Games that you mentally declare non-canon.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Khazoth said:
Saints Row 3, it contradicts the ending of Saints Row 2, the Saints now work with Ultor, Shaundi acts and looks nothing like she did in the second game, and the entire game feels like its in an entirely different world.

An addition to this post. When I first played Saints Row 3? I didn't recognize Shaundi until someone called her by name. I then had to sit my controller down and stare slack jawed at the screen.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
KoudelkaMorgan said:
Chrono Cross (needs to die in a fire like all the characters from CT apparently)
> by SpaceBat < Except the fact that CC creators and writers went out of their way to state that Cross is not a direct sequel to trigger. It is not what happens after Trigger, but simply takes it story and tells its own from there.

It basically tells the story and result of a certain trigger being hit. CT2 will unfortunately never be made and in order to draw people to CC, the producers went ahead and called it a sequel and so did the gamers eventually. Doesn't change the fact that it isn't a true sequel though (it originally wasn't even a Chrono game).
Which is fine, except that they when out of their way to show you that everyone from the first game died in an orphanage fire, that Lucca'a time research center AI went crazy and started the whole mess in CC, Schala was merged with a pandimensional extension of Lavos (or something to that effect) and that Kid was found by Lucca and adopted by her.

They even added that last part to the ending of the DS version of CT along with the Dream Devourer extra boss fight in Time's Eclipse.

For a game that "tells its own story" it sure had no trouble sticking its fingers into the one I actually liked...


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Nov 10, 2007
Shoggoth2588 said:
I consider the Sonic Games to be set in their own universes, similar to the 52 'Earths' of the DC Universe.
The whole point of Generations is that at least the games it shows are all in one universe, they're just at different times.

Although Sonic 2006 literally never happened in canon. The ending goes back and edits the whole events out of reality such that none of it ever happened.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
GloatingSwine said:
Shoggoth2588 said:
I consider the Sonic Games to be set in their own universes, similar to the 52 'Earths' of the DC Universe.
The whole point of Generations is that at least the games it shows are all in one universe, they're just at different times.

Although Sonic 2006 literally never happened in canon. The ending goes back and edits the whole events out of reality such that none of it ever happened.
I've never played Sonic 06 but I've heard about the ending. I think the multiple-earths angle when it comes to Sonic would just be a way of explaining away the major differences between the games, the comics, the OTHER comics, SAT AM and, the other cartoons/anime series.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
Other M. I don' have to justify anything. [] The gameplay was nice, but, just no...

Lord Quirk said:
I'm sure we've all played an entry in a video-game series that has been so bad (in relation to the other entries) that you simply forget about it and declare it non-canon. Whilst the popular choice for this sort of thing would be Devil May Cry 2 and Deus Ex invisible war, I'm gunna mention Metal Gear Solid 2. Whilst, from a gameplay standpoint, it was actually quite good and an evolution of MGS's sneaking, Raiden was simply annoying and unlikable in comparison to Solid Snake and the plot was a bit of a mess. At the end, I wasn't really sure what I achieved, and playing the chronological sequel, MGS 4, aside from featuring Raiden, Rose and Vamp, it barely referenced 2 at all. As such, I don?t count it any more. It's not a bad game, it's just not part of the MGS story.

CAPCHA: it's over. How glum.
I don't uerstand everyon's problem with Raiden. He's not whiny, he's just a novice. He's also not Solid Snake. I think too many of us went into MGS2 expecting to either play as Snake or another badass like Snake, and so we were disappointed.


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Mar 26, 2008
AlotFirst said:
How long will it take for Morrowind/Daggerfall fanboys to invade thread and shout "Oblivion!", "Skyrim!"...
I was going to say Elder Scrolls Online, but I guess it has to release before I burn it at the stake.


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Mar 29, 2011
GTwander said:
AlotFirst said:
How long will it take for Morrowind/Daggerfall fanboys to invade thread and shout "Oblivion!", "Skyrim!"...
I was going to say Elder Scrolls Online, but I guess it has to release before I burn it at the stake.
I was actually planning on mentally declaring that game non-existant.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Garrett said:
If Max Payne 3 wasn't cancelled, I'd probably treat it as non-canon.

Everything in Final Fantasy VII universe except for Final Fantasy VII. That extends to all media, not only games (ok, Last Order was passable but that's the only exception).

Every God of War other than the original. They are still fun to play but storywise, they are plain terrible.
Explain how nothing in Crisis Core is canon. This'll be fun. Also, the point of whether something's canon or not is the plot, not the gameplay. If that were the point, we'd be discussing whether the games were FUN or not.

I'll go with Metroid: Other M not because it sucked, but because it went painfully against established canon.

A few people said Metal Gear Solid 2 shouldn't be canon. I disagree because the complaints are levied because they just don't like Raiden. Raiden is ultimately essential to the plot, therefore he is canon.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Shoggoth2588 said:
I've never played Sonic 06 but I've heard about the ending. I think the multiple-earths angle when it comes to Sonic would just be a way of explaining away the major differences between the games, the comics, the OTHER comics, SAT AM and, the other cartoons/anime series.
Yeah, but you don't have to explain all those other things because they're not in canon with the games at all. They're seperate and unrelated in all but name.

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
I find it ironic seeing all the people on this thread wishing metroid other m was non-canon, the same game that made the Metroid prime series non-canon


New member
Jul 12, 2012
Nieroshai said:
Explain how nothing in Crisis Core is canon. This'll be fun. Also, the point of whether something's canon or not is the plot, not the gameplay. If that were the point, we'd be discussing whether the games were FUN or not.
Because original story and characters suck. There you go, wasn't that hard. Probably not fun either.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
tf2godz said:
I find it ironic seeing all the people on this thread wishing metroid other m was non-canon, the same game that made the Metroid prime series non-canon
This is probably the second biggest reason that I wish that abomination didn't even exist.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Even though it's been said before, Metroid: Other M. I really, really liked the Prime games and hope that Nintendo does damage control in regards to this awful game. May it never be mentioned again.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
MGS2 is a mess indeed, but I can encapsulate much of it for you guys.

Snake and Otacon are now members of some group called Philanthropy, it's now their dayjob to go around and fuck up Metal Gears. A new model is being shipped, Snake gets sent in to take pics, Ocelot gets pics taken of him instead and slanders him on the Internet (no seriously) then sinks the tanker. The Big Shell is built to clean up the oil, then they sink a dummy tanker to pad out the cleanup while the Big Shell is just a big fat cover-up for Metal Gear RAY housed underneath.

Raiden gets sent in and we basically repeat the events of Shadow Moses with barely some innovations here and there. Whiny, bitchy, unlikeable pretty-boy created to troll fans who demanded more (because Kojima knows people wanna be badass but can't so he trolled everyone but everyone missed the point and raged).

By the end of MGS2, Otacon loses his step sister, the RAY's are mostly destroyed, Manhattan got a bad case of Arsenal Gear shoved into City Hall (censored due to 9/11) and Raiden has killed off Solidus Snake, who killed Raiden's parents so he could adopt him and make him the soldier he is. Everything turns out to be a giant replay of Shadow Moses, part of the "Selection For Societal Sanity" program (the S3, or Internet censorship). Somewhere between here and MGS4, Olga had delivered her child, Sunny, who is then adopted by Otacon by the time MGS4 rolls around. Dead Cell is finished off except for Vamp.

The more fans demanded, the more sick and tired Hideo Kojima got of the demands and trolled you harder with more fourth-wall-breaking until, when Konami got sent death threats if Kojima didn't direct MGS4, he torched the franchise and ran. Or TRIED to, anyway.

As for games I consider non-canon: Splinter Cell Double Agent and everything after. Each game kicked more ass then reached the peak with Chaos Theory, stumbled really badly with Double Agent, then plummeted straight down to the Earth's core and beyond with every sequel thereafter.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Gincairn said:
Well considering I played Fallout 3 and New Vegas first, I going to say 1 and 2 are non-canon!
(There's a twist that nobody saw coming)
I'd say that just to piss off and troll all the fallout 1 & 2 fanboys that just can't STFU about Bethesda and how it "ruined their world." It's one thing when a sequel is a complete disaster (Other M). But Fallout 3 was a good (great for some - like me) sequel, and these people still try to force the idea that it's as horrible as the SW prequels just because they're butt hurt that the series took on FPS game mechanics, was popular, and made boat loads of money.

But the only reason I wouldn't is because I like to do this strange thing and judge games with an "open mind," and Fallout 1 and 2 were good games. Although I rather have an FPS than an isometric chess board which bored me to tears and force me to play the damn games just for the story.



Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
I've never really felt the need to consider any entry in a game series I've played "non-canon" because you kow, that's the job of the game developer, not me. Yeh, that even counts for Invisible War. That game existed, and it still does. Get over it.


New member
May 3, 2010
Fiad said:
And the Kingdom Hearts handheld games(Excluding Chain of Memories, though just barely)
I can't speak for Birth by Sleep as I haven't played it yet (I'm going to soon, so no spoilers please) but I thought 358/2 Days was far more canonical than people give it credit for.

You already knew that...

Roxas was in Organization XIII before he fought Riku and lost (the second time). We also know that Axel was good friends with Roxas, as said when (KH2 spoiler) he dies. "Roxas was the only one who made me feel like I had a heart. You kind of gave me that feeling too."

He also says they were best friends when he's in twilight town.

Now, as for Xion, that's... okay I'll give you that one. The whole replica thing was idiotic in Chain of Memories and Days.

But even so, you have to give some leeway to Days because, I mean... "Everything in Castle Oblivion is governed by the cards." ...come on.

OT: For obvious reasons, the Zelda CD-i games.

I also like the idea of ignoring DA2 from the canon.

And while we're at it, I will actually deny the canon of Chain of Memories... but ONLY the card part. Oh, and Riku's storyline was just plain ridiculous. At least as far as I played it. Why did riku have to go to monstro? or agrabah? neverland? I mean sure he showed up in monstro in KH1... for like two seconds.

Nevermind. I guess it was necessary to explain why
Zexion and Lexaeus are dead in KH2, because we know sora killed Vexen, Larxene, and Marluxia in CO already.
/rant xD


Fallout: New Vegas. This one was just dumb. Although I'm sure those who played Fallout 1 and 2 probably did not like fallout 3 either, which I loved.

The Zelda DS games, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. I loved these games, but the story does not work for either one. Spirit Tracks was just kind of silly.

Oh and I also agree with those saying that WoW is not canon. In warcraft 3 we had awesome characters and in WoW they all either just sit on a throne as an NPC in a city, or they get killed far too easily. Now who's left? Pandas. Just pandas.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
*flameshield engage*
Insomniac and Universal's Spyro games, as well as Skylanders.
Seriously, Skylanders is a Pokemon wannabe only children who
don't know the seriestrilogy would pick up, and the Insomniac/Vivendi
titles look like something Rare would've made when they weren't trying to piss
off the censors. As far I care, the Legends games are the real stuff.
*flameshield disengage*

Most Sonic games between Heroes and Colors.
"Megaman" Starforce in its entirety.
Ultima IX, enough said.
Mario Galaxy 1&2. Bleh.

Bring out your sore rumps, I say!
Bring out your seared arses!