Games that you've lost momentum with (stopped playing)


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Kingjackl said:
I'm currently on my third attempt at getting into Witcher 2, which has never held my interest in the past. I just got to Flotsam, which is where I gave up on my last attempt. I think what annoys me apart from the fiddly controls is too many made up proper nouns. Characters talking about made up fantasy events as if I should know about them hasn't been winning me over.
Dude! That's where the game really starts, the stuff before that is pretty much just introduction. A lot of the events they reference are from the books, but you will gradually get filled in on the context for anything important.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
Bloodborne, sadly. I enjoy the hell out of the game, but I left it for a few months because I got super busy with various other things right before the fight with Lady Maria. Let me tell you, that is not the boss you want to come back rusty on, god damn.

There's been a few long-time RPGs as well I've had to leave due to life being busy as well, which makes it really hard to get back into them - Lost Odyssey, Chaos Legion, Tales of Symphonia and Final Fantasy XIII are all games I got fairly late into, dropped because of various reasons and then got completely fucking confused as to where I was and what I was doing when I tried to pick them up again.

...Granted, I didn't know what was happening in Final Fantasy XIII while I was playing it anyway, but still, pretty disorientating to jump into it again standing in front of a giant turtle that one-hit kills my entire party.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Enslaved: Journey to the West: Really enjoyed the game, can't really point to any specific negative thing...I just...didn't load it back up one day.

Alpha Protocol: Got to the climactic end fight...and just couldn't really care. The game mechanics were fun, the way my actions directly impacted the people I interacted with was great....the plot...totally forgettable. I got to the end, and realized I honestly didn't remember why the big bad guy was doing what he was doing, and I just couldn't care.

Fallout 4: Every time I get close to the end game, right about the time I find the Institute...I just stop giving a shit. The plot just doesn't really grab me, I have more fun just wandering around the Wasteland, doing stuff that I want to do.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Saelune said:
Kyrian007 said:
Saelune said:
I guess The Witcher 1 gets a mention too, cause I want to play the entire Witcher series from start to finish...but losing 14 hours of progress really bummed me out. Plus fuck that swamp.
Yeah, even have Witcher 2 in my Steam backlog... but just haven't managed to get into playing the first one. Always "take a break" playing something else and never get back to Witcher 1 before forgetting what I was doing or what the story was about and having to start over. It is just annoying enough to be really forgettable.
I just want to sit and focus on playing it all the way through. But the swamp in the early part of the game is such a chore and I don't want to go through it again, so I put it off and well, haven't beaten it yet.
Yeah, that's one of the big flaws of The Witcher. The first few hours aren't particularly good or interesting, and the swamp doesn't help at all.

Honestly, Aside from the major plot points, there's not a lot of reason to play the first game. I've heard from several people most of the stuff in the first game doesn't even factor into the latter two. Once I finished the game, I pretty much immediately uninstalled it knowing I will never play it again.

Though probably in a month or two I'm gonna start Witcher 2 for the first time, now that I've finally finally Dark Souls.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Dalisclock said:
Saelune said:
Kyrian007 said:
Saelune said:
I guess The Witcher 1 gets a mention too, cause I want to play the entire Witcher series from start to finish...but losing 14 hours of progress really bummed me out. Plus fuck that swamp.
Yeah, even have Witcher 2 in my Steam backlog... but just haven't managed to get into playing the first one. Always "take a break" playing something else and never get back to Witcher 1 before forgetting what I was doing or what the story was about and having to start over. It is just annoying enough to be really forgettable.
I just want to sit and focus on playing it all the way through. But the swamp in the early part of the game is such a chore and I don't want to go through it again, so I put it off and well, haven't beaten it yet.
Yeah, that's one of the big flaws of The Witcher. The first few hours aren't particularly good or interesting, and the swamp doesn't help at all.

Honestly, Aside from the major plot points, there's not a lot of reason to play the first game. I've heard from several people most of the stuff in the first game doesn't even factor into the latter two. Once I finished the game, I pretty much immediately uninstalled it knowing I will never play it again.

Though probably in a month or two I'm gonna start Witcher 2 for the first time, now that I've finally finally Dark Souls.
Doesn't matter. I wont play 2 and 3 without playing 1.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Fallout 4.

This is appearantly becoming the new standards in "rpg".
Not only does it fuck with the lore even more than 3 did (which I consider a decent spin off but nothing more), it also removes eveything a RPG stands for and streamlines it into a shooter with the Fo brand on top of it.

Really boring mess. Spend 10 hours on it, sold it afterwards and went back to New Vegas.


Some users above me explained it already. But I also take issue with the controls. It's better than 3 atleast. Finished it, true enough, but I stopped playing early on in a Nightmare playthrough.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Dark Souls for me. Granted, I ruined a lot of it watching YouTube playthroughs, but I still wanted to give it a go myself to experience the now 'legendary' difficulty. I played it for all of an hour and gave up. Not because it was too hard, but because the controls were such SHIT! Specifically the jump button being something really unintuitive and unresponsive and my character generally moving like he's stuck in molasses.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Poetic Nova said:
Fallout 4.

This is appearantly becoming the new standards in "rpg".
Not only does it fuck with the lore even more than 3 did (which I consider a decent spin off but nothing more), it also removes eveything a RPG stands for and streamlines it into a shooter with the Fo brand on top of it.

Really boring mess. Spend 10 hours on it, sold it afterwards and went back to New Vegas.
Speaking of New Vegas, that was another title that I just gave up on, for years. Every time I tried to play that and beat it, I just couldn't give a shit about what was going on. It didn't feel post-apocalyptic to me at all, considering it was just "the desert". They even mention that the New Vegas area of the world was largely left untouched by the Great War, so it was mostly undamaged. Which for me, translated into a setting that felt like it was modern day, just in a desert. I didn't feel like I was centuries in the future, I just felt like I was in some rundown ghost town dirt hole area in Arizona or Nevada, a place I could easily find today. And the plot, just couldn't care about it at all. I eventually sat down and beat the game, but it took a lot of mental fortitude, and I had to make my character be Dr. McNinja (ran around in a lab coat, and a Legion face mask item, closest I could get to ninja mask, and attack everything with a katana), to actually get invested enough to beat the game.


New member
Jul 26, 2016
Most of them I come back to eventually when a mood strikes me, but lately it's been C&C: Tiberium Wars and the original Hitman.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Chimpzy said:
Batman: Arkham Knight, because of its insistence on using the Batmobile. I like it when you're just cruising around the map with it (tho I still prefer gliding everywhere) or solving the odd Riddler puzzle. You know, any optional use. But every time you're forced to use it for progression, be it fighting those stupid drones (or any vehicle bosses) or those annoying races, I just thought to myself "Ffs, this again?". Eventually I just stopped playing the game about 6 hours in because the prospect of doing more compulsory Batmobile stuff just made me retch.
My copy of Arkham Knight came with my PS4 and it's still in the shrink wrap on the grounds of me not touching the game in principle alone. The people in the PC community got screwed over hard, and that's just not fair. I didn't feel like dealing with the Batmobile stuff either.

Note: To the people that said just get the console versions, fuck you. You're enabling companies like WB Games/WB to make crappy unfinished polished ports. Batman AK was rife full of season passes and DLC I had no investments towards, and looks like a horrible deal even though the consoles have the "best" versions of the game. I am not a PC gamer, but they deserve quality games like any other console gamer.

Nuuu said:
TRANSFORMERS: Devastation - The bosses just became so tedious and boring. I quit at the Starscream warp fight. I just can't feel invested in the game when all the fights feel so uninteresting. I went in seeing some of the combat mechanics and hoping too much for another Bayonetta 2.
It is nothing like Bayonetta 2. I focused too much on the company name, and not enough on the game itself.

Most Gamecube games I own - Most of them aren't even genres i'm interested in, the only thing enabling me to play them for more than a few hours is a bit of nostalgia. Even so I still can't finish most of the games I start on the Gamecube due to lack of interest. There are several times I just got bored and left right before (or sometimes during) the final boss.
I loved most of the boss fights in Devastation, but I can see why you didn't like it. I knew the game would not be Bayonetta 2 quality and more Bayonetta-lite than anything else. The combat was fine for me because that I was expecting, but the level design was simple and not that interesting. Visually pleasing to eyes yes, yet the game was obviously rushed. The other problem with the game is that Devastation was obviously supposed to be $29.99, but Activision realized that Platinum was over committing to their game by jamming a lot content for what would have been a $30 game (the satisfying combat played a factor too); that they added an extra $20 to justify the price. If you did not like Devastation, than I suggest you don't even go near TMNT nor Korra.

I hope Activision never touches Platinum again, and once the latter is done with Microsoft they go back and do their own thing, or at least partner up with publishers that aren't out to screw them over. The irony, for right now at least, is that Square Enix is letting them do what they want for Nier: Automata. Then again, the guy for the Drakengard series gets a huge amount from the top guys at Square for some reason, so he usually gets a full pass whenever he's doing his projects.

That's sad thing about going back to Generation 6 (especially Gamecube Game) consoles, their games that have not aged well, had genres you had no interests in or got tired of, and they could expensive as hell depending on the game. The last game I bought on GC that I actually enjoyed was Viewtiful Joe 2. I got that back in mid 2008 for $5 used. After that, I tried Geist, but took it back immediately and never bothered with another GC game again. If I do try to buy another GC game, it might be Super Monkey Ball games.

SKBPinkie said:
Fallout 4 - too many things to do with little payoff and I'd rather be playing Elder Scrolls.

The Witcher 2 / 3 - Tried them both. They handle like crap. The controls are absolute trash.

GTA IV / V - Same reason as The Witcher 2 / 3.

Western RPGs do nothing for me, and I stopped caring about GTA after IV. San Andreas was garbage in terms of mechanics. The controls for those games didn't bother me, but I can see why. The problem with a lot of Western companies is they think that bigger means better, but you can't pad your game with tedious side missions to meet some $60 criteria. And sandbox games are the "new thing" everyone is grabbing towards, but this seems like a repeat of when every game was trying to be GTA III/Vice City/San Andreas back in the PS2 days. I've said it before, and I'll say it again sandbox games bore me, even the good ones. Are consumers even burned out on this genre? If not, they should be.

EDIT - My list:

Ninja Gaiden II (XBOX)

Geist (Gamecube) - Too flawed.

Far Cry 2 - Too frustrating.

Skullgirls - Most fighting games these days do nothing for me. I do like the art.

Guilty Gear: Xrd - Same as above.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. After completing The New Order & Doom (2016) I think I've had enough right now. I'll get back to it eventually as I still have the game.

Neo Contra - After playing through half the game I still haven't touched it. Contra 4 ruined it for me as it is the best game in the entire Contra franchise.

Most of these titles that I did not finish, I either traded in or returned them to GameStop.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
Neptunia Re;Birth 2 and Fairy Fencer F. Just... lost interest.

Shadows of Mordor I quite enjoyed but also lost interest. It is repetitive as hell and I didn't like how arbitrary getting orc bosses to appear was. It just felt like a lot of fannying about towards the second half. Right, mind control a second set of orc bosses via really random arse chores also slash slash slash counter slash counter.

Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus. Well. It's bad.

GALAK-Z. I quite liked this but I found it a tad too unforgiving. Frustration won over.

Strike Suit Zero. It wasn't quite Ace Combat in space.

Valkyria Chronicles - In the end I saw the third person perspective for what it was. A gimmicky more awkward of the usual click, move here and attack people with percentage based accuracy. Not like your aim actually matters since shots go randomly within a circle crosshair. Getting shot while moving is also total arse. Also the story really wasn't getting me.

Trails in the Sky 2. Just not feeling it.

... this could probably go on forever. When I was younger I used to pride myself in finishing every game I touched.
Jan 19, 2016
This pretty much sums up my relationship with open world games not called The Witcher 3. I always get some way into them and then kind of lose track of what the point of it all is and end up losing interest. Pushing the story along is a huge part of the enjoyment I get from games, and open world games that involve tens of hours of busywork to advance the plot tend to lose me pretty fast.

Hawk of Battle

New member
Feb 28, 2009
Shadow of Mordor
Planescape; Torment (twice I have started, and twice I have given up)
Rogue Galaxy (really much shallower than I'd hoped)
Last of Us (eugh, overhyped game is overhyped)

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Just to names the ones at the top of my head-

Dungeon of the Endless
Rogue Legacy
LoZ Spirit Track (I gave up easily at the final dungeon when you literally have to draw in the map from scratch)
Freeom Planet (I couldn't be bother playing Carol and Milas story mode after I completed with Lilac)

Zen Bard

Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Sep 16, 2012
The Darkness - Fun game with great voice acting and atmosphere. The Darkness powers make it pretty unique. But as an actual FPS, it's sort of mediocre. And those WW1 levels were a bit tedious. Still, I had fun when I played it. But I stopped about midway through and never felt compelled to go back.

Overlord - I thought this would be a "Dungeon Keeper" type game, and to a certain degree it is. But there was way more micromanagement than I had expected. Again, I had fun when I played it, but just never really felt the need to fire it up again when I took a break.

Red Dead Redemption - Played and had fun, but for whatever reason, it just wasn't grabbing me. So I bailed out half way through. I have ever intention of picking it up again, though...


Will never say anything smart
Feb 25, 2014
Dark Souls 3. I left off right after Pontiff Sulyvahn and tried the PvP right after the bonfire. I got my ass handed to me for 2 hours straight and got sick of the game right after I got invaded trying to go through the area and was promptly stomped to death by a giant.

All of my 3DS games. Monster Hunter Generations, especially. Which is a shame, since I haven't had it all that long. I don't know why. I love my 3DS and all the games that I have. But I never want to play it. I'm sure that I will once classes start up again, but I don't want to play it now, which is the trouble.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
A few stopped on Valkria Chronicles eh well it makes me feel slightly better about me getting the top rank on every mission now :) man I love that game should really get the remaster at some point.

Anyway games I stopped playing well there are to many to mention especially now as time is an issue but ok here a few (possibly contentious few).

Witcher 2 - Liked it but game crashed after a hard section which took the wind out of my sails and so I left it but now I have forgotten everything.

Transistor - 3 hours in and I was bored stiff so turned it off.

Xenoblade Chronicles X - about 70 hours in and have barely scratched it. I just dont have the time to carry on atm.

Street Fighter V - Love the core fighting hate how they are handling pretty much everything else so have decided to wait until it is brought up to a more respectable standard.

FFXIV - like it but dont have time atm.

Modern Warfare (cod4) - got tired after 12 hours of playing MP wanted something new.

Destiny - because its terrible.

The Last Remnant - Got about 60 hours in and couldnt force myself through its painfully bad gameplay and story anymore.

Planescape Torment - Like the setting hated the combat

Baldurs gate 1 and 2 - Have failed to hold my interest even after multiple trys but will try again sometime.

GTA3 - Did not find it entertaining or engaging on enough levels to deem it worth my time (which was quite spare around then).


New member
Oct 27, 2009
I find it funny how many other people have already mentioned it but, yea, Valkyrie Chronicles is one for me. Got super far in it as well; but that stupid bullcrappy story moment when one of the characters goes really pulled me out of it. Especially since I'm a "keep every teammate alive" kinda guy. That, and some of the battles were starting to get a little tedious.

Fallout 4 lost me as well. I don't know what it is, it just didn't grab me as much as 2, 3 and New Vegas did.

Other than that I generally power through most games, even if I'm starting to get bored. I've got a completionist problem.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Dark Souls 2

I bought all 3 during the Steam sales. The first was amazing and while I knew going into 2 that it was considered the weakest, I didn't expect it to be so boring. The enemy designs seem really bland and samey, and their move sets don't feel nearly as distinct. A lot of the boss fights just feel lazy and uninteresting. Also, I've noticed that some of the hitboxes on some enemy attacks seem really wonky. The biggest issue I have though is with the atmosphere. It seems to be missing something. Maybe it's that the locations aren't nearly as interesting, but it seems to be a whole combination of things have come together to make it feel like I'm playing a poor imitation of the formula that worked so well with the first game.

I'm honestly considering just skipping the rest of the game and moving on to 3. Maybe I'll finish 2 at some other time.