Games that you mentally declare non-canon.

Pyramid Head

New member
Jun 19, 2011
BioShock 2 definitely tops my list, the entire thing just felt half-assed and desperate. Plus even though i liked it more than any Batman item aside from The Dark Knight, the Arkham Batman video games i know won't ever be part of the DC canon. Not that it matters, the DC canon is fucked up beyond all repair even after the relaunch/Flashpoint whatever.

And lastly i don't consider Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles to be canon.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Daveman said:
All prince of persia games after the sands of time.

Also all New Vegas DLC except the honest hearts one because frankly the burned man is awesome.

Not saying I don't absolutely love those games I've excluded, I just prefer to consider them non-canon.
Oh come on, what was wrong with Two Thrones? I thought it was nearly as good as Sands of Time.

Though, I suppose storywise if you had to ignore Warrior Within for the tonal shift that everyone seems to despise so much, you'd have to get rid of Two Thrones and its redemption arc as well.

Quellan Thyde

New member
Jul 11, 2011
Every God of War game after the first one. In GoW1, Kratos had an actual motivation, personality, tangible character arc -- all the things, in short, you need to make a memorable and relatable character. But then comes GoW2, where the devs seem to have decided that from now on, Kratos is a big guy who kills shit. Period.

It's a real shame. Then again, what can you expect from a Sony IP?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I'm going to go with Ninja Gaiden 3 and walk away before I get pissed off in Rage by remembering how bad that game was and how should have never existed.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Halo: Reach. That game just butchered the established canon, and could have been much better than it was.

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
tf2godz said:
I find it ironic seeing all the people on this thread wishing metroid other m was non-canon, the same game that made the Metroid prime series non-canon
You saying this as a good thing or bad thing. If bad, we know, that's why we hate it. If good, why did you make an alternate account Bob Chipman, because YOU ARE THE ONLY SEMI-SENTIENT CREATURE STILL DEFENDING IT.
i never played other m so i don't know if i would like it or not but i was just point something out, settle down man.

ps. who is bob chipman


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Furbyz said:
Daveman said:
All prince of persia games after the sands of time.

Also all New Vegas DLC except the honest hearts one because frankly the burned man is awesome.

Not saying I don't absolutely love those games I've excluded, I just prefer to consider them non-canon.
Oh come on, what was wrong with Two Thrones? I thought it was nearly as good as Sands of Time.

Though, I suppose storywise if you had to ignore Warrior Within for the tonal shift that everyone seems to despise so much, you'd have to get rid of Two Thrones and its redemption arc as well.
Yeah, you've hit the nail on the head really. It's just that Sands of time wrapped up so damn neatly it was perfect.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
tf2godz said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
tf2godz said:
I find it ironic seeing all the people on this thread wishing metroid other m was non-canon, the same game that made the Metroid prime series non-canon
You saying this as a good thing or bad thing. If bad, we know, that's why we hate it. If good, why did you make an alternate account Bob Chipman, because YOU ARE THE ONLY SEMI-SENTIENT CREATURE STILL DEFENDING IT.
i never played other m so i don't know if i would like it or not but i was just point something out, settle down man.

ps. who is bob chipman
Moviebob he dose "The big Picture" and "Escape to the movies." Also so stuff on Youtube but I don't watch that.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
zacattack14 said:
I think the entire gaming community as a whole has decided Deus Ex: Invisible wars never happened and was just a fever dream
Admittedly I played it on my Xbox back in the day, and my memory is really not the best so I can't say I recall much plot, but I seriously think I must have been the only person who really enjoyed Deus Ex: Invisible War. I can't recall having any issues with the plot at all, and I believe I'd just finished the original immediately prior to playing Invisible War. I could have that bass ackwards though and played Deus Ex after as a result of wanting to understand what was going on, though.

OT: Any Star Ocean game after The Second Story... I just can't. Seriously... Meracle? Not only did you have to put in a catgirl out of nowhere, but you had to give her the body of an eleven year old AND make her a love interest?

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
Eddie the head said:
tf2godz said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
tf2godz said:
I find it ironic seeing all the people on this thread wishing metroid other m was non-canon, the same game that made the Metroid prime series non-canon
You saying this as a good thing or bad thing. If bad, we know, that's why we hate it. If good, why did you make an alternate account Bob Chipman, because YOU ARE THE ONLY SEMI-SENTIENT CREATURE STILL DEFENDING IT.
i never played other m so i don't know if i would like it or not but i was just point something out, settle down man.

ps. who is bob chipman
Moviebob he dose "The big Picture" and "Escape to the movies." Also so stuff on Youtube but I don't watch that.
I thought you were talking about a troll, i didn't know it was moviebob.

I fell like an idiot, sorry.


Jun 9, 2010
The only thing that comes to mind is the Lonesome Road DLC for New Vegas. Didn't really fit my perception of my character at all.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. The reboot, not the original.

I know there's no story or any other real canon for it to be part of anyway, but my mind just can't acknowledge it as a proper Need for Speed game. Partly because of the pointless reuse of an existing title, and partly because it's a herpdy-derpdy Burnout game in all but name.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Metroid Other M. That game was so blatantly terrible that I refuse to accept that Samus was actually like that.

And Wow. Remember how Warcraft had this awesome deep fantasy story? Do you? Well treasure that memory because it's all gone now. Forever.


New member
Jul 19, 2009
Setch Dreskar said:
Eh, it's not as bad as you think.

I can't say anything about the Enclave really. Nor about the East Coast being completely leveled. But the Super Mutants are supposed to be created from two separate strains of the FEV. Now we have East and West mutants.

The Brotherhood of the East Coast are actually separatists. When they were sent east to recon the area, they decided to disregard the "collect tech" directive as their primary, and switch to "help people." This is explained a bit better in The Pitt, but it's still stated in the main game. But fear not, the Brotherhood Outcasts are still functionally West Coast Brotherhood. Collect tech, fuck everyone else.

The GECK itself was actually not used to purify water. Parts of it were used to make the Jefferson purifier work. It still terraformed areas in FO3, since you can activate the thing in the vault you recover it from. When you do, it says that it basically creates a Garden of Eden (and consequently kills your ass via molecular breakdown). Only reason we didn't use it to terraform a small area was because using it to make a functional water purifier that can supply the entire DC area was more practical. 'Sides, we already have Oasis.

Brogan Cordova

New member
Jul 29, 2012
I'd consider Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword non-canon but if you think about it, Zelda doesn't exactly have a canon. Actually, if you consider every Zelda game Wind Waker and onward non-canon, there's actually a competent, easy-to-follow timeline.

Golden Sun Dark Dawn., it's just a fanfiction epilogue to GS: Lost Age.

I am also going to forever pretend Resident Evil 4 was the only RE game ever. Not even gonna check the others.

Soul Calibur III and onward are multiplayer-only games that don't further any story, is what I tell myself.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
LawlessSquirrel said:
Also, Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. I'm sorry, but that was an unrelated game just reskinned for the IP-power. I refuse to believe it's part of the actual series, and it's instead some 'alternate reality' spinoff.
Well, you gotta admit, the vehicle building itself was very well done. Let me just ask you this. If they put the vehicle building in a new IP, would you be half as mad about it?

For me, probably Ninja Gaiden 3. Wait, what am I talking about? Sometimes I just make up these imaginary games. I should get myself checked out.

Setch Dreskar

New member
Mar 28, 2011
o_O said:
Setch Dreskar said:
True but those are all in Fallout 3, which as I said was mentally uncanon to me, until Fallout New Vegas came along and better weaved it into the story that had come before, until FNV came out Fallout 3 was awful to me and made me question more then any other game if they actually played the originals. And I know the Brotherhood of the East Coast were sepratists, but again that's in Fallout 3 only, in every other Fallout game the Brotherhood of Steel are damn near religiously fanatical about technology and keeping it from the hands of those unworthy of it. The only thing that stops them from completely kicking down the doors and taking all the technology they can is their epicly failed war against the NCR, the Brotherhood though technological superiority could win out over the sheer determination and numbers the NCR could throw at problems, which is ironic because the BoS should have known better after watching the NCR curbstomp the Enclave.