy games). I felt like Quagmire witnessing Brian's eighth-grade analysis of Catcher in the Rye, but that analysis had become a story in its own right. It was awful. News flash: Just because people don't understand your writing doesn't make it deep; it could just be a massive pile of BS. Don't think it makes you Ralph Ellison.

At the core of much of this is that being a Keyblade-wielder in KH1 was special. It made you unlike anyone else in that world, like Arthur pulling the sword from the stone. Now, it's like Oprah's in KH. "You get a keyblade! You get a keyblade! Everyone gets a keyblade!" Talk about cheapening the previous experience, the only experience that was worth remembering in the whole series.

This concludes my breakdown of why Kingdom Hearts is terrible and you should never play the series.


New member
Apr 3, 2015
The Last of Us . Without hesitation. Exhibit A for why I loathe people who say things like "THESE video games are TRUE ART! Those other games you like are just mindless idiocy!"

Let's start with the story, which some people heralded as the "Citizen Kane" of gaming. I saw almost every plot twist coming a mile away, and the game's constant attempts at horror and gloom-and-doom just came off as cheesy and pretentious to me. This game is basically a textbook example of "True Art is Angsty".

The gameplay wasn't much better. Linearity, predictable enemies, dumb AI, simple point-and-shoot mechanics. Felt no different from several other shooters I've played, and most of them did it better, at that.

Overall, I loath TLoU because it's a "cinematic" game, and it's the game most gamers who believe video games need to "grow up" or "be taken seriously" or "become a true form of art" point to as an example of what they want. Video games are not movies, and all video games are already "art" , whether you like that form of "art" or not.


New member
Sep 13, 2015
Gundam GP01 said:
To quote a really great movie; "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, uh... your opinion, man."
Well duh, it's my opinion, and I'm well aware that I'm in the minority on it for whatever reason. That's like saying the sky is blue or that fire is hot -- a fact without any real relevance.

As far as enjoying it goes, that's fine -- I like things that are trash too. *glares at Homestuck*

That is a damn good movie.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Spec Ops the line. It was shit in my opinion. The fighting was ridiculous. It felt clunky as all hell. And as for the story. People are claiming they got PSTD over it? bullllsheeet. The story was predictable. Every time it tried to make me feel bad for something was hilarious. I love stories where my choices have an impact. I really do. But that wasn't having an impact. That was forcing me to do something then beating it over my head over and over.


Jan 15, 2009
I find the entire Legend of Zelda series boring.

I own 4 nintendo consoles but never beat a 1st party nintendo game.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I used to say "Borderlands." The only reason I ever played it was because it included splitscreen in the console release, I didn't buy it my friend with the PS3 bought it and expected me to play it with him (which I would,) and we were usually drinking when we did play it. And without those elements it's horribly tedious to play. But now, I'd have to say "Borderlands 2" because somehow the sequel was so bad I actually look back on the good times I had with the original a little more fondly. At least it didn't attempt to force it's boring vestigial story down the player's throat and it had SOME weapons that were viscerally satisfying to use.


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009

Also Dark Souls. I didn't really care either way until everyone started raving about it, especially on this website, about how amazing it was. Really made me start to (irrationally) despise the series.


New member
Apr 2, 2014
System Shock 2.
Many people praise it for its plethora of options, but half of these options are useless, while other few is overpowered, and accessing them is a mess. And the tutorial forces you to choose between these option without letting you experience which one of them is useful in the gameplay. The UI is horribly cluttered, and while some of the enemy designs are effective sci-fi horror monsters, others are laughably cheesy (I mean, giant spiders? Robot ninjas? C'mon!). It feels like they just thrown in every half-boiled idea they had without considering what role would it play in the greater whole.
Also, the protagonist and his actions (AKA the events of the actual game) are almost entirely disconnected from the story told through the audio logs.
Apr 5, 2008
I can't stand MMSs (Modern Military Shooters). How the heck are Call of Duty, Battlefield, Homefront, Medal of Honour or any of the countless others still a thing? Why would anyone in their right mind buy the same f*****g game one year later? One year release cycle, seriously?

Any game with the bullshit jargon "Get to the LZ", "Check your six" or "Stay Frosty". Rarrgh, you can f**k off. You can stay frosty when I put you on ice, mofo! Loathe these games as the tackiest, most thoughtless, unsophisticated tripe the industry is churning out these days. Was very disappointed when EA turned Crysis 2, Dead Space 3 and ME3 into MMSs.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Tomb Raider (The reboot): Holy shit did that game annoy me. It was trumpeted as being this great game, and including a powerful female lead character. Something that I REALLY like. I've always preferred strong, competent female characters in my stories, as from a young age, I was exposed to a lot of the good examples early on. So I was stoked for the idea of a female character who wasn't just a pair of bouncing tits and tropes.....and then I played the game. The writing, so terrible. Oh my god it was horrible. A parade of supporting characters all dying so that Lara could "Go on and be strong! You can do it Lara!!" it was comical. Hell it became such a cliche in the game, that one of the characters themselves commented about how men seem to die around her. Poorly written dialogue, poorly scripted plot, just bleh from top to bottom. Which sucks because I REALLY wanted to like the game, and root for Lara, but instead I just screamed at the monitor for all of the stupid tropes and cliches they relied on the push the crippled plot forward, even when common sense would dictate something else happening.

Bioshock Infinite: It was pretty fun, but I didn't see what the huge buzz was about. It was a fairly mindless shooter, and by that I mean that the actual gameplay itself was nothing but the same combinations of enemies over and over and over, and I would just shoot them. I liked Elizabeth, and that's about it. The uber racism of Comstock and his society got old really quickly. Yes, I get it, they're racists and bigots, and basically every bad thing about society, distilled into this hyper-christianized Rockwellian lens of Americana, can we see something else please? No? Shit. *sigh* And the reveal at the end wasn't all that mind blowing. The plot itself was fairly thin, and had almost nothing to do with what you were actually doing in the game, and none of it made any sense, so then when they do that twist, it was just more crazy stacked on top of crazy, and it didn't really do anything for me.