Games you hate that everybody else seems to love.


New member
Apr 24, 2011
Supreme Commander 2 : have been waiting for this game and then when it came out it ended up to be a casual RTS they removed the cool stuff and replaced it with stuff that the casual players would like more...
They killed their franchise just to make more money, I do not dislike em for this but I do hate em for it.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
I don't hate em, just can't get into them: The Elder Scrolls(all of em) , Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I think that's all.

Captcha: Symbol sediesel


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Metro 2033

I didn't hate it at first, because it does create amazing atmosphere, but soon after the ending, while trying to remember my favourite bits, I noticed that none of them involved any actual gameplay. The parts where you quietly walk through creepy tunnels with ghosts and lights and whatnot are amazing.
But Metro is an absolutely terrible shooter, and thus a crappy game. The enemies suck, the guns suck, the stealth sucks, the sniping sucks, the gimmicks suck.
And yet people say it's one of the best FPSs recently. It should have been an RPG or first-person-adventure game or something - anything.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Assassins Creed 1+2 and Red Dead Redemption both disappoint me in the replayability. They're the games i play and return in a week for my money back except red dead who my friend was like OMG best game ever you have to pre order and so i did and when i finished it i couldn't return it for full price and was a little upset. It was good the first time through but it barely took me 18 hours.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
urprobablyright said:
Dusquad said:
Call Of Duty
now now, the first game had one of the best single player campaigns of any WWII shooter. Siege of Stalingrad? Yes, one more, please!!!!

Though yeah, I have no time for the modern iterations.
Agreed, but the kids today don't even know that. Hell they barely know that the new ones have a single player mode. To them, Call of Duty didn't exist til Modern Warfare.

Cry Wolf

New member
Oct 13, 2010
Let's see.

- I never could get into the COD franchise.
- I haven't found a JRPG that I don't loathe.
- Borderlands was mediocore.
- Team Fortress 2 I found just another okay online shooters.
- Just about everything produced by Nintendo or for their consoles since the turn of the millenia are average at the very best.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I found Amnesia the Dark Descent kind of boring :<
and I'm not the sort to be shallow about no combat etc. It just didn't do anything for me.

I feel maybe the immersion doesn't work as well if you a girl perhaps? Only thing I can think of.

*Please don't hurt me I know how much everyone likes this game...*


New member
Feb 14, 2010
FranBunnyFFXII said:
HalfChance said:
Do you have a game that you just can't stand and yet it seems that every critic and man on the street has an accident in their trousers just talking about it?

If so let us know what it is.

For me it's Portal, I could never really find anything I liked about it, Even the "humour" didn't really appeal to me.

Halo and WoW
Never liked them even in the slighest.
took the words right out of my mouth!


New member
Aug 26, 2009
Silent Hill 2 - boring; not scary; horrible acting - I bought this game after hearing Yahtzee praise it for the zillionth time, and needless to say, I stopped taking his opinions to heart after playing it.

EDIT: Also, Portal. I didn't not like it, but it didn't have such a profound impact on me. It's one of those games that you couldn't honestly say was bad, but at the same time, aren't overjoyed with while playing - but I guess that's just an inherent problem with puzzle based games, they're just not exciting.


New member
Mar 14, 2008
Mass Effect. I like story in games as much as the next guy, but it bored me so quickly. I guess I coulda given it a better chance, but I wasn't about to leap into an ocean of words. I read books for that


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Half Life.

I've been slogging through this out of an insane sense of obligation to play such a famous FPS, and it's not going well. At the end of January I was on Surface Tension. It's now May and I'm still on Surface Tension.

I daresay it was awesome back in 1997, but oh god it has not aged well. Even for a 90s FPS the platforming is awful (and all too frequently over an instant death drop) and the damage you take seems to be entirely random. I've had HECU marines offload a full burst on me at close range and in the open and barely been scratched, and I've been taken a single bullet from the same marines and lost half my health. Not that that matters, because there's an absolute ton of stuff that will insta-kill you anyway.

It's like the firefights are balanced around regenerating health, only they forgot to include regenerating health. If nothing else it shows how Valve have come on in the ensuing decade.

Also Fallout 3. Creepy zombie people who are all either boring or annoying; the worst shooting I have ever encountered; laughable 3rd person view animation an-FALLOUT 3 HAS STOPPED WORKING


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Like some people have said, I don't really hate games, but there are some that I've played, but don't see what the big deal is.

The Halo series: Good games, and don't get me wrong, I have way more fun fighting the brutes than the elite, but if there's anything that'll cool my opinion of something fast, it's fanboys. Not just game fanboys either, but the elitist, nazi-esque console fanboys that are quick to for go any kind of open-minded opinion about games across the board in favor of clinging to the few exclusives they have for their chosen console and flat-out deny and chastise the credibility of quality for any other exclusive on any other console. This is mainly because it does not reflect the attitude of what I consider to be true-gamers. This is why I currently don't have XBL. I have all of the consoles, and I love them very much for different reasons.

Sorry, I went on kind of a tangent there. I just wanted to get that off my chest. Anyway...

Final Fantasy X: The combat system is great, the cinematics are beautiful, and I actually like Blitzball, but I don't think the story's that great (it drags it's feet a lot), and man, in all of the games and rpgs that I've played, in terms of main characters, Tidus is the most annoying piss-ant that I've ever had the displeasure of controlling. Not only does he whine and ***** constantly, but he keeps trying to pull us into the dillusion that this story is about him, when really it's not. It's about Yuna and her pilgramage to ultimately make the sacrifice of literally dying for this world's sins. This should have been through her perspective. I would have taken her as the main character, or Auron. Hell, I can even think of reasons why Khimarri (spelling I know) would make a better main character than Tidus.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Every day the same dream.

I've heard (read) that it's artistic statement is where all the appeal comes from, but there's nothing to this game. I play games to get away with extremely crazy shit, or to visit a virtual amusement park (thrillville, RCT3, and no limits coaster) because I can only go to a real one once or twice a year, depending on return pass sales. I also play games so I can experience a dream job, such as a physics defying CIA agent, or a citywide gang leader whose idea of leisure is riding a flaming ATV, or an amusement park manager (Thrillville rules). EDTSD provides none of that stuff. You go to work, and then you wake up again and go to work again. There's a 5 second driving section where I have tried to bump the car in front of me, but you can't. There's an auto braking forcefield or something. Sometimes you mix up the routine, maybe by going to the left and having a hobo take you to a grave site, or by getting out of your car and petting a cow, or going to work in your underwear, or committing suicide, and, yeah, I think I covered literally everything you can do differently. The ending is a bit weird, but overall this is the worst game I have ever played. And yet, people are saying it's a great game based purely on its statement, which is apparently "Variety is the spice of life" which is ironic since this game has no variety. Not even in the color scheme, it's just grays and whites. Good luck getting through a day in that game without quitting out of boredom.


New member
May 18, 2010
Hate is a strong word, but every time people bring up Far Cry it's in a bad light. That game is in my top 5 action games, if not top 5 overall.

pyramid head grape

Feb 4, 2011
xXxJessicaxXx said:
I found Amnesia the Dark Descent kind of boring :<
and I'm not the sort to be shallow about no combat etc. It just didn't do anything for me.

I feel maybe the immersion doesn't work as well if you a girl perhaps? Only thing I can think of.

*Please don't hurt me I know how much everyone likes this game...*
Try playing it alone with headphones at 3am then your little sister sneaks up behind you... I think I screamed like a girl. :C

pyramid head grape

Feb 4, 2011
Stevo1230 said:
Final Fantasy X: The combat system is great, the cinematics are beautiful, and I actually like Blitzball, but I don't think the story's that great (it drags it's feet a lot), and man, in all of the games and rpgs that I've played, in terms of main characters, Tidus is the most annoying piss-ant that I've ever had the displeasure of controlling. Not only does he whine and ***** constantly, but he keeps trying to pull us into the dillusion that this story is about him, when really it's not. It's about Yuna and her pilgramage to ultimately make the sacrifice of literally dying for this world's sins. This should have been through her perspective. I would have taken her as the main character, or Auron. Hell, I can even think of reasons why Khimarri (spelling I know) would make a better main character than Tidus.
Tidus was annoying so, I named him "dickdag" the name suits him more.
Kahmarri at least knows when to shut up.