Games that you mentally declare non-canon.


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Jun 22, 2011
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
The R&C series are SINGLE player games and Ratchet, Clank and Captain Qwark would not co-operate with Dr. Nefarious, who shouldn't have been brought back into the series in the first place.


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Feb 23, 2011
Nomanslander said:
Gincairn said:
Well considering I played Fallout 3 and New Vegas first, I going to say 1 and 2 are non-canon!
(There's a twist that nobody saw coming)
I'd say that just to piss off and troll all the fallout 1 & 2 fanboys that just can't STFU about Bethesda and how it "ruined their world." It's one thing when a sequel is a complete disaster (Other M). But Fallout 3 was a good (great for some - like me) sequel, and these people still try to force the idea that it's as horrible as the SW prequels just because they're butt hurt that the series took on FPS game mechanics, was popular, and made boat loads of money.

But the only reason I wouldn't is because I like to do this strange thing and judge games with an "open mind," and Fallout 1 and 2 were good games. Although I rather have an FPS than an isometric chess board which bored me to tears and force me to play the damn games just for the story.

Thank you Nomanslander for taking the words right out of my head :D


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Knight Captain Kerr said:
Mothership Zeta add-on for Fallout 3. No Mothership Zeta, aliens did not start the great war.
Wait they never stated that. I thought it was a fantastic piece of cannon to finally resolve the hints of alien activity throughout the games.


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Aug 7, 2009
My friends like to call this game "that which must not be named when I am around". Because when they do, I become this terrorist-cell hell bent on destroying everything even remotely connected to this game.

I am of course talking about....



New member
Nov 15, 2010
There are more, but Assassin's Creed gets a special mention. In my head, there has been one game, though i'm not sure which it was...
Well, pretty curious about the upcoming AC2.


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Jul 14, 2012
Final Fantasy XIII-2.

I'm still confused at to why SE thought that they needed to make a sequel to a game that ended happily and concisely enough, regardless of how someone liked or didn't like the plot.

Mycroft Holmes

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Sep 26, 2011
Fallout 3. Such a departure from the Fallout feel in so many different ways. I really wish Bethesda had just made generic post-apocalyptic RPG instead of watering down a great series.

Riddle78 said:
I want to say any game that boils down to "America saves the day" by sole virtue that they get to play hero too often,and other countries should get a turn. However,that would mark me quite firmly as a dickhead if that were my legitimate contribution to this thread.
I'm confused, what games do this? Because I can count the number of games that are overtly the US saving the world on my hand. I play a lot of games and it does not seem to me that less than a single percent of videogames really represents a huge trend. Even the tv tropes page for 'America saves the day' videogames is mostly at a loss, though they came up with more games than I did.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Lord Quirk said:
I'm sure we've all played an entry in a video-game series that has been so bad (in relation to the other entries) that you simply forget about it and declare it non-canon. Whilst the popular choice for this sort of thing would be Devil May Cry 2 and Deus Ex invisible war, I'm gunna mention Metal Gear Solid 2. Whilst, from a gameplay standpoint, it was actually quite good and an evolution of MGS's sneaking, Raiden was simply annoying and unlikable in comparison to Solid Snake and the plot was a bit of a mess. At the end, I wasn't really sure what I achieved, and playing the chronological sequel, MGS 4, aside from featuring Raiden, Rose and Vamp, it barely referenced 2 at all. As such, I don?t count it any more. It's not a bad game, it's just not part of the MGS story.

CAPCHA: it's over. How glum.
I'm with you, EVERYTHING that happens after Snake rides off into the sunrise on that snowmobile at the end of Metal Gear Solid 1, is non-canon. Especially how it's the only game in the whole Metal Gear series with alternate endings I consider this a requirement.

At the very least there are two canons after Metal Gear Solid, one where Meryl lives and another where she doesn't.

This allows for MGS3 and Peace Walker, which at least made sense even if totally "metal gear OTT".


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May 31, 2011
deserteagleeye said:
Nothing happens after Kingdom Hearts 2. NOTHING! The message in a bottle at the end was just Mickey thanking them. There you go! Perfect ending! shutthefuckup.
Hear hear. I'd throw in 358/2 Days and throw out Birth By Sleep personally, but Coded was so fucking awful that I have no faith in the future of the series.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
WoW. So many retcons and missed opportunities of creating great arcs....

Also, I generally don't accept KOTOR 2 as canon unless the Restoration Mod is included in the discussion.

If I had played Mass Effect 3 I would say that, but I refuse to play it, so I'll let people who have played it and think the ending is terrible make those points.

Also, Dawn of War: Soulstorm. METAL BAWKSES.....

Parts of Arkham City are a bit cringe worthy, namely the ending where Batman just ignores Talia, the somewhat anti-climactic encounter with Hugo Strange, and Mr. Freeze going apeshit on you for no discernible reason. It's a good game, but I just wish the story was better.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Now I'm fine with Fallout 3, but god damn Mothership Zeta
Nope none of that Alien Business happened. It wasn't fun, the weapons weren't interesting, and the whole story was just plain silly.


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Mar 13, 2010
Chrono Cross. As much as I love that game, it was just plain vindictive with the main characters of its predecessor. I just think of it as taking place in an alternate reality. Either that, or the characters were lied to about the cast of Chrono Trigger's actual fates.


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Nov 25, 2011
AlotFirst said:
How long will it take for Morrowind/Daggerfall fanboys to invade thread and shout "Oblivion!", "Skyrim!"...
Why? The lore established in both those games are quite good actually. Being one of those whose favorite is still Morrowind, our only gripe is that they just seem to be taking away features that didn't need to be taken out i.e. the fucking awesome and varied weapons and spells, I mean come on levitation was awesome. Also they seem to be reducing most of the quests to just kill things in the newer ones but honestly the lore is fine.

For my money, I try to forget Mercenaries 2. Not only is the gameplay buggy and shit compared to the first one, the writing is significantly worse and they just up and changed characters appearances, backstories, and allegiances and give no fucking reason why!

Also C&C4 for all the reasons everyone already mentioned.


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Mar 30, 2011
Why all the Fallout 3 hate? Much more interesting than the first 2 (gameplay wise, 1 2 3 and new vegas all have great stories)

For me it would be Force Unleashed 2, ending(s) for force unleashed 1 were good and tied up the story nicely, no need for the second one.


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Jun 24, 2011
Final Fantasy X-2 Because it changed the entire feel of the setting and made the main character (Yuna) make a complete 360 character-wise.

Front Mission Evolved This game is just a complete bastardization of Front Mission in general, and has a story so INCREDIBLY cheesy that it's hard to ignore; at least the older games seemed to have a bit of effort into the story.

Megaman X 7 The older ones had virtually no story to them, and it liked it that way; All the cut scenes, dialogue and voice acting (oh god the voice acting) just made this game feel incredibly childish; I was able to tolerate text dialogue in the PS1 instalments, but not this.


Those are the only ones that irked me; I usually don't care much about story, but it bugs me when it's botched this badly.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Knight Captain Kerr said:
Mothership Zeta add-on for Fallout 3. No Mothership Zeta, aliens did not start the great war.
I'm pretty sure it never mentions the fact that Aliens STARTED the war. Just that they watched over the human race whilst it happened.

Garrett said:
If Max Payne 3 wasn't cancelled, I'd probably treat it as non-canon.

Everything in Final Fantasy VII universe except for Final Fantasy VII. That extends to all media, not only games (ok, Last Order was passable but that's the only exception).

Every God of War other than the original. They are still fun to play but storywise, they are plain terrible.
Max Payne 3 cancelled? Your kidding right?