Games that you've lost momentum with (stopped playing)


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Never finished Kingdoms of Amalur (even though I thought it was fun), Deus Ex: HR (I didn't enjoy it), Far Cry 3 (I had gotten all the upgrades, and lost interest in the story), Shadow Warrior (I got stuck in some place and was too lazy to get out of it), and Call of Duty World at War (I found it somehow less interesting than CoD 2).


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Captain Chemosh said:
Shadow of Mordor, got killed by one captain twice which gave him immunity to stealth and ranged attacks and then he started showing up everywhere I went to foil my attempts on the other captains.
I can't decide if that's cool, or broken.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Skyrim. It doesn't help that I saw a friend complete it first. But I kinda got lost, didn't play it for half a year, then went back into it, noticed my confusing, intimidating quest log with no idea what the main goal was, said "fuck that!" And proceeded to devour the entire console then throw myself off a ten story building. Am starting to think that last part may have been a dream though.

Gone Home. A classic case of knowing the story before playing. It felt like watching Columbo on an especially dumb day after he started solvent abuse. I completed the rest of the game in my head, it was much quicker and I'm sure there were space dinosaurs too.

Murdered soul suspect. I have never been annoyed as much at one question until this game, that repeats that question for every. Fucking. Case. "What is the most relevant fact/clue?" They're all pretty fucking relevant, and what the hell do you even mean by relevant?? It seems to change with each damn case!! Lay out some bloody ground rules or a glossary or something!" Not bitter, just a little dumb and hate vaguely worded questions with even vaguer answers, especially when they judge you for not reading their particular way of thinking during each case's planning process. So much time wasting.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
Out of curioisity, how recently have you played KSP? Because I remember that some of the more recent patches(since 1.0 or 1.2) had reduced some of the loading times by quite a bit.
Last version I tried was the prior to 1.1.3, it was the Beta of the new 64bit version of the game. My understanding was that this brought quite a few improvements to the late gate with the engine being much more able to cope with a high number of parts. Yes it did run better, but it still suffered from slow down caused by having a large number of parts on your craft.

Also, interesting you should mention factorio because I've had my eye on it and the only reason I haven't picked it up yet is because it's still early access and I'm pretty wary about buying games in early access anymore. I still might pick it up but I'm waiting to see the verdict once it officially releases.
It's a superb game, the devs update their site every Friday with progress, the Alphas and experimental Aplhas appear on a pretty regular basis and in the time I've played it I haven't encountered any really issues with the game. The only flaw as I mentioned is that the late game, in fact their are two flaws in the late game

1). The aformentioned late game tech requiring alien kills to complete.
2). The power production, almost everything in the game has several stages of development but the power production has 3 parts, all of them unlocked quite early in the game and none of them scale, they have no advanced or improved versions of the parts in the late game tech tree, they just don't scale with the increase in factory size, you end up with power production facilities that takes up huge areas and vast amounts of resource.

Of course the mod community has fixes for both these issues.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Laughing Man said:
Last version I tried was the prior to 1.1.3, it was the Beta of the new 64bit version of the game. My understanding was that this brought quite a few improvements to the late gate with the engine being much more able to cope with a high number of parts. Yes it did run better, but it still suffered from slow down caused by having a large number of parts on your craft.

It's a superb game, the devs update their site every Friday with progress, the Alphas and experimental Aplhas appear on a pretty regular basis and in the time I've played it I haven't encountered any really issues with the game. The only flaw as I mentioned is that the late game, in fact their are two flaws in the late game

1). The aformentioned late game tech requiring alien kills to complete.
2). The power production, almost everything in the game has several stages of development but the power production has 3 parts, all of them unlocked quite early in the game and none of them scale, they have no advanced or improved versions of the parts in the late game tech tree, they just don't scale with the increase in factory size, you end up with power production facilities that takes up huge areas and vast amounts of resource.

Of course the mod community has fixes for both these issues.
As far as I can tell, 1.1.3 isn't noticably faster and the 64-bit version handles large amounts of parts better(It also crashes a lot less for me).

My only big gripe with KSP, other then what you mentioned, is that if you use mods(and really, it feels like half the fun is in the mods), then each update has a tendency to make the mods act all screwy(so you hope the modders update their mods to compensate). It's even worse if by chance you're using mods that haven't updated in a while but their parts are still part of your craft.....

I'll pretty sure I'll end up grabbing factorio. Either on sale or when it hits full release.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Stewie Plisken said:
Also, every single MMORPG in existence. I have played too many and I have never hit endgame in any of them (except the super-hero ones).
MMORPGs have an endgame?


New member
Nov 17, 2011
This is actually a pretty big "problem" for me, as lately there's been tonnes of games that look good and that I've started with, actually enjoyed and then just sorta...let go. Its gotten rather common lately as I've gotten older myself. Maybe its my priorities shifting or because I just cant bother, not having the same patience or determination.

Games that tend to stick out are big RPG titles. In fact, every single bethesda game. The only bethesda game I've managed to finish in the past 5 years is Fallout: New Vegas. Games like Skyrim and Fallout 4? Nope. I get about halfway and then I just loose myself in the open world to the point where I get bored, do something else. I eventually revitalize my interest in the game but by then it feels like it would be more fun trying a new playthrough anyway, a fresh start. And then it all repeats itself. I think I have 500 hours on Skyrim, but I havent finished the game once but have spread it out over 5 different playthroughs.

Other games include Dragon Age: Inquisiton, Wasteland 2 and Divinity: Original sin. And those are all pretty good games. I just cant be bothered to stick with them through the entire ride. Shadows of Mordor as well but I guess im one of the few people in existance that actually didnt find that game all too enjoyable, so there at least I had a proper excuse to shelfing it before I finished it.

The one really big RPG title that broke the pattern here was Witcher 3, which had me glued to the computer for countless hours and I didnt even remotely concieve shelfing it until I've completed it. There's...something about that brilliant game that the other ones just didnt have.


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2011
Witcher 2 and 3. The controls are freaking terrible, so unintuitive.
Alan Wake. Combat was boring and repetitive.
Far Cry 3. Great game but I got stuck at one point and haven't bothered to go back.
Skyrim. Started off great, but then I got to level 20 or so and the enemies were incredibly easy. No challenge at all.
Fallout 4. SO badly wanted to enjoy this game, given that fallout 3 was one of my first ever video games and one of the best rpg's I've ever played, but it was a let down. The strange thing is, that it's hard to point out what I didn't like about fallout 4. There was nothing truly bad about it. It was a definite upgrade in terms of combat, and the plot was ok. I think it was just mediocre, like the developers didn't have their heart in it.