Games that you mentally declare non-canon.


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Jan 16, 2012
Shadow the Hedgehog (the game) & Sonic 2k6
I prefer to repress their memory..... What were we talking about?


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Mar 12, 2012
OniaPL said:
I don't understand why some people say "Dragon Age 2". There never was a sequel to DA:O... I really wish they would make one though.
Excellent dedication you're displaying. Keep up the good work!


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Mar 18, 2009
Fiad said:
World of Warcraft for so many reasons.

And the Kingdom Hearts handheld games(Excluding Chain of Memories, though just barely)
Even Birth by Sleep? I'd think that all of the games are canon (except Kingdom Hearts VCAST, which is officially non-canon). It's just that some of them aren't quite as important as others.

OT: I normally consider all games in a series as canon, unless otherwise stated by the developers. I mean, it's their story. Not mine.


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Aug 22, 2010
Dfskelleton said:
Hah, that's funny; the EXACT same thing happened to me.
I thought "I know it has a bad reputation, but I loved the original and I loved Human Revolution, and it's only $2.50. I'll give it a try."
That was my thought process too, though Human Revolution wasn't out yet. I had heard for years that it wasn't a good game, but figured what would be compared to the original Deus Ex? But for $2.50, surely even if it doesn't live up to the original I'll have to get my money's worth out of it right?

Nope. It was like someone took Deus Ex and sucked the soul right out of it leaving a dried up shallow husk in its place.


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Dec 27, 2008
Aurora Firestorm said:
Spitfire said:
Aurora Firestorm said:
I've always seen threads like this as an excuse for people who don't like certain games in a series to claim that clearly they can modify the author's intent however they like. No, you really do have to accept that MGS2, Invisible War, Homeworld Cataclysm, ME3, and whatever else you don't like, are part of canon. They are.
The ironic thing is that, out of the 4 games that you mentioned, 3 of them could literally be deleted from history, and their respective series would still make perfect sense without them.
Invisible War doesn't count for this, because it's the "last" game in the series. Human Revolution was a prequel. You can always delete the last game and the rest will make sense.

Homeworld 2 was just as off the wall as Cataclysm. You could absolutely delete it. I mean, The Bentusi all died somewhere in the ether? WTF? The Turanic Raiders and the Taiidan just vanished? WTF?
It's been a while since I last played the Homeworld games, but I'm pretty sure that the Turanic Raiders and the Taiidani were allied with the Vaygr.

As for the Bentusi thing, personally, I didn't think twice about it. You're at war with the Vaygr, and the Bentusi are known allies of yours. Doesn't seem like that much of a stretch to say that the Vaygr attacked them.

MGS2 reappears in the form of Metal Gear Ray and Arsenal Gear in MGS4. Raiden also comes back, and he'd be utterly random if he hadn't shown up before.
The presence of Raiden in MGS4 is indeed problematic, but then again, he has about fuck all in common with the Raiden from MGS2, so you might as well run with it. But fair enough.

ME3 is just another ending game.
The difference there is that Mass Effect 2 was specifically designed to lead into Mass Effect 3, whereas in the case of Invisible War, Cataclysm, and arguably, Metal Gear Solid 2, the previous entries in those series were standalone games, that had little to no requirement for any sort of sequel, and because of that, it's entirely possible to discount those particular games from the canon of their respective series.


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Aug 31, 2009
Sean Hollyman said:
Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2

I just think of it all as a 'what if'
You beat me to it but I'm a bit more extreme in my view and have refused to play more than the demo. The original answered the unasked question concerning the origin of the Rebel Alliance's symbol. The second ruined any hope of The Force Unleashed being a good/great anthology series. I wouldn't even consider FU2 a what-if...just a big FU.


I consider the Sonic Games to be set in their own universes, similar to the 52 'Earths' of the DC Universe.

Similarly, I consider Arkham Asylum and, Arkham City to be its own Earth within DC's 52 Earths. Mainly because of Tim Drake being such a huge Eminem fan that he style his hair in a similar manner to Slim Shady (petty gripe is petty I know)

Similarly to the above similarity: the Lego Multiverse is its own series of Universes outside of the DC, Star Wars, etc Universes but similar to them. The Lego DC Comics Universe for example isn't one of the 52 DC universes but one of the untold-number of Lego Universes. Not exactly me declaring something non-canon but close I think...


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Sep 4, 2008
All of the new content that was added to the DS version of Chrono Trigger.

I refuse to believe that that brain-dead butt monkey Dalton overthrows Guardia, and that Lavos is actually unkillable.


Emcee: the videogame video guy
Jun 26, 2012

It's a modern day CD-I game, and I hope nintendo treats it as such. It's one of the only games I've ever played that felt genuinely offensive. I realize how this sounds, but I honestly think Team Ninja genuinely and actively HATES women after playing that crap.


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2010
I know you mostly meant purely game franchises, but how about Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and its expansion pack that walks like a sequel?


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Wolf In A Bear Suit said:
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I just felt it was pointless and a mistake. The story moved nowhere and although it was nice that they wrapped up Ezio and Altiair's storylines I felt they didn't need an entire game for it. The only thing I liked about it was the badass trailer
Brotherhood doesn't rap up any story lines. Are you sure you aren't thinking about Revelations?


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
Dead Rising: Off The Record...though that's because it ISN'T canon.


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Jan 17, 2010
What is learned can never be unlearned, but I'd pick Fallout 3 and Star Control 3 for erasure if I managed to find one of those little MiB flashy things.


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Aug 21, 2009
Fappy said:
ToR. Thanks for destroying Kotor lore you jerks!
Pretty much this. I never finished KotOR, (I know, I know...) but I played far enough to be really fucking pissed by one of its raid bosses.

I was going to say Dragon Age II, but just because I find its story to be less exciting and the gameplay to be more shallow than Origins doesn't really mean I have to pretend it didn't happen. It just means I have to play Origins again, which I'm okay with.

EDIT: Oooh, yeah, and Halo: Reach. But it's got so many contradictions in it I've just always considered it bad fan-fiction a hypothetical.


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Nov 15, 2011
I don't care enough about any canon of any thing to qualify. I admittedly don't get the offense some people take over these kinds of things, though; even my favorite things can be ignored when I don't approve of a direction they take. It's canon if they say it is; they're the ones that made it.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Halo: Reach will always be non-cannon. It is not a Halo game, and does not mesh with the already-well-established canon from the books. Not to mention, the gameplay was shit, too.
Sep 30, 2010
Lord Quirk said:
I'm gunna mention Metal Gear Solid 2. Whilst, from a gameplay standpoint, it was actually quite good and an evolution of MGS's sneaking, Raiden was simply annoying and unlikable in comparison to Solid Snake and the plot was a bit of a mess. At the end, I wasn't really sure what I achieved, and playing the chronological sequel, MGS 4, aside from featuring Raiden, Rose and Vamp, it barely referenced 2 at all. As such, I don?t count it any more. It's not a bad game, it's just not part of the MGS story.
Interestingly enough, I like MGS2 and live in denial of MGS4. While MGS2 replaces Snake for a good portion, MGS4 kind of murdered his character for me. I was not a fan of the Old Snake thing they did. Also the gameplay and overall structure of 2 feel more MGS to me. I hated Raiden at first although now I have sort of a grudging respect for him. I actually own five copies of MGS2 though so I've played it enough that he can;t really bother me any more.


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Apr 24, 2010
Knight Captain Kerr said:
Mothership Zeta add-on for Fallout 3. No Mothership Zeta, aliens did not start the great war.
That's what they were getting at?! They seriously messed up on that DLC. I replayed it recently and found that half the content you had to explore on your own to find, like the cargo hold and waste disposal areas. Yeah I'd erase that part from my mind too. The whole robot horse thing was creepy and interesting (eventhough I never found out exactly what they were planning).

OT: It can't be a thread about game canon on a real gaming website without original Fallout fans bitching about F3. (I'm not talking about you, Knight Captain).

On a side note, I've always been curious about exactly which parts of the canon people were referring to--other than the developer part.

EDIT: I want to actually contribute now. From what I've seen of Biosock Infinate, it happens in a completely different universe from the original game, but can still reference it. I have no idea if that's the case. I don't normally care about reading into and doing research in the actual story of games. (Unless it's a Fallout or Elder Scroll DLC. I remember hunting for every little bit of information on FNV DLC, including finding out what patents Bethy had taken out.)


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Saints Row 3, it contradicts the ending of Saints Row 2, the Saints now work with Ultor, Shaundi acts and looks nothing like she did in the second game, and the entire game feels like its in an entirely different world.


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Sep 1, 2011
A lot of the Resident Evils do no exist in my canon of the universe.
I love RE (and Remake), RE2, RE:CV and can tolerate RE3. But everything else? - Please make it go away!
I'm not saying these games are bad, just that the way they developed/extended the universe/story is so meeehhhhh that I don't want them to be canon.