Games you hate that everybody else seems to love.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
All of the COD games after the first Modern Warfare.
The first one was trying something new and interesting.
After that they became generic action film bull shit.

Also, Borderlands.
I really dont understand why so many people love that game.
I sat playing it for a good few hours trying to see what everyone was ranting about but the entire game just seemed infuriatingly dull to me.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Half Life 2 for me. The gameplay was horrible, and I couldn't put myself through that for long enough to find out what was so fantastic about the story. This and anything with Tom Clancy on the box are the only games in recent years that I couldn't bring myself to try and finish.

Also, the old nintendo games, Mario and Sonic and the like. What was the attraction? It was just a 2D platformer with completely babyish imagery, and it seems to me that its main advantage was nostalgia.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Little Big planet. Dear god I hate this game yet everyone I talk to just goes on about how colourful and creative it is. I will not go into why I dislike it so much because I already have several times so I will just say that I find every part of it boring and dull.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I don't hate anything.

But I am rather annoyed by Halo and Call of Duty fans. I will admit, I've never played a game from either of those franchises, so I don't really have a right to complain. However, around my school at least, there are a lot of people that mindlessly drone on about those games. None-to-bright people who claim that they are the best inventions of mankind.

I suppose this has turned me off of those games. Again, I'd probably play them if I had the chance, but as of now I'm adverse to them.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
Battlefield: Bad Company 1. Especially the multiplayer, since every attacking team I was in never moved and got mowed down quickly by the defenders, which subsequently took our stuff and beat us down with it. Then most defending teams I was in consisted almost entirely of snipers, and bad ones at that, and those too got beaten down. This turned me away from any more Battlefield games.

Call of Duty series post-Modern Warfare 1. The only winners are campers or those with overpowered gear setups, hardly anyone bothers with objectives and only go for kills, and worst of all, the stories are an afterthought compared to the multiplayer. Why not just make the game 100% multiplayer, since nearly everyone buys each installment for that?

Every Zelda game. They are boring and unimaginative.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Portal. I don't really hate it so much as dislike it.

Final Fantasy 7: Played a bit of it when I was really young, and it just bored me.

Charlie Emerson

New member
Mar 17, 2011
God of war 3, only the third. You get all this talk of hope and bullshit. [ALL AT THE END!] Yet you still kill zeus [sorry if i spelled it wrong, i dont really give a shit.] and kill YOURSELF for doing so. And you dont have a choice! The game makes you have to punch him in the face until your screen is filled with god blodd!

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
KalosCast said:
Death God said:
KalosCast said:
Death God said:
Halo and WoW. Halo just seems like another bland shooter like CoD and Modern Warfare and WoW is like Dungeons and Dragons but online. So I'm not even the least bit interested in either game.
Halo (the first one) was new for its day. It basically combined all the little innovations from a bunch of different shooters into the same game for the first time. It was also the first example of a shooter that really felt at-home on the console (come at me, Goldeneye fans) And after that just rode on its popularity for the rest of the series. I can definitely see why people don't see much in it now.

I gotta assume you're trolling on the WoW comment though. Or just don't actually know what Dungeons and Dragons is.
Trust me, I have no clue what Dungeons and Dragons is except what my friend says about it and from what he describes, it sounds like WoW you play offline.
Let's just put it this way. Saying WoW is anything like Dungeons and Dragons is like saying Humans are the exact same thing as birds because we both have two eyes, a mouth, two legs, and are alive.
I usually avoid both of those types of games so in terms of general knowledge about them, I know nothing.


New member
Mar 13, 2011
I just... have no desire to incessantly grind for hours with no real resolute reason to have done so.
In regular RPGs... there is an end goal to attain, so to level up to reach that goal is fine. However, in MMOs... it's just so open ended, and ridiculously time consuming to reach top level goals that it's just.. not worth it for me. That and... I just hate to deal with how [generally] rude people are in MMOs. bleh. Fake game people are so much better... fulfilling my narcissistic needs when I complete whatever frivolous task they sent me out to do by talking about how awesome I am for the remained of their existence. heh hah heh.

So .. any MMO, really, but in the spirit of the discussion.. I'll say WoW?
This is why my heart was broken just a little bit when ToR was announced to be an MMO... :c


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Cut out most of my own post. I guess the games I mentioned really don't fit the topic well, since these weren't high-rated games (in other words not everyone loved them). But they're the only games that I really hate. I could give you a list of games that I'm not interested in that everyone else seems to like but that's not quite hitting the target either.

To attempt to be on topic, I can't think of anything that I really hate that everyone else loves, but what comes closest is BFBC2. I played it and had some fun playing with friends but overall I got bored quickly when I wasn't playing with friends (read: wasn't good in multiplayer).


New member
Sep 22, 2010
The_ModeRazor said:
I'm sure there's more. No point listing, noone gives a fuck.
I dare say that this man has made one of the greatest realizations that any forum-goer could make.

And yes, I realize the irony in this post.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Kajt said:
I don't hate them, but I find Bioware games to be boring and I am surprised people like Bioware as much as they do. I've tried to play through Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins several times now, but every single time I end up quitting due to boredom.

But I have to say, the Dragon Age 2 demo was fun. I'm not prepared to shell out cash on another Bioware product quite yet though.
It's a pity you didn't try get started on Bioware games a while ago; KotOR was bloody brilliant, and Jade Empire was fantastic. They're both too dated to be considered great without that nostalgia factor now though.

OT: The Grand Theft Auto stuff.
Okay, I get the appeal of random murder and such, and I've been on a few rampages, but once you get past that, I thought that the games themselves sucked. The humour is juvenile, the world feels robotic, and the game padded.

Red Dead on the other hand... I loved that game so fucking much :D


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Oh, a bunch.
Super Meat Boy
Cave Story
One Chance
Left 4 Dead 1 and 2
Company of Heroes
Civilization 4
Burnout Paradise

What's worse, I bought all of these games (minus the indie/flash ones) through the intense recommendation of friends. ie, the "Dude. Just BUY IT. You will NOT regret it" argument. Needless to say, I don't listen to that argument ever again (which has come up quite a bit for Portal 2)


New member
Sep 23, 2008
Portal. The internet can have its saucy love affair with portal for as long as it wants but I really couldn't care less.