Games that you mentally declare non-canon.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Setch Dreskar said:
Super Mutants apparently are supposed to be stupid and unable to talk intelligently (Barring their speech issues Super Mutants were widely seen as the next step in humanity, they were stronger, faster, and smarter then us, and its why the Master wanted to propagate the race... so Fawkes showing intelligence is just so dumb.)

The GECK is used to purify water, rather then making a literal Garden of Eden (Creation Kit) and could have easily made a massive area of the capital wastelands a beautiful paradise.

The Brotherhood of Steel are portrayed as good guys, which just no, the Brotherhood are arrogant assholes who deem everyone else on the planet inferior and unworthy of technology to the point of forcibly taking it from others. They feel justified in that if humanity was ready for the technology it had, the bombs never would have fallen.
The East coast mutants were a different breed--a point that you could say was fixed in NV. If you listen to Black Mountain they refer to them as "dumb-dumbs" and "second generation". The East coast mutants also have a different, dark-green yellowish skin tone

Who's to say that the GECK was just purifying water and the rest was just legends and hyperbole. After all it was used to purify water.

And the DC BoS was a detactment that lost contact. I'd say that the BoS Outcast were the more traditional BoS.

I was curious about the lore too, I also wanted to add this. The guys over at the wiki (nuka-pedia) are really good at making canon stuff make sense. You could seriously post a question on there about some of the most rediculous and specific things and they'd find a way to bend logic to make it make sense. I once saw someone explain how he figured out the location and blast radius of the laser fired by the alien ship in Mothership Zeta.

Apearently "***** tits" is not considered accurate words for describing Disney.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Pandaman1911 said:
Skyrim. (The Aldmeri Dominion didn't ever do anything. After the Oblivion Crisis, the Tamrielic nations banded together in a time of crisis and confronted their true enemy- THE AKAVIR. The Elder Scrolls V: Akavir is in development, and it will be about the invasion and defense of Akavir [imagine a Normandy-style intro with the massive Tamrielic armies storming an Akaviri beach, which you could play as either the defenders or the attackers], and then, thirty years later, you play as the descendant of whoever you played as in the intro, doing a proper adventure while Akavir is being settled.)
Where'd you get this? I've heard nothing but specualtion about any possible use of the Akaviri. And I'm pretty sure Black Marsh's succession was 100% canon, along with all that elven stuff.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
I'm sorry, Fallout 3 was the first game in the series I played, and the reason I love it like I do. What did it get so wrong with the lore?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Something's terrbily wrong with the Fallout haters. Oh wait, I know what it is.

No flame shield!

Shame on you for hating fun. FalloutJack enjoys all the damn games!

In Other News: Devil May Cry 2.


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
triggrhappy94 said:
Pandaman1911 said:
Skyrim. (The Aldmeri Dominion didn't ever do anything. After the Oblivion Crisis, the Tamrielic nations banded together in a time of crisis and confronted their true enemy- THE AKAVIR. The Elder Scrolls V: Akavir is in development, and it will be about the invasion and defense of Akavir [imagine a Normandy-style intro with the massive Tamrielic armies storming an Akaviri beach, which you could play as either the defenders or the attackers], and then, thirty years later, you play as the descendant of whoever you played as in the intro, doing a proper adventure while Akavir is being settled.)
Where'd you get this? I've heard nothing but specualtion about any possible use of the Akaviri. And I'm pretty sure Black Marsh's succession was 100% canon, along with all that elven stuff.
Uhm. Pretty sure the point of this thread was to make shit up. Which is what I did.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
FalloutJack said:
Shame on you for hating fun. FalloutJack enjoys all the damn games!
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. I dare you.

Fallout 3: Its non-canon and exists as a spin-off unrelated to the first two games and new vegas. Mothership Zeta NEVER HAPPENED however. The Aliens were a in-joke, they werent supposed to ever be seen or encountered or whatever. They are a gag.

Dragon Age 2: Again, i consider that to be a spin-off from Origins and unrelated to the original Game. Which ironically the Game does on its own as well. The only link it has to Origins is the beginning because you flee from Ferelden and maybe Isabella given you meet her in Origins. The rest? Yep totally unrelated to begin with.

SWTOR: For a large variety of reasons really.

New Vegas DLCs: Besides Honest Hearts and Dead Money.
Old World Blues is essentially a whole DLC of "Wild Wasteland" and destroys any semblence of seriousness, it also kills off any chance of being impressed with pre-war Tech and pre-war Scientists and actually learning about stuff.
Lonesome Road i consider non-canon for its abyssmal dialogue and writing. Treating the Character as the Player is a very stupid Decision.

Wolf In A Bear Suit

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Jun 2, 2012
The_Lost_King said:
Wolf In A Bear Suit said:
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I just felt it was pointless and a mistake. The story moved nowhere and although it was nice that they wrapped up Ezio and Altiair's storylines I felt they didn't need an entire game for it. The only thing I liked about it was the badass trailer
Brotherhood doesn't rap up any story lines. Are you sure you aren't thinking about Revelations?
Oops. Yeah sorry I meant Revelations. That's how little impact it had on me,I forgot its name


New member
Jan 2, 2011
NuclearShadow said:
From the VERY page you sent me to.

(Alien Babble)
Our defenses consist of 3 battalions of light infantry, 34
pieces of field artillery, 108 armored vehicles and 42
aerial vehicles.
(Alien Babble)
We have 38 ICBM's always on alert and ready to fire when
the word is passed down from the White House.
(Alien Babble)
The codes to activate the launch sequences are...are... can't let you...uggh...get out of my mind!
(Alien Babble)
Agggh! The can't betray...AGH!
My head! I can't...won't...AGGGGH! agggh...

Also, no I'm not misunderstanding you, you SAID that the AI started the great war (Which is different from the resource wars) that kills the theme!


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Dec 5, 2010
Naeras said:
GamemasterAnthony said:
I am probably going to get a lot of crap for saying this, but...

God of War II and God of War III

Let's just say my opinion on this mirrors what the Extra Credits guys say and leave it at that. I've seen the storyline of all three games, and it should have stayed with what they had for the first instead of struggling to come up with something to extend it into unnecessary sequels. That's how The Matrix ended up sucking.
You know what, add this to my list together with Other M. I hadn't played God of War 1 by the time I played the second one, so at that time I had no idea Kratos had any original motivations beside "I am the most sulky and evil ************ in any game ever, so fuck you while I destroy the world because someone stabbed me because I'm a massive dick. Also I use my fellow soldiers as doormats. Deal with it". Knowing that the second game ruins the entire "Greek Tragedy"-setup the original game is kind of a massive turn-off.

I mean, I was fine with Kratos being an evil psychotic armed with spiky chains, but seriously, that's some dumb character development.
Agreed. I'm actually planning on having it in my fanfiction reboot that II and III never happened because as brutish as Kratos is, he's not an idiot.

I just wonder how Kratos will fit in as one of the gods governing the world of Kid Icarus. Actually, that will probably make more sense than the drek II and III gave us.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but Persona 4 Arena.

I just can't take the story of any fighting game seriously, and the mere thought of that being canon in the Persona universe is ridiculous to me.

Techno Squidgy

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Nov 23, 2010
Nadia Castle said:
For what little story they have, Modern Warfare 2 and 3, I choose to believe their all the hallucinations of Soap as hes dying on his way up to the helicopter and can't tell war from fantasy anymore.
I like this idea.
2 and 3 were just silly. The first Modern Warfare had a decent story, no more outlandish than most military thrillers, and was just a very well crafted game all round. Sure it had some rough edges, and some things that didn't make sense (Full auto M16A4? What the hell?) Why couldn't 2 and 3 follow in its footsteps!


New member
Oct 25, 2009
"Other M", especially since it wasn't made by any of the previous developers of Metroid games.

Developer is an important fact when determining Canon, since it's basically what separates canon from a well-funded fan fiction.

Would you really call a highly publicized Harry Potter book written by someone other than J K Rowling canon?


New member
Mar 1, 2011
GamemasterAnthony said:
Agreed. I'm actually planning on having it in my fanfiction reboot that II and III never happened because as brutish as Kratos is, he's not an idiot.

I just wonder how Kratos will fit in as one of the gods governing the world of Kid Icarus. Actually, that will probably make more sense than the drek II and III gave us.
The plot of GoW 2 was basically "Kratos loses godly powers, Zeus stabs Kratos and then needlessly ruins Sparta because... well, because we need to make it seem like the final boss is an even bigger dick than Kratos."

A few ideas to how GoW 2 would have been a lot better:

- Kratos loses godly powers. Zeus stabs Kratos, and then proceeds to tell the Spartans to get the fuck home and leave other people alone. The Spartans go home(Obviously. Because freaking Zeus ordered them). When Kratos gets out of Hades and goes on his killing spree, Zeus interrupts him by giving him a godly *****-slap and saying "Son, I fucked your mom" and everybody's happy-ish.
- Kratos loses godly power. Zeus stabs Kratos. Kratos dies. Story over.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
Lunar Templar said:
Chrono Cross is so far removed from what happened in Chrono Trigger that they try even calling it a sequal makes me cry 'BULL SHIT!' every time
Aurora Firestorm said:
I definitely was very bothered that, say, Chrono Cross exists, because it's a piece of total dreck, but it's still canon.
KoudelkaMorgan said:
Chrono Cross (needs to die in a fire like all the characters from CT apparently)
Except the fact that CC creators and writers went out of their way to state that Cross is not a direct sequel to trigger. It is not what happens after Trigger, but simply takes it story and tells its own from there.

It basically tells the story and result of a certain trigger being hit. CT2 will unfortunately never be made and in order to draw people to CC, the producers went ahead and called it a sequel and so did the gamers eventually. Doesn't change the fact that it isn't a true sequel though (it originally wasn't even a Chrono game).


New member
Jan 11, 2008
I dedicate this thread to all games in the Silent Hill series made after the 3rd installment.

Sutter Cane

New member
Jun 27, 2010
natster43 said:
Okay can someone explain what Fallout 3 did to the lore? I still have no clue as that as the first game I played and I couldn't really find anything typing it into google.

OT: Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta. I have only heard bad things about it and that it ruins the game so I just ignored it.
All you need to do is watch this lp

that should accurately explain what's wrong with the game